her left eye is unusual

Chapter 172 Zombie Doctor

Chapter 172 Zombie Doctor
Master Chen drove the car to the place where Chen Wen worked - Yun's Clinic.

The ground floor facing the street occupies two facades.

The neighborhood is slightly remote, with neat multi-storey buildings on both sides of the street, the ground floor facing the street is used as a shop, and the upper part is a residential building.

On the protruding fence, there are various flowers and plants, as well as clothes to dry.

It was noon at this time, the sun became lazy after autumn, and the air seemed to be filled with a layer of gray.

So deadly.

Master Chen said: "I asked just now, the clinic owner said that Wenwen left after get off work yesterday, he didn't know. I..."

Now there is no evidence that there is a problem with this clinic. If you go there several times, the other party will think it is a malicious nuisance, and they will even call the police to arrest him.

Because when he went there before, the other party also revealed this kind of meaning in his words, so now that Su Xin wanted to ask, he felt that it would be bad if he got involved with the other party.

Su Xin understood the other party's worries, and responded: "After all, the person disappeared in his clinic after work. It is reasonable for us to ask again. It is not an exaggeration. You only need to ask again later. Don't bother with me."

Master Chen agreed.

Su Xin confirmed to Xiao Tao again: "Chen Wen is really inside?"

Xiao Tao simply ignored it.

Master Chen parked the car in the temporary parking area, and Su Xin also made preparations, talismans, and magic tools.

The two walked towards the clinic in tandem, and as soon as they walked onto the walking path outside the clinic, they saw a young woman coming out of the clinic twisting her waist and swinging her hips, turning her head three times to say goodbye.

Su Xin narrowed her eyes slightly, and saw that the woman was covered with dead air, but after taking two steps, the dead air slowly dissipated.

When the woman passed by Suxin and Suxin, she looked them up and down with her eyes with false eyelashes, her eyes fell on Suxin, and her gorgeous red lips curled.When she turned her head, a string of air roots hanging from the big banyan tree accidentally scratched her curly head, leaving a poke of hair on the air roots.

The woman didn't realize it.

Su Xin was slightly taken aback, her essence, blood and vitality were severely depleted, so that the blood did not nourish the tendons, the tendons did not strengthen the bones, and the fur became loose.And it has reached a very serious point, but looking at the woman's appearance, she seems to be unaware of all this.

Judging from Su Xin's experience, if the cause is not found and cured, he will die within a month.

But she has no intention of stepping forward to remind you, a person who can give you a cold snort whenever she sees anyone, she is not so idle, she can't find it by herself.

Su Xin only took a glance and then looked away.

... Yun Feng finally sent this woman away, so he couldn't wait to go to the basement to enjoy it.

Although it was worn out, he was automatically delivered to the door, and he was in urgent need of the blood of Yin Yuan in this critical period.So I sucked it as soon as I should.

Yun Feng couldn't wait to enjoy it at this time, but just as he was about to put up the "Closed Business" sign, the person who gave him such a headache came again.

Yun Feng saw Master Chen with his eyes, and slandered in his heart, what they said was right, people with fathers and mothers really can't do anything, just dealing with these mothers-in-law is enough to make people annoying.

With his middle finger he pressed the black-framed glasses on the bridge of his straight nose, looked at Master Chen indifferently, and said, "What are you doing here again? I've already told you that she left after work yesterday. It's just her boss, not her nanny, how would I know where she went?"

Master Chen said: "I just want to know what happened to Wenwen when she came to work yesterday? And did she say where she was going when she left?"

Yun Feng was very impatient, a fierce light flashed behind the thick brown lenses, but his tone was well controlled, as if "it had nothing to do with him": "You came here to ask this question just now, and I'm already very nervous. Let me tell you clearly, I don’t know where your daughter Chen Wen is. I’m not her parents’ boyfriend, so why did she tell me where she’s going? You’re her father, so I should ask you why she doesn’t Come to work. And for me, she is absent from work without reason, and I don't need such an employee here."

Su Xin restrained her breath all the time, quietly followed Master Chen, quietly observed the clinic, and quietly listened to their conversations.

The owner and attending physician of the clinic is a man in his thirties, tall and straight, with fair skin and handsome outlines, and his outstanding temperament cannot be concealed by a white coat.

A pair of black-rimmed glasses with dark lenses added a bit of elegance to him.

On the left hand side of the clinic is a dark brown table for consultation, on which there are stethoscopes, sphygmomanometers, prescription notes and the like. A wall separates the medicine cabinet, separated by a plastic curtain.Along the wall is the passage that extends all the way to the inside. It can be vaguely seen that several rooms are divided into several rooms with hospital beds for infusion.

The layout is similar to other clinics.

Su Xin noticed a shadow on the door curtain, not a stain.Because in the left-eye view, the stain is the same as a normal object.

But it's not a ghost.

Xiao Tao's voice sounded: "That's zombie blood, it should be a mark left behind, proving that this is its territory." After speaking, he muttered, "No wonder her anger is erratic."

Su Xin felt that Chen Wen's disappearance had a lot to do with the owner of the zombie blood, and said to Xiao Tao, "Can you determine where it is based on this blood?"

Xiao Tao feels that he is now completely reduced to a tool for his own food, and every time he asks him to track and sense, he responds a little hopelessly: "Isn't it right in front of your eyes?"

After thinking about it, it seemed that she hadn't been exposed to those things before, and her cultivation was not enough, so why would she be so powerful.

Zombies are because people die but their souls do not leave their bodies, and then they are tempered by the aura of heaven and earth, so that their bodies will not rot.

In this way, in a sense, zombies are existences with lingering souls, incorruptible bodies, and the same life, sun, and moon as heaven and earth.

However, the evolution of living organisms is a process between life and death. If the body is not deliberately kept in the process of metabolism, the physical body will age sooner or later.

Therefore, the soul must be completely integrated into the body, so that the body can always be in the process of metabolism through the control of the subconscious, so as not to age.

Therefore, if you want to move, metabolize, or even advance, you must have enough energy.

Humans can obtain energy through food, and zombies must also obtain energy from the outside world in order to maintain their incorruptible bodies.If they only absorb the essence of the moon, their skin will dry up and collapse.

So they must be maintained by absorbing fresh blood.

Among the many bloods, human blood is better, and the blood of virgins with Yin is the best.

Suddenly, Su Xin finally understood where the death energy on the woman just now came from.If the man in front of him who looked elegant and demeanor was actually a zombie doctor, everything would make sense.

(End of this chapter)

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