Chapter 175

Yun Feng thinks that he is a low-key hunter who has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, hiding in the forest of this city.

Now he's being tricked by a prey that looks easy to grasp, he doesn't even know when the other party is eyeing him, what cards he has, and his purpose...

It is simply a satire on his always advertised pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Almost instantly, he decided to make a quick decision, and chose to transform immediately and attack by force.

Immediately, Yunfeng's neatly manicured nails turned black and elongated, like sharp enlarged cat's claws;
And the two canine teeth in the mouth also began to elongate, and the beak protruded like a beast;

The head elongated and enlarged, breaking the frame of the glasses, falling to the ground and breaking into pieces.

The eyes were red, full of bloodthirsty and spiteful light.

Although this transformation is fast and frightening, it still takes time.

For those scared women who would only scream and dive under the table, this move is enough to settle the opponent.

However, after Yun Feng's transformation, he saw that his hands were like claws, and he grabbed the place where Su Xin was standing that he predicted just now.Since she can't drain her blood slowly and gracefully, she can drink it slowly like a gentleman from a goblet, and drinking fresh ones directly is just as bold.

Su Xin succeeded in one blow, how could he stand still and wait for the opponent to counterattack?
Naturally, while he was in a daze, he got low and walked around behind, not only let Yun Feng miss out, but also took the opportunity to hit him several times with a hammer.

Anyway, the opponent's whole body is covered with soul, so there is no need to hit the head.

With every knock, Su Xin's left eye could see the other person's soul floating from the body surface like a thin layer of smoke.

Even for a normal person, these few strokes by Su Xin were enough to separate his soul from his body, but the opponent's soul was so condensed that it almost merged with his body, so when the hammer left for a while, the smoke and dust attached again. back to the body.

If they continue to knock like this, they can only go on like this at best.

And this is already Su Xin's trump card, but he doesn't know what cards the other party has. If he slows down, he will lose the opportunity. It is difficult to deal with it.

Su Xin didn't make a move, so if he made a move, he had to win it before he could stop.

He simply didn't do anything, and with a thought, he pulled out the fruit knife and stabbed it at the waist and eyes.

With a bang, the fruit knife snapped off.

Tsk tsk, the skin is unbelievably tough.

Su Xin kept knocking like a wooden fish with one hand, and took out the newly harvested fish intestine sword with the other hand.

At that time, Su Xin only took a rough look at this thing, because the mental strength was not enough at that time, and he hadn't practiced it yet.I don't know any hidden functions, but the most basic function of stabbing people will not change.

With the previous experience, Su Xin used all her strength this time and stabbed hard.


Suddenly, the hand was empty, like cutting tofu, the knife was inserted into it without any resistance!

It really is a bit of tofu in brine.

Yun Feng greeted all the eighteen generations of Su Xin's ancestors in his heart. First, he didn't know what magic weapon the other party was holding. He knocked rhythmically. Although it fell on his body softer than scratching, it made his soul tremble. .

If the soul trembles, it cannot perfectly control the body to complete the instructions conveyed by the consciousness.

Thinking that since he stepped into the path of corpse repairing, he knew that the most important thing in corpse repairing is the soul, and he also pays the most attention to the cultivation of the soul. He didn't expect that someone could shake his soul at this time!

Although it didn't shake him completely, it was enough to slow down his reaction and movements. There was only one thought in his mind - to kill him!
He didn't know when he offended such a person, well, he actually planned to "do" her later, but after all, he hadn't done it yet, and the other party did it first? !
Yun Feng was extremely shocked. Just when he chose to go completely berserk, he did not hesitate to destroy his body to restore such a perfect body. At worst, he would pay the price of recuperating for a year and a half, and he would kill this woman. The other party didn't know What kind of magic weapon was used to directly break through his defense and damage his vajra body.

In this way, the soul that has been shaky has finally shown signs of collapse.

The smoke layer of the soul was ejected from the body and did not fall back to the body, so the body was equivalent to a shell, and fell to the ground with a plop.

Yun Feng stepped towards Su Xin in disbelief, and asked with great grief and indignation: "You, why did you treat me like this? We have never had any enmity, you..."

On the other side, they secretly exerted their strength, intending to give the opponent a fatal blow while the opponent was slightly distracted.

Su Xin pierced through the opponent's defense with the Yuchang sword just now, and as soon as he pulled it out, he found that the opponent's body limp and fell down.

Then he accuses himself with a resolute look of grief and indignation...

Su Xin felt that her brain capacity was very limited, and she could only do one thing at the same time. She just wanted to bring down this zombie doctor, so Yun Feng's performance of grief and indignation did not enter her brain circuit at all.

Therefore, the moment the opponent fell to the ground, Suxin immediately rushed forward and stabbed him a few times...

A layer of smoke rose slowly from Yunfeng's body, and never fell back.

Yun Feng's expression remained in the sad, indignant and desperate accusation.

Su Xin finally knocked out the opponent's soul.

Looking from the left eye, the soul floating in the air is like a cloud of purple mist.

Layer upon layer rolled and surged, as if trying to swallow Su Xin alive.

The level of the soul hammer is still a bit low, so it is impossible to collect such a high-level soul.

She could only take out the inkstone, and Su Xin drew a handprint of the word "receive", a small swirl appeared on the inkstone, and pointed it at the soul in front of her.

But the purple dance troupe remained motionless after being dragged in for a while, and then drifted towards the clinic.

Want to escape?No way!
Su Xin said: "Little Tao, come on!"

The little Tao came out of the Lingyan with a majestic spirit of "I am the only one who can control the situation", and then opened his mouth to inhale, the purple mist was stretched like a piece of lasagna, slipped away by the little Tao. With one sound, he swallowed them all.

Then without even looking at Su Xin, he squinted his eyes and vomited circles, looking very comfortable, Gulu went back into the inkstone again.

Su Xin glanced at the direction where Ziwu was going to escape, and it seemed that there was still a lot of tricks in the clinic.

She stopped and lowered the curtain of the glass door to block a clear view from the outside.

Examine the dead bodies on the ground.

Because there was no support from the soul, the magnetic field of life disappeared in an instant, and the skin immediately turned blue-gray, and shriveled and collapsed at the speed seen, and the long canine teeth and sharp fingers in the mouth did not have time to retract.

The handsome and handsome skin he saw earlier was like an illusion.

In fact, it took Yunfeng a long time and a lot of materials and energy to transform her body into that almost perfect state.

(End of this chapter)

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