her left eye is unusual

Chapter 193 Chapter 202 A Different Client

Chapter 193 Chapter [-] A Different Client (The Quiet Chicken Elder)
Su Xin gasped. After suffering so much humiliation and torture, she was still able to stand firm. It was really not easy.

Campus violence is like a knife that does not see blood, lingering, bit by bit destroying the mind and body of the disadvantaged.

It's a pity that those girls still don't know how to advance and retreat. Once it can explain some conflicts and frictions, twice it can be said that they are ignorant, three times, four times... What is the basis for the countless times of bullying the weak?Is it because he is a minor that he will not bear responsibility and legal sanctions?
It is simply a devil in the skin of "innocence".

Zhizhi continued: "The school is a semi-closed school, and I go home every two days during the holiday every month. Just two weeks ago, I went home after school on Friday afternoon. I had to walk a few hundred meters to get off the bus. There are Several intersecting alleys, people often throw garbage in there. Suddenly three gangsters jumped out from the side, swearing ugly words, one of them compared a knife, and the other two rushed to molested me. He hit the iron rod protruding from the rubbish dump and died instantly."

"The police arrested the three of them. They categorically denied that they wanted to kill me. They just passed by there. They also did not admit that they were ordered by others or that they knew Wang Hong and the others. Because there was no evidence, they decided that I was an accident. die."

"I became a ghost, that's right, the moment my soul floated out of my body, I knew I was dead. So I went to investigate them and saw those girls telling some gangsters not to tell them Go out and return the money. The most irritating thing is that class grass is hooking up with another obedient female student, and those girls start to trouble that girl again."

"I wanted to kill all these people, but suddenly a priest appeared... just like seeing those gods in the temple, the person with a layer of light on his body, he stopped me from revenge, and said that all of this is I was destined, and I accidentally fell down and died, and said that my continued existence in the Yang world was to disturb the order of the Yang world, and they wanted to save me. So I took the opportunity to escape."

Speaking of this, Zhizhi added weakly: "I saw a few evil spirits who were so-called supernatural beings, but in fact, they made people lose their souls in disguise."

That's right, super speed is just those decent official terms, in fact, it has the same effect as a direct punch to death.

After listening to Zhizhi's narration, Su Xin understood the general situation.

But what is the truth of the matter, she still needs to find out by herself.

Besides, she still has a tricky case in front of her, and she doesn't know what's going on with the companies she's going to visit tomorrow, so she asks Zhizhi to wait.

Zhizhi didn't dare to leave, for fear of meeting that "priest" again.

Su Xin took out a piece of jade and asked her to hide it inside, and then sealed her ghost energy with a talisman.

The next day, Su Xin got up early in the morning, intending to visit the remaining households.

Just as he was about to leave, Shi Feng called. His voice was hoarse and exhausted, "Susu, take a break for the next two days. I ask Captain Wang to help us find out about those people."

Pausing for a while, afraid that Su Xin would insist on joining, he added: "You can't be of much help even if you come."

Su Xin was as good as he was, and responded: "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Su Xin felt very emotional, thinking they didn't sleep all night.

After clearing up his mood, Shi Feng went to continue investigating the "house" matter, and solved Zhizhi's case by himself.

Because of Zhizhi's guidance, Su Xin didn't need to check the files of those people, but found them directly.

First of all, those gangsters were stuck in a teahouse.

I was finishing billiards with some girls, and there were balls of tissues and beer cans on the ground.

Suxin asked Zhizhi to come out, and used a ghost to cover her eyes to get the girls aside.

Then Su Xin began to interrogate these gangsters one by one.

For these people, using the "civilized" method will definitely not ask anything, so they can only come to Yin, and Su Xin has no psychological burden at all when using it.

He guarded the door by himself, and then watched Zhizhi turn into the dead look.

It really scared the three bastards enough, but I thought that an expert helped them last time, saying that the evil spirit had escaped, and if he came to trouble them again, he would call him.

So two of them held Zhizhi, and the other actually started calling.

Su Xin had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and directly knocked out his phone.

They stared at Su Xin, a little terrified, more of a desperate last stand, and shouted viciously: "You are a human being, we have written you down, even if you become a ghost, it will not make you feel better, and your whole family will not be at peace. ..."

Su Xin raised her eyebrows and said: "Ghosts will not leave any traces when killing people. You can directly kill yourself, jump off a building, or hang yourself. You can also control your body to kill another person. A few knives, a few knives, and then you are waiting to be caught and put in jail. It depends on how you want to die. Of course, if you take the initiative to tell what you have done, I will let you go."

When Su Xin said these words, he deliberately strengthened his mental strength, trying to capture the effective information in the other party's mind.

Gradually, the opponent's unconscious defense gradually weakened, and some information gradually emerged.

It's like clips of clips that have been edited, only presented with the other party's vision.

Su Xin was very excited, could this be the so-called mind reading technique? !
If you don't look at it, you don't know, this look is really full of evil.

Other than murder, robbery, rape, sneaking and abduction, molesting children, collecting protection fees...there is nothing they haven't done.

He was caught in the bureau several times for gathering crowds to fight, and the rest were people who refused to raise officials.

Su Xin went through all the information of the three of them in a row...

Suddenly, a message jumped out: Nanshan Prison.

Brother Donghai used to serve his sentence in Nanshan Prison in X Province.And the timing is surprisingly consistent.

Su Xin took the man aside and asked, "Have you ever been imprisoned in Nanshan Prison? Why? How long have you served?"

It's not that you must ask something from the other party's mouth, but that when you ask a question, the other party's consciousness will instinctively process relevant information.

Then that part of the information will become active and easy to be read by her mental power.

Sure enough, the other party's eyes dodged and began to play tricks.

However, Su Xin had already extracted that part of the content. Seeing that the other party was still negotiating conditions in a slippery tone, he directly punched him to the ground.

Zhizhi asked Su Xin: "What should we do now?" The flames of revenge danced in his eyes.

"What do you think? If you've forgiven them, let's go."

Su Xin really wants these people to pay the price for her past sins, but if the client is not willing, she will never force it.

Zhizhi snorted: "Forgive? I've been enduring all my life and just want to live in peace, but these people still don't give me a way out. I forgive them, who will give me justice!"

 Thank you Jingjing Jun for your generous gift, single chapter greetings! !Chili will go to the small black room for a while, and strive for two more chapters today.

  Thanks to Ke Lan, faint orchid fragrance, yeer yeerpiao, co^0^co, LTS911, hellcn, Shuren, Youmo, Minbao 17, sweet-scented osmanthus in the courtyard, book friend 20170815083047976, book friend 201708051026483111 yuan for playing reward support.

  Thanks to all my friends who voted for the chili.

  Everyone is safe and healthy, love you! !
(End of this chapter)

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