Chapter 182
It was really difficult to hail a taxi, so in the end Suxin could only get on a bus.

I don't know why, but it's as if everything has suddenly come together.

Coincidentally, in the car, Su Xin saw a pickpocket touching other people's things through people.

Seeing Su Xin noticed his movements, she raised her eyebrows provocatively.

If it was in the past, Su Xin might be the same as the silent passers-by around, because these people can't be provoked, and they have accomplices.

A certain news reported that someone warned that there was a thief, but was beaten up by several people who came out, but no one around dared to step forward.

But it's different now, I don't have to "personally" give the facts, she has Xiao Tao, and she directly uses her thoughts: "Little Tao, go—"


The thief suddenly let out a shrill cry, and dropped the purse he was holding on to the ground, and then he folded his arms and screamed.

The person in front turned around and saw how his wallet fell on the ground for no reason, so he quickly picked it up and subconsciously moved away.

Sure enough, a few "passers-by who saw a rough road" appeared next to them, grabbing the person who was stolen just now, "Why did you hit someone for no reason? Is there any law in this world? Lose money soon..."

Thieves shouting, "Catch the thief", they often talk about "the law of heaven, the law, morality and conscience" than anyone else.

If thieves don't go empty-handed, and if they can't steal, then use the hard ones directly-blackmail, extortion, and robbery.

Anyway, it’s a big deal and you can just say “oh, I made a mistake” in the end, and you can push all the responsibilities away.

That man was also unlucky, he kept making excuses, saying that he just dropped his wallet, picked it up, and did nothing... How many people didn't care what he said, just punched him on the head a few times.

Su Xin called again: "Little Tao, come on!"

Those people were the same as the first one. They not only clasped their hands and screamed, but also found that their limbs were in pain, and they were completely unable to move.

The driver can only drive to the police station and call the monitoring, which is clear at a glance.

According to the database, these people are all habitual offenders and have been involved in several bureaus.

For them, entering the game is like going shopping, walking around and coming out again.

The cost of crime is simply too low, so no matter how "educated", it will strengthen their courage.

No matter how they called this time, let his family and relatives pick him up.

After a series of tossing and tossing, it was almost ten o'clock when Su Xin arrived at the detective agency.

As soon as I walked outside the door, I felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Pushing open the ajar door, only to see a room full of people gathered inside.

When Shi Feng saw Su Xin, he immediately showed a helpless expression, "You... are here"

Oh, it turned out to be like this.No wonder Shi Feng didn't call her, he was carrying it alone.

Without waiting for Su Xin to answer, when everyone saw Su Xin, several of them fell to their knees on the floor like dumplings.

At the same time, there was a clicking sound and flashing lights nearby.

Several people crawled over on their knees, kowtowed and bowed continuously, "Master Su, please save us, please show mercy, I know you are the most kind-hearted, please..."

But who is it? These people are the clients of the evil god case that they took over earlier - You Hua'an's family.

His eyes turned around, and the old man and son of the Jiang family were missing.He immediately made a guess in his heart, thinking that something happened to You Hua'an's wife and son again, that's why he came here in such a grand manner.

At that time, Su Xin tried to get Shi Feng to guard the door so that no one could go in, but Shi Feng was caught and bitten. He wanted to ask for an explanation, but instead he was ashamed. , can only come out in despair.

Unexpectedly, they found them again so soon.

This retribution came too fast.

Now kneeling down again and looking for a reporter is really enough.

This is clearly a trap for myself.

When Su Xin left Jiang's house, she told herself that if she took another case from this family, oh wrong, it was a case from someone like this, she would walk backwards!

However, the scene that happened while waiting for the bus this morning suddenly flashed through Su Xin's mind, the woman in the pink skirt, the business card with the special case team printed on it...

Thinking, if I am so "cold-blooded", will I be regarded as vicious by others, and then I will not be qualified to enter the special small group?

But if she takes this case again, she really can't get over this hurdle in her heart.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel depressed. When I saw that I was about to fight my way out, someone suddenly dug a hole for you in front of me.

clap clap-

Applause came from the group of reporters nearby, and the noise in the room gradually quieted down.

Su Xin followed the sound, but said who it was, that lingering reporter again, Qiao Yue!

But at this moment, she didn't hold a microphone or wear an armband, but stood with a few "crowds".

Su Xin expected something.Could it be that she messed up her work because of the last incident?Now it's on someone else's head?

Don't review yourself first. If you are good enough and have a strong enough background, if it is just a mistake in a news report, who would dare to fire you?

Seeing Su Xin looking at her, Qiao Yue flashed a smug look on her face, "Let's take a look, this is the Zero Zero Detective Agency that everyone trusts and respects so much, you respect Master Su so much but are so indifferent, She has no sympathy for the suffering of the people. Even if people kneel down to her, she is still indifferent. Think about it, what kind of person is this?"

"Yeah, this is too cold-blooded, tsk tsk, look, a young man kneels down for her. It will be retribution, it will be condemned by God"

"Isn't that right, alas, I was thinking of asking this person to do something for me at first," Shuizui shook his head, "It seems that I should forget it now, I can't afford to ask such a person..."

Su Xin thought what happened to her today, why did she meet such people one after another?
Look away, too lazy to talk nonsense with such a person.

Su Xin took out the phone directly and prepared to call the police.

She doesn't care about making things big, and now it has seriously affected their normal business.

A reporter handed over the microphone and asked, "May I ask if they didn't give enough money, so you ignored their demands?"

"How far is it? You help them solve the problem first, and we will pay for it." A reporter said generously.

"That's right, even if they can't come up with money, you don't need to humiliate them like this, right? They are kneeling down, what else do you want?"

Su Xin looked at these rambunctious reporters, and replied one by one: "Just now you asked them if they didn't get enough money, right? We didn't take their cases at all, so the question of whether the money is enough is simply a question. does not exist."

"It's you who said that they need the money for their problems, right? You shouldn't say this to me, because I don't need you to help me with any money. They are the ones who need help. If you want to help them, you just Tell them that they will be more than happy to accept your generosity."

(End of this chapter)

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