her left eye is unusual

Chapter 194 Chapter 203 Happy Enmity

Chapter 194 Chapter 1 Happy Grace

That's right, if the world doesn't give you justice, then go get it yourself!

It's just that Zhizhi's "lifetime" made Suxin a little bit out of character.

In fact, it is also true. In her teens, being pinched off in the season of flower buds in her life is her "life".

I felt a little sad for no reason.

Zhizhi looked at Su Xin, full of begging: "I want revenge, I want to kill them, is that okay?"

Every word is full of determination.

"Of course, it's only natural to complain about revenge and revenge." Su Xin said lightly.

Several people pointed at Su Xin and scolded, "Didn't you just say that you would let us go?"

"You are in league with ghosts, you will be punished by God."

"Hmph, that expert said that if a ghost is stained with blood, it will turn into a ghost, and then I will kill you, you bastard..."

Su Xin raised her eyebrows, and replied one by one in a calm manner: "I said that I would let you go, but she didn't promise to let you go. As for me being punished by the gods, you can't see it anyway. arrive."

"It's a question of whether ghosts will become ghosts after killing people. If you turn into ghosts to kill people, you will definitely become ghosts. So don't worry, when you die, I will do justice for the sky and take your souls away. Accept it, and it won’t turn you into ghosts.”

On the other hand, Zhizhi got Suxin's permission and began to seriously think about how to kill these three people.

After walking around them for a long time, the ghost shadows were erratic, and there were gusts of wind blowing in the room.

...It would be too troublesome to let them kill each other, and I can only control one person's body at a time. If the other two run around, wouldn't I have to chase them all over the room?Well, not good.

If it is to control their bodies to jump off the building... it is still not safe.The teahouse is on the first floor, and it takes a long time to climb to the top of the building. The remaining two people will definitely escape.

She doesn't intend to let go of any of these three people...

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Zhizhi's mind. She remembered that when she became a ghost and then investigated these people, she saw them taking drugs.

Yes, that's it.

So they controlled the bodies of these people to enter that room, and then asked them to swallow several large bottles of red, green and green pill capsules.

Suxin looked at Zhizhi's appearance, so many medicines, even if he took them as a meal, he would still be full.

This is not enough, let these people bring a few bottles of wine and let them "self" forcefully drink it down.

Zhizhi floated back to Suxin, looked at the painful and distorted people and asked, "Is this okay?"

Su Xin nodded, "It should be fine."

But the body stood still and did not move.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the few people to stop convulsing completely, and wisps of gray souls floated out from the corpse.

Seeing Su Xin and Zhi Zhi, she rushed over immediately.

Without any hesitation, Su Xin stretched out her hand to grab the void, and put it away.

Even the little ghosts who have been refined cannot escape her lore, let alone the evil ghosts that have just become transformed.

Throw it into the Lingyan and practice it.

As Su Xin expected, the best way to let the souls rest in peace is to let them have revenge and revenge.

Suxin saw that Zhizhi's resentment had subsided a little.

The rest are those girls who have been bullying her.

There are three in the same dormitory, and two are off-campus.

When Suxin and Zhizhi went looking for her, the girls who shared the dorm with Zhizhi were at school, so it was difficult to attack.

Fortunately, tomorrow is Friday, and they will find a chance to kill them as soon as they leave school.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the two found the two girls outside of school.

Suxin found that Zhizhi was really well prepared. She left marks on the people she wanted to avenge, so that no matter where they went, she could find them.

That's why some people don't care if you escape to the ends of the earth, or you are still hunted by ghosts.

Zhizhi only needs to tell Suxin the direction, and Suxin will take the taxi and give the money.

However, although there are many taxis on the road, it is still inconvenient. Su Xin wants to buy a car after she really settles down, so that travel will be convenient.

Zhizhi pointed to the direction of the side road, "They went there."

Su Xin asked the driver to park the car on the side of the road. When he drove far away and saw no one around, he took out the invisibility amulet and activated it.

No matter how far Su Xin walked, it must be much slower than the car.

Zhizhi suddenly shouted anxiously: "No, it's too late, they're going to attack that driver."

After hearing what the other party said, Su Xin's heart skipped a beat, as if something had been activated.

It's as if the light and faint soul in front of me has become vivid and "flesh and blood".

Said: "Go and block first, I will come right away."

After all, the ghost floated faster than her running.

... In this cold day, the driver was sweating all over his body. Today is really a bit of a stretch.

I thought it was hard to get a long-distance trip. It seems that although the young people are smug, they only need to pay money, but the more they look at it, the more something is wrong.

The co-pilot next to him sat with his hair combed like a broom, a row of shiny things pinned to his ears, and a watermelon knife in his hand.

Through the rearview mirror, he saw a man and two women sitting in the backseat carelessly. The woman was chewing gum and blowing bubbles with her scarlet mouth.

One of the women was playing with a knife with her eyes downcast, and the other two were carrying baseball bats.

The driver looked at the distance ahead, and asked in a trembling voice: "There is no road ahead, you can get off here, and there is no need to pay the fare..."

A few people started to laugh, and one of them said eccentrically: "Listen, he still wants to ask us for money?" Several people laughed wildly.

The passenger broom patted the driver's face with the watermelon knife in his hand, "Quick, get out of the car with me..."

The driver raised his hand and repeatedly begged for mercy: "Take all the money, I don't know anything..."

Several people swept all the money in the car and the driver, and cursed: "md, it's just a little, it's not enough for today's fun."

Another said: "If you don't have enough, go grab a few more."

The leading woman said, "He has seen us, kill him."

The voice was indifferent, as flat as saying to kill a chicken.

The other gangsters kicked the driver a few times and threatened: "If you dare to call the police, I will kill you. I will kill your wife and son together."

The woman held an ID card in her hand: "We know all your information, your family..."

The driver's face turned pale with fright, and he repeatedly promised that he would never call the police or tell anyone.

At this moment, a gangster rushed forward, snatched a recorder from the driver behind his back, and sneered: "Oh, it's quite advanced, you want to use this to sue us?"

The woman who said she was going to kill him suddenly rushed up and stabbed the driver in the stomach.

The woman felt a bone-piercing cold in her hand, and when her hand softened, the knife was slightly deflected, and a lot of its strength was lost.

 I am grateful to Mr. Mo Mo for your generous reward, and to the readers of "Book Friends 20170603122716572" for your reward. Thank you for your recognition and support. It is a great honor.Not much to say, but more to offer.

(End of this chapter)

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