her left eye is unusual

Chapter 177 Calm and "Operation Thunder"

Chapter 177 Calm and "Operation Thunder"

After taking a shower, Su Xincao climbed onto the bed, and was in a daze when the phone rang again.

Almost like a conditioned reflex, thinking that they found something again somewhere, Su Xin quickly grabbed the phone.

Wei Yan's hoarse voice came from inside: "...We have found out that the person is not the original body, he should be replaced. The body has been completely decomposed, and the genes are not human-like... Also, only in the The corpses were found in those two places, about two years ago... Also, the one you gave me... is very valuable."

Su Xin felt relieved.

Although it is not always pleasant to be interrupted suddenly after being extremely tired, Wei Yan and the others may have been working hard all night long.

With such information found in such a short period of time, it seems that the re-appointed team is really amazing!
Even at this time, Wei Yan still didn't forget to tell her the progress of the matter as soon as possible, just because he was afraid that he would be worried.

Thinking of this, Su Xin finally fell into a deep sleep comfortably.

... After rescue, neither the girl nor Chen Wen's lives were in danger.

When the girl's parents arrived at the hospital, they also knew the truth. They hugged her and wiped away tears: "Why do you not cherish your body so much? Tell me, who is that man?"

The girl was very weak, and cried, "Don't bother him, I don't blame him. He didn't mean it when he said it, it's just..." I couldn't help it.

And putting something on top of that work, there is no such thing as the pleasure and excitement of honest communication.

Poor parents, fainted from anger at her daughter's words.

Chen Wen was treated with blood transfusion in time, and his vital signs were stable, but his body was still very weak.

When I think about what happened that day, I still have lingering fears.

Before getting off work, she planned to tidy up the inside and outside of the clinic. After all, this job is hard-won and she cherishes it very much.

But when she was mopping the floor, she found a few drops of blood extending under the bed. She was very puzzled, thinking that there was no operation in the clinic that day... Just as she was about to lie down and wipe it, she saw that Yunfeng had disappeared at some point. He stood behind him silently.

Even through the thick glass lens, he could feel the coldness of him looking at him.

Up to now, she still remembers the last words he said to herself: "The one who wanted to keep you to hit the bottleneck at that time, but you sent it to the door yourself, so you can't blame me."

Then he stretched out his hand suddenly, only to see sharp claws suddenly sprouting from his usually white and long fingers, and scratched lightly on her neck, and then she found herself completely limp involuntarily...

There was an empty mineral water bottle next to Chen Wen. The doctor said that if the water was not replenished in time, her blood would almost stop flowing, and it might be too late for another blood transfusion.

As Chen Wen's body gradually improved and her consciousness became fully awake, she found that the scene where she saw "her" walking towards her was like a misty dream, which became more and more blurred as time passed.

But the mineral water bottle told her that it was not an illusion.

Now, she can't even remember what "her" looks like, she just thinks that outline will make her so kind and down-to-earth.

Master Chen asked her daughter why she was holding an empty bottle all the time, and she never let go of it even when she was in a semi-comatose state.

Chen Wen said leisurely: "Dad, I seem to see a person, a very young sister, she gave me this bottle of water, I remember she asked my blood type, and when the doctors came, they gave me this bottle of water directly. I had a blood transfusion, otherwise..."

Very young sister?

Master Chen had already guessed who it was.

He found that because of her arrival, the whole family had been restored to life, and Xiu's legs had gradually regained consciousness, and recovery was imminent.

And all of this was just because of those few long-distance rentals, and I asked a question casually.

Sure enough, the way of heaven is clear, good people will definitely be rewarded.

Soon, the higher-ups issued a document to include the community in the planning, and the compensation rules came out.

They signed it without any hesitation, and then moved to a new home, a new atmosphere, and a new life.


Let’s say that when Su Xin came back yesterday, he drew the layout plan of Hong’s ferry for the Duan Bureau, and it was sent to the Provincial Bureau in the afternoon of the same day, and then handed over to the desk of the Central Special Working Group in the evening.

They analyzed it carefully, and found that they could distinguish the function of the formation, but because they are intertwined, it can be said that a single trigger can affect the whole body, and they don't know how to decipher it.

So he immediately asked the masters of formation to help him.

This person is none other than the man who went to Zero Zero Detective Agency to find Xing Mu——

He took a look at the picture, the formation was not too complicated or difficult, but if he accidentally moved it, he would become a turtle in the urn.

It can be seen that the people investigating this formation are very careful and cautious.

The handwriting on it is well-regulated, neither impatient and feminine nor strong.

Yu Chenzi thought about it, and quickly gave a way to break the formation, but he needed a few people with cultivation skills to help him press the formation together.

The plan was quickly drawn up, and dozens of special police helicopters were mobilized to head to Hong's Ferry in the early hours of the morning.

The air defense of the original array is not weak, it can disrupt the normal operation of the equipment, thus limiting the air threat.

But this time, with Yu Chenzi and others in charge, they are completely useless to the aircraft's instruments.

After breaking through the outer defenses, they immediately suppressed them with heavy firepower.

The people inside fled towards the lake one after another, but unexpectedly the water was also heavily guarded.

They have become the turtle in the urn.

...Ye Tian didn't expect that the base he had worked so hard to build would be taken away by someone in minutes after seeing the success? !

Not only shock, but also unspeakable anger!
Directly detonate all the explosives buried below.

Immediately, the ground of the entire Hongjia Ferry sank, and the water from the lake outside poured in. The vast ocean was completely destroyed and buried.

Everyone didn't expect the other party to attack so viciously. You must know that there are still people inside who have not escaped, and even their own people have not been spared!

In this way, it may be difficult to search for all the evidence and other things inside.

Ye Tian looked at Yu Chenzi, who was standing in the void, and shouted: "I didn't expect it to be you. Fortunately, I respect you for being a gentleman who understands current affairs, but I didn't expect to kill my brother with insidious means, and now I have brought someone to take me!" base, you will keep this account for me..."

Obviously, he also credited Yu Chenzi for the sneak attack last time.

Yu Chenzi didn't care, his white robe was flaring, and his silver hair was flying.

He waved his hand down, and several fully armed special police escorted the captured women up.

"I heard that you dote on your own women very much. Could it be that you plan to just run away and leave them here?"

When Ye Tian saw it, his heart skipped a beat.

They didn't die? !
(End of this chapter)

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