her left eye is unusual

Chapter 180 "Special Team" under Orthodoxy

Chapter 180 "Special Team" under Orthodoxy

There is also the matter of the Hong Family Ferry. It stands to reason that with their speed of action, they should have already taken it down, and their own trial is considered complete. How can they give themselves a result?

But for the past two days, everything has been calm...

No matter so much, if there is no news, then work step by step.

Maintaining the status quo.

Two days ago, when Su Xin was helping Wei Yan clean up the zombie doctor's lair, the upper management finally launched the final attack on Hong's Ferry.

Finally, the curtain ended with Ye Tian activating the base destruction device.

In fact, this is the best result.

If an external force breaks through its defense, because there is a chain formation, it will not be able to balance it without the power of the atomic bomb.

But once the atomic bomb is used, what kind of panic will it cause?And there are endless troubles.

So let it be automatically destroyed from within, and by the way, it would be best to wipe out the remnants of those that cannot be accounted to and convicted by the public.

Those people have been brainwashed by the base, no matter where they are detained, they are a ticking time bomb.

It's a pity that all useful information in the base was completely destroyed, and it was impossible to search for a complete potion.

It happened that Su Xin handed over Wei Yan's blue medicine bottle.

After a preliminary "special team" research, it was discovered that this was actually a biochemical drug extracted through alchemy, and its medicinal power was extraordinary.

It can transform a person's physique to a certain extent, and can disperse a person's soul into the whole body, and then the mind can completely control the energy in the body to transform and strengthen the body.

However, there are also great side effects. For example, energy can only be absorbed through special blood or special items, and an energy vortex will form in the head. When it reaches a certain level, the energy of the entire body will be drained by the energy, and then an energy crystal will be formed. .

Therefore, this may be used by this base to develop forces outward to disrupt public order and finally recover energy.

Based on this inference, there may be many similar drugs flowing outside.

Immediately issue an order to start a census of the entire population.

Several supernatural beings were sent to search Hongjiadutou, and there was nothing of value except a few tons and semi-finished drugs.

Therefore, such a high-level potion is probably only available in the hands of a few leaders of the base, and it can be taken out from it, which shows that this new superpower is extraordinary.

Only then did I find out the recommendation letter that someone had handed in earlier.

The "special team" decided to send her to comprehensive training first, and then assign her to the corresponding studio according to her comprehensive ability.

In other words, at this moment, Su Xin really came into the sight of the special team and became a "quasi" member of the "special team".

Previously, it was only discovered by the authorities, then tried, and then recommended.

That bottle of purple potion became the stepping stone to enter the group, but what studio will be assigned to it, and later performance is required.

After she passed the physical fitness test, she was directly absorbed into the core group.

As soon as the news spread, some people disdain and some doubt it.

Although this is called a "group", it is actually a "Zongmen" recognized by orthodoxy.

I think they all had a place here after going through thousands of selections, and then after layers of screening and assessment.

The "group" will assign corresponding tasks and corresponding training resources according to each person's abilities and strengths

I think those sects also have high and low levels of disciples, and they also need to complete sect tasks to obtain meager training resources. In contrast, the backing behind the "group" is the orthodoxy of the authorities, which is better than those hidden sects I don't know a hundred times and a thousand times.

People in those sects feel that the authorities do not understand the world, but in fact the authorities know better than anyone else how to keep the world in balance.

Because 90.00% of the [-] people are the most ordinary mortals, randomly instilling things into them that they may not be able to see and sense in their entire life will only increase fear and give more criminals a chance to take advantage of it. Outside the machine, what good is it for them?
What's more, now that the team's investigation results have a clue, after everything is completely cleared up, the world will definitely be restored.

And they will also become a banner outside this plane, and their future is limitless!
Therefore, only those in the "group" know how important it is to be under orthodoxy.


Su Xin came to the street, ready to stop the car.

Because it was rush hour, all passing taxis did not turn on their lights.

Whoa- whoa-

At this time, under the shade of the trees on the sidewalk, a sloppy old woman was paralyzed on a scooter, holding two wooden boards with both hands, and paddled towards Su Xin bit by bit.

Put a dirty enamel cup straight in front of Su Xin.

After shaking the porcelain cup, several steel coins rattled inside.

Su Xin followed the sound and saw that a beggar was slightly taken aback the next moment.

kid? !
Aren't they the two little ghosts that I helped Master Chen's wife drive away that day? !
Heh, this world is really small, I didn't expect to meet here.

I saw these two little ghosts hugging the old woman's legs now, sensing Su Xin's gaze, looking at her, instinctive fear, subconsciously hugged the old woman even tighter.

The old woman groaned in pain and scratched with her other hand.

The old woman is not as lucky as Xiuhua, someone who will never leave her and give her massage for several years.

Calculating that it has only been a few days, the old woman's two legs have been completely useless.

The legs were completely shrunken, bent into deformities like firewood sticks.

Because she was really disabled this time, she showed her disability unreservedly, and was pushed out by her children to "fairly" ask for money in order to win sympathy.

Su Xin always has change in his pocket, because maybe when there is a bus, he will still take a taxi.

The hand that she had just touched a note in her pocket stopped again.

Tsk tsk, even if it is only a few dollars, she is too stingy to give such a person.

Su Xin didn't take the money, so the old woman stared at her with cloudy and resentful eyes, and persistently stretched out the porcelain cup to her face.

Su Xin backed away a little, and the old woman slid the scooter to get closer.

"Good-hearted man, I haven't eaten for three days, give me some..."

At this time, a few passers-by pretended to pass by unintentionally, took out ten 50 yuan bills, and said in their mouths: "It's really pitiful to come to ask for money at such an age." "No, this is doing a good deed." , will accumulate virtue, if I have it, I will give it to her more."

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man who was the first to give the money looked at Su Xin: "I said you young man should also show kindness, the old man's legs are disabled like this, and he came out to ask for money, so pitiful, you... ..."

The other followed closely: "Yes, if you have money, give more, if you don't have money, give less, it's all your kindness..."

(End of this chapter)

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