her left eye is unusual

Chapter 181 "Good Man"

Chapter 181 "Good Man"

Su Xin glanced around, and saw a few "passers-by A, B, B, D, Ding" in their pockets, gathered around, presumably they were the old woman's babysitter.

Not only do they have to keep an eye on the "taken advantage" around them and let them ask for money, but they also take away the large notes in the old woman's porcelain cup every once in a while.

No matter how these nurses stir up the flames, whatever you say, I am not kind, respect the old, love the young, and have no sense of public morality... Su Xin looks indifferent.

A few people didn't do anything, they pushed Su Xin forward with their bodies, and pushed Su Xin towards the old woman.

Su Xin suddenly felt that it was not good, probably because she had seen too many similar news before. A certain man saw a thief attacking others at the bus station, so he reminded him, and the "passers-by" and "good-hearted people" immediately rushed forward to rescue him. The man fought around in the middle.

Therefore, Su Xin was aware of these people's intentions, how could she stand obediently and let them get what they wanted.

He rushed outside and shouted loudly, "Get out of the way, what are you doing stopping me, I'm going to drive..."

At this moment, I suddenly felt a pull from the backpack, and there were a few hands beside me, pushing and pinching...

At the same time, he yelled: "Hey, everyone, come and see, this woman is too vicious, it's fine if you don't pay, and you still step on the old man, your conscience has been eaten by dogs."

"That's right, the world is going downhill now. Seeing that she's dressed neatly, I didn't expect her to be such a corrupt person."

"This kind of person will be punished, just watch, she is so vicious to the old man, she will definitely be punished..."

These "well-meaning people" talked about complaining for the old woman, and a group of people surrounded them for a while.

Su Xin immediately became angry, not to mention that this old godmother used to harm others because others pointed her out that she should not defecate in public. She would never donate money to such a person, she would count it as money If you can’t run out of flowers, you can donate to a few orphans, or build a few bridges and repair a few roads, or plant trees in the desert if you can’t run out!I can't give it to such a person.

Besides, is it morally corrupt and vicious to see beggars not giving money?What kind of logic is this?
Su Xin has countless ways to make these people unable to eat and walk around, but in broad daylight, no matter what actions she makes, there will be traces.

Seeing this, some real passers-by seem to have finally found an opportunity to show their "high morality", pointing to Su Xin: "Oh, you just give someone some money. It's pitiful for the old man to come out to ask for money in this cold weather." of"

"That's right, how can a young man have trouble with an old man?"

"The world is going downhill, and now young people don't know how to respect the old and love the young"


Su Xin looked at these people without showing any weakness, "You feel pitiful, you are kind, and you have money, you can give her money if you want, pointing fingers here and saying that others are unloving and immoral, and I haven't seen you pay for it yourself Get the money out."

The few real passers-by looked at her with eyes of "this woman is hopeless" and "this woman is unreasonable", and then walked away muttering.

Su Xin looked at the old woman and those "well-meaning people" and said loudly: "Yes, you are all right, you will definitely be punished if you do evil. It is said that you are so old but you can't take care of your life and come out to beg. Knowing what sins she has done, there will be such retribution, and her children will definitely suffer retribution for letting the old man suffer such a crime. See, retribution will come soon, and her retribution is over, her children, all of them Can't run away!"

"Didn't it mean that I haven't eaten for three days? Is it possible to eat with money? Just right, I still have a piece of bread here, thank you."

Su Xin took out a piece of bread and put it on the porcelain cup.

A few people suddenly became furious, cursing them, saying that they would suffer retribution, cursing and throwing away the bread on the porcelain cup.

... "Is this the woman the boss is talking about joining?" A clear female voice asked.

A man and a woman stood under the traffic light on the opposite side of the street, the man was handsome and the woman was pretty.

The man nodded, frowning slightly.

"How could she treat those poor people like that? Didn't the information say that she can see ghosts? Didn't she see the dirty things on that old lady?" The woman asked in puzzlement with her big clear eyes road.

The man said: "She saw..."

"Then why does she still use such vicious words to attack others?..."

The woman didn't finish her sentence when she saw Su Xin took out a piece of bread and threw it to someone...

This, even if it falls on oneself, it is a great insult.It's obvious that they just want to ask for some living expenses, so it's fine if you don't give it. After talking about such a phone call, you still take out a piece of bread to humiliate him, it's too much.

The woman rushed over, although this is a street intersection, but because of rush hour, there are a lot of traffic and people.

Her speed was too fast, there was a long series of slamming brakes along the way, and a lot of greetings to her and her mother.

She turned her head and glanced at those people, a little resentful and puzzled: Why are these people like this, they really don't know how to be courteous to pedestrians.

Su Xin was also attracted by the slamming brakes just now, and saw a woman in a light pink ankle-length skirt and a pair of small high-heeled leather shoes like a ghost... Oh wrong, she floated across the road like a fairy come over.

In the late autumn when everyone wears jackets and thick sweaters, it is a miracle that a traffic tragedy was not caused by wearing a flowing skirt and running across the sidewalk so coolly.

The woman passed directly in front of Su Xin, brought a burst of fragrant wind, and walked in front of the old woman in two steps.

Pulling out a red note from the exquisite pouch at his waist, he stuffed it into the enamel cup with a very generous look, "Here, here...old lady, don't worry, not everyone in this society is selfish and vicious."

When she said this, she deliberately glanced at Su Xin twice.

She didn't notice at all that when she took the money from the bag just now, the eyeballs of the people around her almost fell to it, greedy and lustful.

"Good-hearted people" praised again and again, "Good-hearted people, the girl is really a beautiful person with a more beautiful heart. The society needs caring people like girls, so that our home will become better and better." "That's right, good people, The girl is really nice."

The old woman lay on the skateboard and kowtowed: "Thank you for the kindhearted people, good people are rewarded, girl, you will definitely be rewarded..."

The woman looked very useful, raised her chin slightly, and glanced at Su Xin provocatively.

Then, in front of Su Xin, he took out a business card and put it in the enamel cup, saying: "Grandma, if you feel unwell in the future, just call me, and I will help you for free."

Several people's eyes fell on her bag, so they don't care about your business card.

There was an inexplicable smile on the corner of Su Xin's mouth, she turned around and retreated to the side, preparing to continue to stop the car.

(End of this chapter)

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