her left eye is unusual

Chapter 183 Putting it all together...

Chapter 183 Together...

Su Xin said to the person who just said, "What do you want to do when everyone kneels down?"

"He's an old man, you..."

"So the old man knelt down for you, and you can do whatever you want?"

"You're so arrogant..."

"If you can't do it, why do you ask others for it?"

The reporter was stunned by the question, and Su Xin chased after him: "You all know why you are standing here. If you want to find novel materials to make headlines and bloggers' attention, no one will stop you, so don't say anything." Industry literacy, at least the most basic bottom line of being a human being."

clap clap-

There was applause again, Su Xin always felt that it was very harsh, and suddenly turned her head to look, but saw a white shadow rushing from the door.

Although she changed one, Su Xin still recognized the person at a glance. It was the woman she saw in the morning. If she remembered correctly, the name card said: Hui Xinjie.

She stared sullenly at Su Xin from head to toe, followed by a man in a suit and leather shoes.

Su Xin said in her heart, it turned out to be a duo.

Thinking about being watched by the two of them in the morning, I don't know if it will have any impact on my next "trial".

Hui Xinjie was indeed ordered to investigate the character of the person who was about to be absorbed into the group in the morning. She did not expect to see her indifference and viciousness towards an old beggar all at once.

Hui Xinjie couldn't see what Su Xin was doing, so she jumped out to support the old woman.

After Su Xin left, those "good-hearted people" really lived up to expectations.

They saw such a weak and beautiful girl with a bag full of money, so when Hui Xinjie just turned around, they exchanged glances, and one of them grabbed her bag and ran away.

Hui Xinjie was about to catch up, but was stopped by those "well-meaning people" who deliberately leaned on her.
Hui Xinjie called out coquettishly: "What are you doing stopping me? Someone robbed my bag, go after it..."

"Who snatched it? Didn't you see it?"

"That's right, did you see that she has a bag on her body?"

"Look at this girl, she looks handsome, but she's not smart..."

No one paid attention to her, and looked at her with a "you are sick".

And the old woman on the skateboard suddenly grabbed Hui Xinjie's skirt with her dirty hands and called her, "Good-hearted man, I haven't eaten for three days..."

Even an idiot could see that these people belonged together.

If it wasn't for his companion, Yu Chijing, who appeared to disperse those people, otherwise he wouldn't know how he would be played by those people.

The bag snatcher ran into an alleyway and was blocked by a man in a suit. It was Yu Chijing.

When the man saw that his actions had been found out, he said sternly, "Friend, I advise you to keep your mind on your own business, otherwise you won't be able to eat and walk around."

There were nosy people in the past, but they stared at them until their family was ruined.

At this moment, he felt a blur in front of his eyes. He didn't know how the opponent made the move. He felt that he suddenly flew up, smashed heavily on the wall, and then rebounded and fell to the ground, shifting his mind.

Can't even call out.

Yu Chijing picked up the bag and handed it to Hui Xinjie who was next to him. Hui Xinjie looked at the dirt on the bag and looked disgusted, "It's just a bag, so just let him take some money, maybe it's also because of the accident. What can't be overcome, why do you have to hurt someone so hard?"

Yu Chijing showed pampering and a trace of helplessness on her face, stroking the other party's soft hair, "Hui'er's heart is always so kind, how can I feel relieved to do the task..."

Hui Xinjie was rubbed by those people just now, and her skirt was scratched by the old woman.So I went back to the hotel and took a hard shower, changed and came out again.

Originally, I just came to take a look because I heard the news from above that the team, or their department, was about to have a newcomer.

But he didn't expect such a bad thing to happen at the beginning, so he simply followed to Su Xin's work place to have a look.

Coincidentally, there was another scene where Su Xin ignored the people kneeling in a room.

Hui Xinjie looked around for a week, her eyes fell on Su Xin, she raised her chin slightly, and said proudly: "Some people are useless no matter how much they ask, because their hearts are so cold and heartless. I hate the kind of people who are arrogant about their talents." Now, if you have anything to do, tell me, I will help you. No money will be charged!"

Although You Anhua and the others were very moved, they helped them without asking for money.

But still very hesitant, because this time things are still very strange...Looking at Su Xin, then at Hui Xinjie, "This, this..."

Su Xin took the opportunity to retreat from the crowd.

You Anhua looked left and right, and finally looked at Hui Xinjie, "Well, girl, can you do it?"

Hui Xinjie immediately became depressed, but her voice was still very nice, "Don't worry, ma'am, I can do what this Zero Zero Detective Agency can do. In this way, please tell me the ins and outs of the matter first..."

You Anhua looked at the melon-eaters and reporters next to him, and flinched a little, unable to say, "This..."

Although this time he was not as shy to see people as last time, but it was still not very glorious.

Qiao Yue was very depressed, she was about to make that woman make a fool of herself, but suddenly a woman appeared to steal the limelight.

I'm afraid the news tomorrow will be about the woman in white just now.

At this time, the general trend is the general trend, everyone will leave after smelling the smell, and she can't do anything alone.

After finally "inviting" everyone out, the room finally became quiet again.

Shi Feng sat back on the chair, with a trace of loneliness and sighs on his face, and lightly told what happened in the past two days.

In fact, You Anhua found him yesterday.

It turned out that it was because she heard that there was a piece of unclaimed land in a certain place, and the sweet potatoes and green onions in it grew very well, so a group of people flocked to harvest it.Then they collected it, and suddenly two people came and said that they rented and planted this land.

I thought that there were one or two hundred people working on it at that time, and everyone was pulling bags, baskets, and baskets to their homes. This was for the benefit of the mouth, just like trying to snatch bones from a dog's mouth. How could it be possible?

Pushing that person away, he said righteously, "This is unclaimed land, whoever takes it belongs to him!"

You Anhua said that she felt something was wrong and left, so she took some in her bag.That day, she and her daughter-in-law went to the hospital for a check-up. Only Jiang's father and son were left at home, cooking two sweet potatoes.

Then I started to vomit and have diarrhea, and the medicine didn't work, and I couldn't go to the hospital, so I came here.

After listening to Shi Feng's introduction, Su Xin said, "Oh, it's another crowd looting."

I read too much of these news every day, looting apples, looting oranges, looting fish fry, looting chickens...

The law does not blame the public to make these people so unscrupulous.

(End of this chapter)

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