her left eye is unusual

Chapter 173 Fetal beads

Chapter 173 Fetal beads
Su Xin found that Yun Feng was somewhat similar to the puppets she had seen at Hong's ferry.

Their souls are scattered, covering their bodies like a layer of mist. Could this be the characteristic of zombies? !

Little Tao secretly sighed, it was not easy, and finally summed it up by himself.

The difference is that those people, Su Xin, can clearly sense the death energy in their bodies, except for mechanical movements, they have almost no intelligence.

And Yun Feng looked like a stranger, if it wasn't for the murderous intent he inadvertently showed just now, he would have looked like a very young and handsome practicing physician.

Su Xin couldn't help but think, so many zombies, are they all born by nature?

Xiao Tao sensed Su Xin's question, and immediately replied: "Of course it's impossible, he didn't experience the precipitation of heaven and earth, it's more like..."

When Xiao Tao said this, Su Xin suddenly felt a killing intent.

Su Xin noticed the fierce light flashing past behind the other's dark glasses, so powerful murderous, so solid resentment!

Yun Feng looked at Master Chen, thinking that he had already been disturbed by the other party and wanted to kill him.

Su Xin was startled secretly and had to be more cautious.

Subconsciously, he stood at the entrance of the clinic, leaving a way out for himself at any time.

But Su Xin didn't act presumptuously, because she sensed a very different taste.

Master Chen was Yun Feng's opponent, he was choked up in a few words and had nothing to say.

But no matter how embarrassed and helpless Master Chen was, he never looked at Su Xin from the beginning, let alone showed any signs of asking for help.

Su Xin intends to withdraw temporarily, and first find Wei Yan to check the details of this clinic and Yun Feng before making any plans.

At this moment, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl came, wearing a large sweater, with her hat pulled down, looking around in secret, for fear that others would see her.

When she entered the clinic and saw that there were still people in the clinic, she quickly lowered her head, showing a hint of flinching. She tightened the note in her hand, but finally gritted her teeth and walked towards Yun Feng who was wearing a white coat.

If you go to the hospital, you must leave your identity information. If you let your parents know her "that", she will definitely be beaten to death. I heard that there is no need to leave any information in this clinic, and the "doing" is also very clean.

The girl timidly asked in a soft voice: "Excuse me, are you Doctor Yun?"

The eyes behind the lenses scanned the girl up and down like radar.

Hey, it turned out to be twins.It seems that she is another person who just casually has sex with men, has secret knots in the fetus, and wants to have an abortion.

And she came alone, either because she didn't know who the seed in her belly belonged to, or because the man simply didn't have the courage and ability to take on this responsibility.

I can't help but feel a little contemptuous of this kind of woman who casually has sex with men, she really deserves it.

It just so happened that my own life elixir was short of a fetal bead as an introduction, so don't take it for nothing if it comes to your door.

The girl grabbed her fingers, "I, I want to..."

Yun Feng signaled the girl to wait a moment, then he turned to Master Chen and said, "I have a patient seeking treatment now, please do whatever you want."

After Yun Feng finished speaking, he asked the girl to go inside for inspection. Just as he was about to turn around, his gaze swept across the door, and it seemed that he noticed that there was still a person standing there at this moment. There was a trace of surprise in his eyes, and he asked, "This lady , Do you seek medical treatment or take medicine?"

Master Chen was about to start a conversation, Su Xin said first: "I want to find a part-time job, I wonder if you still recruit people here?"

"What is your major? What can you do?"

"I..." Su Xin muttered, looking like "there is nothing I can do".

There was a look of surprise in Master Chen's eyes, he didn't expect Su Xin to say that, but he didn't expose it.

When she left home earlier, Xiuhua gave some instructions in a low voice, in which she seemed to be very grateful to Su Xin.Although he still doesn't fully understand the reasoning, what his wife said is always right, and the few times before, he also thinks that this girl is not a bad person.

Yun Feng was actually just asking casually, but he didn't expect that the other party was really a stick, since he didn't know anything, he wouldn't go to the clinic to apply for a job?
However, it seems that he must have hit a wall several times and came here to try his luck.But who told her to be a person with such a pure yin essence?

So whether you have professional skills or not, anyway, what I really want is not your skills, as long as you can provide the fresh blood you need.

So he pretended to be very busy, and interrupted Su Xin: "I'm busy now, so, come back in the afternoon, and we'll discuss it in detail."

After getting Suxin's affirmative answer, he led the little girl inside and closed the curtain.

Su Xin and Chen Shi came out one after the other, and went straight to Chen Shi's taxi.

Master Chen had countless questions at the moment. After getting into the car, Su Xin was the first to speak: "There is something wrong with this clinic, and that doctor also has problems. I need to check the information first before making any plans. Please stay calm and wait for me when you go back." The news is."

In terms of emotion and reason, Master Chen had no reason to stay out of the matter, but he didn't know how to speak.

Su Xin said: "If you believe me, just do as I say. If you don't believe me, then treat it as if I didn't know about it, and I haven't been here."

As soon as she thought of the last time Shi Feng was beaten and scolded, and she was still depressed in the end, she told herself that if the other party didn't trust him, then she simply didn't make a move!

Master Chen struggled for a long time, and finally said: "I, I believe, but it's me." I can't just do nothing, can I?
Su Xin has no intention of continuing to do ideological work with him, time is life, and it is not an exaggeration to use it here.

Every moment of Chen Wen's life is passing by now, and she doesn't just rush in to find someone when her head gets hot.One is that I don't know what methods this doctor has, whether there are other helpers and so on.

Su Xin opened the door and got off the car, walked to another intersection, and called Wei Yan.

In less than 10 minutes, Wei Yan called back and briefly explained the situation: "The clinic was established half a year ago. What is strange is that this Yunfeng has also opened clinics in other places, but it was only about a year ago. It's closed."

Su Xin thanked her and hurried back to the clinic.


If you want to refine the life elixir, you must have a complete and living fetal bead.

In this way, drugs cannot be used during the operation, and the fetal beads cannot be destroyed with instruments, but the fetal beads must be completely removed from the uterus.

Yun Feng asked the girl to take off her pants and lie on the bed, pretending to check on the girl, then turned her back to take a glass of tap water casually, bit her finger, and squeezed out a drop of black and purple sticky blood after a while.

The blood melted into the water, turning dark brown, exuding a faint fishy smell.

The wound on Yunfeng's fingertips healed quickly.

He handed the cup to the girl, and said in a cold voice, "Drink it."

  Hello Shuren, chili saw your message in the background, because I don't know where to reply, so I leave a message here, I hope you will forgive me.

  If there are no special circumstances, the general update time of Chili Pepper is breakfast update: around 07:30 in the morning, and good night update: around 08:30 in the evening;I apologize for causing reading troubles to everyone. If it is too late, please don’t wait, have a good rest and sleep well~~~ If you have any comments and suggestions on Wenwen, please tell Chili, Chili will work hard to improve, Love your chili.

(End of this chapter)

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