her left eye is unusual

Chapter 176 Corpse Pill and Huge Aftermath Work

Chapter 176 Corpse Pill and Huge Aftermath Work
Su Xin quickly put away the sheets at the foot of the bed, and threw them on the bed next to her.

Everything was as usual above, the girl hadn't woken up yet, and Su Xin didn't intend to wake her up.

He came to the corpse and took away the broken fruit knife that had fallen to the ground earlier.

At this time, Su Xin discovered that Yun Feng's body had completely withered and rotted in just ten minutes.

All that remains is a crisp skin enclosing a framework of bones, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

Huh, what is this?
In Su Xin's rotting skull, which was only a skeleton, there was a shiny thing, which dazzled her eyes.

By the way, Su Xin picked it out with the broken knife in his hand, and a purple pea-sized irregular crystal rolled to the ground, making a clear sound when it collided with the floor tiles.

How can it grow into a human head?

Su Xin looked at the completely corrupted speed beyond common sense, thinking that there must be something extraordinary about this crystal.

He casually took a tissue from the table next to him, wrapped it, and put it in his sleeve.

"Tsk tsk, it's a pity, it's only a little bit..."

Xiao Tao's voice suddenly resounded in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Su Xin hurriedly asked: "What, what is only a little short?"

She subconsciously checked in place to see if she had missed anything just now.

Although I understand that Wei Yan will definitely lead the team to clean up the mess, I try not to leave any clues as much as possible, which is good for both of them.

Xiao Tao: "I'm talking about this corpse pill, it's just a little bit of a third-level pill, it's worth a lot to you, but it's pretty good as it is."

Hiss, corpse pill?Priceless?
So just now he rotted so fast just because he concentrated all the energy in his body on this corpse pill?

Inexplicably, a strange thought came to Su Xin's mind.

After leaving the clinic, Su Xin called Wei Yan while running to get a phone call.

With just one sound, the call was connected.

"... There are indeed some problems in the clinic... Ah, what, you have arrived? Where are you?"

Su Xin was stunned for a moment, but Wei Yan had already personally brought someone to guard nearby, waiting for her to rush over as soon as she got news.

He just trusts himself so much that there must be something tricky about it?Are you really concerned about your own accident or... surveillance?
Su Xin looked around subconsciously, traffic flow, crowds, tall buildings... Recalling the scene I was in the clinic just now, could it be that everything was secretly watched by them?

Immediately, she omitted all her speculations and added: "By the way, please notify the ambulance and prepare for plasma transfusion, type A."


Under the banyan tree at the corner of the street, Su Xin saw several plainclothes getting off a commercial vehicle in the distance, and they were quickly approaching the clinic. The leader was Wei Yan.

Wei Yan seemed to sense Su Xin's gaze, glanced at her, and then asked someone to seal up the clinic.

With your pistols on alert, search for...

But after a while the ambulance roared, and then the two girls were carried into the car.

There was a relieved smile on the corner of Su Xin's mouth, and she left at ease, and she didn't need to participate in the rest of the matter.

... While cleaning the basement, a police officer accidentally touched the wall next to it while moving things.

Then there was a crash, and a large piece of cement fell down.

Then they saw a scene they will never forget.

I saw corpses piled up layer upon layer in the entire wall!

Each one is packed in a large plastic bag, the air is sucked out, and it is stacked like bricks.The outside is sealed with cement.

No one can explain why the seemingly solid wall collapsed with a light touch?

The entire basement was thoroughly cleaned, and a total of more than 20 corpses were found, filling the walls of two floors.

Presumably he intends to gradually stack them layer by layer until the rhythm of filling the entire basement.

With a serious expression on his face, Wei Yan reported directly to the boss, requesting that all the places where Yun Feng opened the clinic be thoroughly checked.

After checking, I found out that the place where the clinic was opened before seems a bit unusual now.

According to the people around, there are often various noises and figures, and the tenants have changed a few times and it is still vacant.

Wei Yan took people back and forth to check many times, and there was nothing abnormal.

There was no other way, Wei Yan could only call Su Xin again.

Su Xin took a taxi and left, intending to send the tens of thousands of yuan in her bag back to her hometown.

The last time we talked on the phone, my parents said that they had already discussed it with Brother Donghai's family.Brother Donghai has recovered, and has found a more regular engineering team to start construction.

Now is the time to ask for money, and these tens of thousands should be able to cover one.

As for the bag of diamonds, Su Xin was trying to figure out how to exchange them for tickets.

Sending money, calling to ask about safety, it was already evening, and naturally it was impossible to go to the detective agency.

Simply treat yourself to the cafeteria.Thinking of ordering a large portion of pork intestine powder at noon today, the shop owner looked at her with the same eyes, thinking that it would be better to go to the cafeteria because of his own appetite.

As soon as I sat down to finish a few steaks, I received a notice of "work".

Su Xin hung up the phone, not daring to linger, and hurriedly put on her backpack and called to the place Wei Yan notified.

Only then did Wei Yan follow the vines and lead to a tragic case, and the instigator was that Yun Feng.

The dead air that Su Xin had felt earlier was emanating from the corpses piled up in the concrete wall.

Based on previous experience, Su Xin quickly discovered the cover-up set up by the other party and found the hole in the ground...

The talismans pasted on the concrete wall to suppress the souls were eroded by the corpse water, so so many innocent souls came out.Because the corpses were sealed, they couldn't leave too far, and could only wander in this square inch.

Su Xin felt that it was too cheap for him to let that girl die so quickly.

The identity verification and aftermath of these people is a huge workload, and how to explain it to the outside world is a very headache.

Fortunately, the operation was very secretive and quick. It was only said to the outside world that the gambling den was found, and it did not cause people to panic.

After Su Xin and Wei Yan cleared out all the things, they handed Wei Yan a bottle of purple potion, saying that they found it from Hong's Ferry, which might be related to this case.

Wei Yan quickly wrapped the things up, put them close to his body, and nodded solemnly, "Don't worry."

Su Xin has carefully sorted out what happened these days, and contacted the puppet of the Hong family, and then Yun Feng, a fake zombie who had almost mastered cultivation.

She really suspected that those puppets and fake zombies were related to the purple potion she found from the feminine man.

Now leave it to Wei Yan, maybe it can help a little.

The matter was finally fully entrusted, and Su Xin could finally take a rest, and it was almost three o'clock in the morning when he returned to the rental house again.

Fortunately, she killed a few steaks in the afternoon, otherwise she would not be able to hold on physically.

Xiaomei and the others left the door for her, feeling very warm in their hearts, they closed the door lightly and went upstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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