Chapter 202
Mr. Zheng pointed to the door, sighed again and again, turned around, and greeted the two to sit down.

Su Xin subconsciously looked at the layout and atmosphere of the was very normal, and didn't even have the chilling aura felt in other people's homes, which showed that this was a very ordinary family.

Su Xin couldn't find the problem with the courtyard house at all, and Su Xin seemed very helpless. It seemed that the business was going to fail.

While serving water for the two, Mr. Zheng said, "Oh, I didn't expect to be too old to be idle."

Su Xin saw that there were things for women at home, but she never saw Mr. Zheng mentioning his wife, so she asked casually, "Does his mother know about Zheng Xing?"

She actually wanted to ask if it was a single-parent family?Is Zheng Xing married?
When Mr. Zheng heard this, he sighed again, "Oh, I made you two laugh."

Su Xin quickly said: "Sorry, I was abrupt..."

Mr. Zheng waved his hand, "I think he might still remember that incident back then, oh, it's been so many years..."

"Xiaoxing has a very good relationship with his grandfather. 15 years ago, our family just held his grandfather's funeral. On the way home, Xiaoxing kept crying. He wanted to get out of the car to find his grandfather. His mother couldn't hug him. , I just yelled at him, and he suddenly opened the door. I don’t know what happened that day, I always locked the door before, but I forgot that day.”

"I saw that the car door was about to open, and I panicked. I was about to pull over and stop. A large truck rushed up from the right rear without slowing down. It slammed my car sideways and collided with the oncoming car in front. The car was at that time. I was squeezed out of shape, I climbed out of the window, my wife pushed Xiaoxing out, and was about to go back to rescue his mother, the car caught fire, and we were pulled away by kind people who rushed around."

"Since then, he has gradually become estranged from me, blaming me for killing his mother. You know that a family without a woman is really bad. Later, when I remarried, Hui En followed me. Because of his feelings, the two of us also He didn't have any more children, and he took good care of him. But he, he... this time he borrowed a usury loan from outside, and our savings were all put into it. There was really no way, Hui En also took out his pension money. But that Nizi, he actually let people go..."

As the saying goes, if there is a stepmother, there will be a stepdad, but looking at Zheng Xing's appearance, it doesn't look like he has been treated badly.

Anyway, idle is idle, the two are doing the final "struggle", planning to visit Mr. Zheng's wife Hui En.

In another neighborhood, when Su Xin and the others saw her, they were setting up a vegetable stall.

She is about forty years old, but she feels very delicate.

Su Xin explained her purpose of coming, she asked the person next to her to help her look at the stall, and then took Su Xin and the two to a barbecue restaurant not far away to sit down.

Su Xin asked for a few drinks.

"Old Zheng is really a good person. I don't have any complaints about Xiaoxing. I just think that his current behavior may not be caused by his grudge against me, but by his own indulgence. We sat down and had a frank talk that day. He told me to get out of his house. In fact, I have a lot of things to refute, but I think he is such an adult, how can he not understand those truths? It’s just that he is unwilling to face it, or he has not faced it and taken responsibility. Courage. Lao Zheng has only one son, Xiaoxing. He used to feel guilty towards Xiaoxing because of his mother’s death. Later, because he was busy with work, he felt that he owed his son even more, so he was very tolerant. I don’t want him to be between the two of us. It was difficult, so I chose to move out.”

Hui En's voice was soft and clear, he did not avoid any questions, and was very frank.

"Xiaoxing said that I was only interested in his father's money. In fact, we have been married to Lao Zheng for more than ten years. Our property has been separated. I used to run a water bar. Half a year ago, Lao Zheng said that his savings had been My son ran out of money to repay the debt, and the creditor came to the door again, and the interest rate would increase by several thousand every other day. I wanted to change my life for more than ten years. Anyway, I have my own pension. At that time, I paid back hundreds of thousands, so I advised Xiaoxing to find a job so that he could settle down and not gamble or borrow money from usury. I asked a friend to help him find a job as a company clerk, and Lao Zheng and I personally sent him to the company and watched him go in before returning. But three days later, I received a call from my friend, saying that he only worked there After a long time, I arrived at the company almost ten o'clock, and I was asked by the personnel department, but I didn't go the next day."

"Then we called him, but he couldn't get through. We asked all the people, but there was no news about him. Three months later, he came back suddenly, saying that he was being chased for debts, and if he didn't give him money, he would be taken off his hands and feet. So Lao Zheng went to borrow more than [-] yuan to pay back. It stopped for a few days, and we all thought that he was being chased for debts this time, and we were afraid. Unexpectedly, he came back with a whole body of debt... We had a fierce quarrel, He said that I broke their Zheng family's feng shui..."

Hui En took a sip of his drink and said lightly: "I'm fine now. I have pursued and enjoyed what I love in my life. No matter what, I can still live the life I want now."

Su Xin hummed, agreeing with the other party's point of view very much in her heart.At the most beautiful age in life, she dares to pursue and give for love, and at the same time, she will not worry about gains and losses because of giving, because she is self-improving, and she can live a prosperous life at any time.

"By the way, do you know that their family has an old house?"

Hui En said: "Oh, let's talk about that courtyard house. It was also some time ago, and Lao Zheng was so forced that he really couldn't find it. He originally wanted to move there by himself and sell the current house to raise money. But he was looking for someone to renovate it. Something seemed to have happened at that time, so I decided to buy it. I found someone to look at the house, but it didn’t sell in the end. Listening to his tone, it seemed that there was something weird in it. I guess you are the people he invited to investigate?”

Su Xin nodded: "Yes, we have visited it a few times, but we have no clue until now, and we haven't found out what he said. By the way, have you been to that old house?"

Hui En shook his head, "Xiaoxing is increasingly repelling me from being with his father, and Lao Zheng still has a knot in his heart. The so-called twisted melon is not sweet, so it's good for me to come out alone. of."

Su Xin suddenly thought of something: "Oh, by the way, has Zheng Xing been to that old house?"

Hui En immediately raised his voice and responded, "He hasn't even seen anyone all day, how could he go there?"

After a pause, she added: "But now I'm afraid even if Xiaoxing wants to go to the old house, Old Zheng won't let him go."

Su Xin hummed, thinking about it too.

Did not get any valuable clues.

(End of this chapter)

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