her left eye is unusual

Chapter 203 Advanced: Late Yuan Neng

Chapter 203 Advanced: Late Yuan Neng

Saying goodbye to Hui En, the two saw that there was still some time, so they asked their neighbors by the way.

It is said that Hui En is a very generous and decent woman, but it is a pity that it is difficult to be a stepmother.

You treat people well, that's what you take for granted.

If you treat people badly, that is what everyone will blame.

Just think, people really don't have the obligation to take care of other people's children.Regardless of whether the child can achieve the same feedback.

Don't say things like "since you don't want to see other people's children, don't get married", just like "don't get married if you don't like the other's parents".

People love the house because they have a crush on the adults, not because she really loves the child so much that she marries this man.

It shows that it is not the Zheng family's problem.

After running around for a day, the two returned without success.

In the next few days, the two ran to the courtyard several times in a row.

They didn't experience the strange things that happened to those in the investigation.

Except for the Yinfeng that Su Xin encountered for the first time, she never encountered Yinfeng again.

Wang Yang was also asked to investigate the archives of the house.

Because they used to be old paper files, and many houses were traded privately in the past, and no written information was left.

It's just that when the computer information was entered in a unified manner at the end, the final house owner directly took the information and registered as a household.

So it can only be seen from the above that the last owner of the house is Mr. Zheng's father.

The two have been busy for a few days and have no clue at all.

Now they put all their doubts on the adopted son of the private school Mr. the old woman mentioned last time, but unfortunately the "old lady" she mentioned has long since passed away, and they still have no clues, and they have no way to find them.

On this day, Shi Feng sent Su Xin to the entrance of the lane.

Su Xin was thinking about something in her mind, and her mood was a little depressed. As soon as she arrived downstairs in the rental house, she saw Xiaomei's family sitting there as if discussing something.

Seeing her, they were a little surprised, their eyes filled with eagerness and a bit of unspeakable guilt.

Seeing Xiaomei's elder brother and sister-in-law were also there, Su Xin felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and her intuition must be related to her.And the only relationship between myself and them is - the house.

So he took the initiative to ask: "Auntie, Xiaomei, you... what's the matter?"

Aunt Yu was very embarrassed, "This, that" for a long time without saying a word.

In the end, it was Aunt Yu's son who said, "Well, Sister Suxin, I know you have helped my mother and sister here a lot, and our whole family likes you to live here, but..."

Su Xin was obedient and immediately understood the other party's intentions.

It is to take back the house.

In fact, Su Xin had noticed a thing or two from Xiaomei's words before, and she herself could not live here forever. She has been looking for a house during this time, but she hasn't found a suitable one yet.

Originally, it was normal to take back the house she rented out, but seeing them all feel a little guilty, this actually made her feel a little embarrassed.

Aunt Yu is getting older and older, and the business of the store is getting weaker and weaker, and she always has to be taken care of by her son and daughter-in-law.

It is impossible for a son, daughter-in-law, grandson and a large family to live in the same house with the elderly. The best way is to live on the first floor of the family and take care of each other without causing too many conflicts.

Su Xin understands very well.

Su Xin said: "You guys are going to take back the house, huh, that, actually, I also want to talk about this. I'm also looking for a house outside these two days, so, why don't you give me a few more days until I find it?" Then move out, okay?"

Aunt Yu's son and daughter-in-law kept saying things like, "Well, I'm really sorry".

Aunt Yu said, "No rush, no rush, it's the same until the end of the year..."

Su Xin smiled and exchanged greetings before going upstairs.

Aunt Yu looked at Suxin's back, hesitated to speak.

Xiaomei followed, "Sister Suxin, I'm so sorry..."

Su Xin smiled: "I'm sorry, I really want to move out, and I'm already looking for a house."

Xiaomei was sure that Suxin really wanted to move out, so she felt a little more at ease.

"Sister Su Xin, actually we are really reluctant to let you go. I also want to ask you to help me find my new boyfriend and help me check..."

Seeing Xiaomei's strength and self-reliance now, Su Xin felt an indescribable comfort in her heart.

Subconsciously, she put a strand of hair from Xiaomei's sideburns back, and said with a smile: "I can't bear you either, treat me like family members, help me prepare breakfast every day, and leave the door open for me no matter how late at night, usually if you have something to do. Go out for a few days and help me look after the room."

The kindness that was given by the kindness of taking in at the beginning is more precious than the icing on the cake.

"As for boyfriends, as long as you look at them with a straight mind, without too high expectations and too many entrustments, you won't have too much disappointment and helplessness."

Su Xin said this to Xiaomei, and she also said this to herself.

The ancients said, "If you don't have desires, you can be strong", probably this is the truth.

After sending Xiaomei away, Su Xin sat cross-legged on the bed after washing, and began to meditate on luck and adjust her breath.

No matter what, you must improve your strength.

Looking inside, he found that the Lingtai had undergone a slight change.

It seems that after she helped Zhizhi solve the problem, the changes in Lingtai gradually became obvious.

Because it was only subtle and not obvious at first, I didn't feel it, but in the past two days, I can finally see the specific difference.

Originally, Lingtai was just a jade-like platform standing abruptly in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Your own soul and spiritual power from cultivation float on it respectively.

Like the two eyes in the middle of a black and white yin-yang fish.

It's just that her soul is gray and black, but her spiritual power is red.

The spiritual power is filled with red silk threads that are about to move, swimming in it as if alive.

This reminded Su Xin inexplicably of the red card he had seen several times on the bus.

Now, as she gradually practiced, the spiritual platform below gradually expanded, and then expanded, and the spiritual platform corresponding to the floating soul and spiritual power gradually sank.

And the soul and spiritual power sank into the pit of the altar as if they had found their own destinations respectively.

In this way, it is more like a yin and yang fish.

There are several star points of different light and shade floating in the sea of ​​consciousness, and at this moment they slowly landed on the altar and were completely absorbed.

The two pits of the original yin-yang fish seem to have become a little bigger than before.

Immediately afterwards, the energy dissociated in Su Xin's body was absorbed and all gathered in the pit.

not enough.

With a thought, Su Xin took out the inkstone and absorbed all the energy stored in it.

During this period of time, many ghosts were collected and refined into energy.

Because she has no special need to use spiritual power, and no matter how much she absorbs, her cultivation level will not increase, so these energies have always been stored in the spiritual inkstone.

(End of this chapter)

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