her left eye is unusual

Chapter 174 Carbine

Chapter 174 Back to the Carbine

The girl looked at the brown liquid in the cup, her nostrils filled with a faint fishy smell.

The girl frowned. She hated taking medicine the most. She hated bitterness since she was a child. She pouted and looked at Yunfeng with a pitiful look, "I, can I stop drinking?"

"Drink it quickly, it's good for your body and saves you from suffering."

Yun Feng's voice was faint, but with an undeniable sternness.

He was right, it would really make her suffer less.

I hate this kind of delicate girls the most. Parents hold them in the palm of their hands without knowing it. Others can go to bed with a few sweet words, but in the end they still screw their bodies and play themselves to death. Such a person Are you afraid of taking medicine?
Seeing this hypocritical look, I really wanted to do it directly, but thinking that this is a legal society, I saw that the other party was not an ordinary person, and the note in his hand should have been introduced to her by someone else.Once she disappeared, her family would definitely not let it go, and it must be easy to find out here.

The girl remembered that they told her that the instrument was really painful when it was in the body... Finally, she frowned and drank the water in the glass.

The girl felt a little dizzy in her head, her body became light, and she gradually lost all sense of touch and consciousness, lying softly on the hospital bed.

Yun Feng tied the girl's hands and feet to the shelves on both sides, opened her legs wide, and stretched them as far as possible with an instrument. thing.

Faintly see a soft sac about the size of a pigeon egg beating gently inside, this is the fetal bead.

At the beginning of life, it is the most vigorous period of life energy, and the efficacy of the elixir used for refining has greatly increased.

Yun Feng simply tidied up the equipment and let the girl lie down. He planned to refine the life elixir now.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

...and said that after Su Xin and Master Chen parted ways, she immediately called Wei Yan and checked the details of Yun's clinic.

While thinking about countermeasures, he rushed to the clinic.

Then I felt that there were still some problems that I didn't understand. I happened to see the noodle shop next to it. It was just after noon at this time, so I went in and ordered a large portion of Feichangfen, with three knots and two eggs.

In the sea of ​​consciousness.

Su Xin: "What did you mean when you said that the doctor didn't have any deposits of good fortune?"

Xiao Tao: "Didn't you already think of it, that is a zombie that is not born naturally. But judging from the degree of integration of his soul and body, he probably drank the blood of life."

Su Xin didn't care about the teasing in Xiao Tao's tone, and continued to ask: "You mean he deliberately turned himself into a zombie, in order to develop a supernatural power with the same lifespan as the mountains, rivers, sun and moon?"

Suddenly, Su Xin thought of the purple potion that she touched from the feminine man's personal space that day...

Xiaotao: "If not, do you want to experience life?"

Su Xin persistently asked: "Then, do they have any weaknesses?"

Xiao Tao was defeated by Su Xin's spirit of not being ashamed to ask his subordinates, so he could only comfort himself with "who told me to be so good".

"If it is a zombie created by heaven and earth, it will definitely go through the baptism of thunder and disaster, and it will not be afraid of water and fire, and it will be almost invincible."

Su Xin was startled, "What about this? Is there a way to deal with it?"

If you have no way to deal with it, what are you waiting for here?
Let the other party discover their intentions and click?
You can also tell Wei Yan and the others as soon as possible, presumably they have recruited more powerful people and let them handle it.

In an instant, countless thoughts popped up in Su Xin's mind.

Xiao Tao's faint voice came, "Oh, how stupid, didn't I tell you just now that this is a fake zombie, although I don't know how they made it, but because I haven't experienced the thunder disaster, at most I will follow those who are attached to it." Resurrecting the Soul is similar to the fake corpse, you just need to break up the soul that has not been fully integrated with the body."

In order to follow the rhythm of its speech, Su Xin unconsciously slowed down the speed of sucking vermicelli, sipped a few of them and hung them in his mouth, abruptly breaking down the very smooth movements into slow motion.

In fact, what Suxin wanted was this sentence: the weakness of that zombie doctor, and whether he could deal with it.

But if you can get some more knowledge points by the way, go around a little bit, and it doesn't matter if you are teased a bit.

Su Xin knew it in her heart, and she was suddenly full of motivation. She quickly finished a large bowl of sausage rolls and walked directly to the clinic.

When she turned back to Yun's Clinic, as expected, there was a "Closed Business" sign on the door.

Su Xin paused for a moment, and the thoughts in the sea of ​​consciousness connected with talismans, magic tools and other objects, then restrained her breath, and then knocked on the door.

After a while, Yun Feng walked over with a gloomy face.

Anyone who is doing good things is interrupted, I am afraid that his face will not be much better.

When she saw clearly that it was Su Xin, she was slightly astonished, "You..."

Su Xin remembers how stiff and timid she was when applying for a job back then, so she tried her best to look like a decadent newcomer who had already bumped into countless walls.

Said: "Just now I saw that your clinic was a bit busy, so I went to eat something. I don't know if I can..."

The strong smell of fat rice rolls can be smelled every few streets.He hates these processed products of carrion. For him now, eating them will only increase the burden on his body, and it will take a long time to expel these wastes.So gradually I developed a dislike for these things.

He frowned slightly, suppressing the nausea and disgust in his heart.At least it shows that this woman is not lying.

Seeing her dumbfounded look, she definitely wouldn't know what was waiting for her, but she even asked if it was okay?
Yun Feng thought to himself, it's fine, it's really fine.

It's just in time, today is really double happiness.

Yun Feng opened the brown glass door on one side, and stepped aside slightly, "Let's talk first."

I have already calculated several times in my heart: just wait for her to come in, close the door, and then throw myself down...

But I saw Su Xin cautiously promised, while timidly stepping over the sliding door... His heart was screaming, you should go faster.

Just when the two of them were wrong, and Yun Feng couldn't wait to close the door to be a "turtle in the urn", Su Xin suddenly became violent, and the thought that had been linked with the soul hammer directly let it fall into his hand. With a time-saving distance, he punched Yunfeng's waist.

Su Xin moved too fast, Yun Feng didn't mind at all, and was caught off guard.

Although this blow had no power, and it didn't shatter the soul, so it wasn't fatal, but it made Yun Feng's soul that hadn't completely merged with the body tremble.

Like an electric current that temporarily disconnects thought and action.

When did Yun Feng suffer such a loss? Could it be that he misjudged today, she looks like a soft girl, but she is actually pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?
(End of this chapter)

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