her left eye is unusual

Chapter 171 Backlash

Chapter 171 Backlash
The old woman now has a little ghost by her side, which is mainly used to punish those who don't give her alms or "disrespect her".

After all, because the older you are, the less energy and blood you have, you just barely let it backfire, and the kid's ability is also very limited, so you can't control it to do big things.

But now the little ghost who had been released suddenly came back, looking as if he wanted to eat her up.In this way, the rations of the little ghosts raised by her side would not be enough.

Once the owner can't meet the needs of the little ghost, the little ghost will become uncontrollable, backlash, or backbite.

Two blue-faced little ghosts hugged her legs, and the other one lay directly on her head, hanging on a hair, which soon turned white and fell off, so the other one was biting.


Let's say that Suxin did a big cleaning at Master Chen's house by the way, chatted with his aunt for a while, and then got up to leave.

Just as she was about to get up, she suddenly remembered that Wei Yan had told her earlier that Master Chen was planning to report a disappearance at the police station.

Forget it, since they are here anyway, then send the Buddha to the west and ask, "By the way, Auntie, I heard..."

When Su Xin was about to ask, there was a sudden sound of opening the door, click, click, and then stopped.

Just now, in order to avoid people breaking into the formation suddenly, Su Xin locked the door behind him, even if he used a key from the outside, he couldn't open it.

Xiuhua's whole body seemed to be injected with vitality suddenly, and she quickly said: "Old Chen is back..." There was worry and excitement on his face.It was almost instinctive to rush over.

This time, she actually stood up, but she fell down very quickly.

Su Xin supported her on the chair and sat down. The woman ignored the pain in her body, said sorry to Su Xin, and rushed to the door on the wheels, fearing that the other party would wait for a long time.

open the door.

"You're back, how are you?"

"There is still no news, go to the police and say that it will take more than 48 hours to file a case..."

The woman looked very sad, "I'll get you a glass of water..."

Master Chen pushed the wheelchair, with a trace of exhaustion, but tried his best to soften his voice, "Xiu, take a good rest, I'm the one for everything. What's the matter with your forehead?"

Xiu: "Just now I wanted to open the door for you. I was a little anxious. I touched it. It's all right."

Master Chen was very careful, checked his wife up and down, and grabbed her hand, "Both palms are red and swollen, it's okay..."

Xiuhua coughed and interrupted Master Chen, and quickly introduced: "Old Chen, this is Miss Suxin, she said that she came here today to thank you."

Seeing Su Xin, Master Chen was slightly surprised, as if he breathed a sigh of relief, "As long as you're fine, it's fine."

Xiuhua quickly said again: "By the way, Old Chen, Miss Suxin also said that she owed the fare last time..."

Master Chen: "It's already been paid. I said you are too serious. We all know that a girl has many difficulties when going out. When I saw you, I thought that my daughter could meet someone who could help me if I could... ..."

Xiuhua picked up the two hundred yuan and wanted to return it to Suxin. Now that the fare has been cleared, there is no reason to take money from others.

Su Xin said: "The fare is to thank you for helping me go to the police. Favors are not mentioned, but the gas fee is paid."

She hurriedly changed the subject, "By the way, there is no news from what you said just now? Could it be that someone can't be contacted?"

Combining Wei Yan's words and the few words of the two just now, Su Xin has been able to confirm that their daughter is missing.

It's just that the other party didn't say anything now, and it's not good for him to say "missing" rashly.

Master Chen sighed: "It's nothing, it's probably..."

Xiuhua quickly took over the conversation and said: "To be honest, we have a daughter who didn't come back last night and couldn't be contacted all the time, so he can't worry..."

"So it's like this. I'm dissatisfied with Master Chen and Auntie. I'm working in Zero Zero Detective Agency now. Maybe I can help a little."

As soon as Su Xin mentioned Zero Zero Detective Agency, Master Chen's eyes stared straight away, "You mean the Zero Zero Detective Agency that has solved several mysterious cases?"

Immediately slapped his head, "Oh, look at my memory, so you are that Su Xin..."

Xiuhua: "You know?"

Old Chen: "No, it's spread all over our circle, I didn't expect you to be from there. Well, to be honest, I was planning to go there, but I heard that the cost is not cheap, so I'll come back first..."

Su Xin felt that going back and forth to the detective agency wasted precious time.

So he said: "Well, Master Chen, Auntie, please tell me the matter first, if it's not a big deal, maybe I can help you solve it, if it doesn't work, it's not too late to file a case."

Master Chen's daughter, Chen Wen, is 23 years old this year. She majored in nursing and changed two hospitals. Because of some things she didn't like, she was fired before the end of her internship.

Finally found a job a month ago, working in a private clinic.

The salary is not bad, and they heard from their daughter that the doctor is the owner of the clinic and he is very approachable.

The working hours are also very punctual, from 08:30 in the morning to 05:30 in the afternoon. Generally speaking, Chen Wen arrives home around six o'clock.

But it was past 06:30 yesterday, and Xiuhua called her husband when she saw that her daughter hadn't come back yet.

Master Chen thought that her daughter was still working overtime, so she drove the taxi outside the clinic, only to find that the clinic was closed.

He called his daughter again, but the phone was still unavailable.

The daughter had never left home without saying hello to them, and the couple suddenly became anxious.

I asked all the familiar people, and they all said they didn't see Chen Wen.

They searched for it all night, and the next day, Master Chen went to the police station to call the police. They said that the time was not up and the case could not be filed.

He suddenly remembered that he dragged that girl to such a remote place that day, and he didn't receive a call from the other party, so he reported it together.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he said Su Xin's name, the other party asked him to wait.

That's how it happened.

Su Xin listened carefully, and then asked Master Chen to take her to Chen Wen's room.

Su Xin asked Xiao Tao in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Can you still sense the other party's anger?"

Xiao Tao replied lazily: "Yes, but it is a little erratic, as if it will disappear at any time."

Last night, I caused it to worry for nothing, but I couldn't say it out, it was too embarrassing, I'm afraid this woman would still have fun in her heart.

At this time, he seemed a little sleepy, but he understood Su Xin's temperament very well, so even though he was upset, he couldn't hold her back.

Su Xin was determined that as long as Chen Wen was still alive, it was necessary to fight.

Su Xin said to Master Chen: "Well, I will accompany you to look for clues together, and maybe we will find something new."

The main reason is that she still needs to take a taxi when she goes out now, so it's better to have a ready-made driver in front of her.

Seeing that the other party offered to help him, Master Chen was overjoyed and thanked him repeatedly.She said that she met a nobleman, and Xiuhua next to her repeatedly agreed, but no, she is the nobleman of their family!
Su Xin didn't greet them, and acted immediately without delay.

(End of this chapter)

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