her left eye is unusual

Chapter 195 Chapter 204

Chapter 195 Chapter 2 (Addition [-] for Master Momo)

The point of the knife penetrated an inch, and the blood penetrated the light blue shirt, smudged purple and black.

Everyone froze for a moment, but the driver wailed in pain, covered his wound, and curled up.

The woman's face was very indifferent, and she looked at her wrist.

It is said that after so many group fights and stabbing so many people, he has never been soft-hearted.

It is precisely because of this ruthlessness that she is nicknamed "Big Sister" on the Tao.

But just now, she felt that her hand suddenly lost strength, and she almost broke her hand, which was simply too embarrassing.

Not reconciled, he drew out the knife without hesitation, threw himself on the driver viciously, and raised the knife to stab him.

At this moment, Su Xin finally arrived panting.

Seeing Zhizhi's ghost pounced in front of the woman, but the other party's killing intent was as cold as ice, and extremely determined.

It can't stop the sharp knife from being stabbed...

After a distance of more than ten meters, Su Xin quickly sent out an energy ball.

The eldest sister felt a strong force that directly slapped her backwards and flew out.

The eldest sister sat up, still in a daze, looking at the emptiness in front of her.Could it be that he took too many drugs just now?
A few people nearby laughed and said, "Eldest Sister, did the boss play with her legs sorely last night, so she doesn't even have the energy to stab someone today?"

The eldest sister turned her head and stared at them, then twisted her head, pursed her mouth, and approached the driver step by step with a knife in her hand.

The driver saw that these men and women were only seventeen or eighteen years old at most, but he didn't expect them to be so vicious.

Rubbing back in despair until my back touched the car, "Don't kill me, please, I will agree to anything you want, so if you let me go back, I still have tens of thousands of savings, all of which I will give to you. I can't die, I still have parents and children to support, my wife is sick and hospitalized, I can't die..."

The eldest sister was not moved at all.

I just swept my face in front of my younger brother, so I have to get it back on this useless man.

Suxin said to Zhizhi, "I'll leave the rest to you."

After Su Xin finished speaking, she also hurried over to check the driver's injuries. Fortunately, only the skin was broken and no internal organs were injured.

She grabbed the driver's hand and dialed the emergency number, and turned on the shooting function by the way.

He looked up and saw that Zhizhi hadn't dealt with that girl yet.

The eldest sister has a very cruel temperament, with a strong hostility on her body, even if Zhizhi turns into a ghost, she can't do it.

There is even the possibility of being counter-killed.

Su Xin saw that this woman was a scumbag, and thought it was a big deal to ignore human life.

With a direct slap, "Big Sister" was shocked, and Zhizhi finally took the opportunity to control the opponent's body.

Then kill all the people who have been frightened.

There is no difference between robbery, attempted murder and robbery and murder in Su Xin's view. If you have the heart and action, you deserve to die.

Just like this time, these people already have the intention to kill the driver. If they keep it for trial, the other party will say "the man is not dead" and "he is a minor". Education" was released after one meal.

In fact, this is also the case. Many times in the past, people were almost killed, but they were not sanctioned at all on the grounds of "minor protection".

It made them gradually become rampant and unscrupulous.

Su Xin originally wanted that girl to have a taste of being in prison, but after hearing from Zhizhi, the girl is not here yet, so even if it is murder, she will not be sentenced to death.

Simply collected the souls of several people.

After a while, the sound of an ambulance turned from far to near, and Su Xin left by another road.

The next day, two big news broke out.

A group of three people took drugs and died.

The strange thing is why I eat so much, even if I eat it as a meal, it is impossible to sustain it.

But there was no trace of others forcing them, well, it should be said that they forced themselves to swallow so much.

One is a bizarre robbery.

The taxi driver was only slightly injured, but the robbers died.

The driver probably passed out because of the intimidation. Fortunately, he turned on a voice recorder and a mobile phone to take pictures, so there is a complete video to prove that it was a few gangsters who killed each other due to infighting.

In any case, these were two extraordinarily serious murders, so the Wu'an District Police Department immediately reported them.

In less than an hour, a young man dressed in formal attire appeared at the police station in Wu'an District.

It was Xing Mu who had "disappeared" for a long time.

Xing Mu's expression was as solemn as ever, and his voice was low: "These two cases are not ordinary criminal cases. They both have a heavy ghost aura. I suspect that evil ghosts are seeking revenge."

As soon as the word "ghost" came out, almost the entire air froze.

Detective Gu and Sergeant Fang looked at each other, with horror and disbelief in their eyes, they swallowed subconsciously.

But there was a thought in my heart, I didn't expect this ghost to do a good deed.Just can't put it into words.

After Xing Mu said this, he fell into deep thought.

The office was eerily quiet.

In the end, Detective Gu couldn't bear it anymore, and said with some disdain: "...Actually, it's not a big deal. These people are all well-known people on the roll, and they often do illegal activities, and they are very slippery. After catching and letting go, it gave me a headache, and it would be better to die like this. If there is really a ghost, it has done a good deed.”

The latter sentence was very weak.

Xing Mu looked at him suddenly: "Humans and ghosts are destined to belong to two worlds, and ghosts and things cannot influence the affairs of the human world. This ghost has already killed so many people, it must be saved, otherwise it will kill more people."

"It would be better if all those who committed crimes but could not be punished were killed..."

Detective Gu wanted to say something, but was stopped by the sheriff next to him with his eyes.

Xing Mu searched for a long time on several corpses, but he didn't have any clues except for the trace of residual ghost aura.

There are no souls of the few people, and there is no trace of the ghostly spirit.

If there is no clue, it is a clue. From this, it can be inferred that either the souls of these people have dissipated into the air, or they have turned into evil spirits to do evil.

And the vengeful ghost didn't leave any trace, only one explanation, someone, or a master, was helping it behind the scenes.

Xing Mu said to the police chief, "I suspect that this evil spirit will come out again to harm people. In order to avoid more tragedies, I suggest that the cases involving the intersection of these dead be reopened."

Sergeant Fang and Detective Gu smiled wryly at each other. There are hundreds of crimes committed by these people, and they have been discovered and reported to the police. There must be more that have not been discovered.

This screening is depressing enough just to think about it.

However, when he thought that this person was sent by the higher authorities to assist them in investigating the case, he could vaguely hear Shangfeng's tone: This person has a strong background.

So do what the other party tells you to do.

In fact, Xing Mu had another small discovery. He sensed traces of residual energy on one of the corpses.

And this trace, there is a faint feeling that he is very familiar with.

So, there is a fellow-spirit helping that spirit ghost?
Could it be that if the news leaked out, what did the other party know?

(End of this chapter)

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