her left eye is unusual

Chapter 205 Strange Commissioned Task

Chapter 205 Strange Commissioned Task
Shi Feng took out a pen and paper, ready to record.

Rocco looked at Shi Feng's information sheet "Name, age, address, contact number..."

Quickly said: "No, there is no need to record, you just need to do what I say."

Shi Feng looked at him.

Luo Ke suddenly felt a slip of the tongue, and quickly explained with a smile: "Oh, I mean, you don't need to write down my identity information. Don't worry, the money that should be given will not be less."

Shi Feng put down his pen and sat up straight: "Then tell me first, what is it?"

Rocco smiled, "Mr. Shi is really young and promising, he speaks quickly, and I won't go around in circles anymore."

"The thing is like this, my grandfather suddenly contracted a strange disease half a year ago. First, pustules appeared on his body one by one, and when they burst, they bleed out foul-smelling pus and fester to the surroundings. Effect……"

After listening to the other party talk for a long time, he was just introducing the other party's grandfather's condition.

Shi Feng had no choice but to interrupt him, and said, "Sorry, Mr. Luo, we are a detective agency here, and we help people investigate things that are not convenient for the parties to come forward or cannot be done for other reasons. If it is an illness, I suggest you go to the hospital."

Luo Ke waved his hands again and again: "Mr. Shi, please listen to me. My case is related to my grandfather's strange disease. Not long ago, I heard that you were the one who solved the strange disease of the young master of the Cao family, so I took the liberty to find it." .”

Shi Feng let out an "oh" and simply leaned on the back of the chair.Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at Su Xin.

Su Xin brought tea, then stepped aside.

Rocco glanced at the tea, and couldn't hide the disgust in his eyes, so he directly moved aside, "I heard that Mr. Shi also has an amazing assistant with great supernatural powers, I don't know..."

Shi Feng crossed his fingers and rested his elbows on the armrests on both sides. Hearing what the other party said, he gestured with his left hand to the side.

Rocco looked in the direction of the other party's gesture, and saw that it was the maid serving tea with him just now, very young, delicate and calm, but this was far from the image of the "Master Su" described by others.

Looking past Su Xin, he looked around the room again, with a blank face, and politely reminded Shi Feng: "That, I mean Su, Su..."

Shi Feng followed his words: "She is, Master Su."

Rocco stared at Shi Feng for a while, confirming that the other party was not joking.

He looked very embarrassed, stood up quickly, and stretched out his hands towards Su Xin, "Oh, look at my eyes, I really don't know Taishan, I hope Master Su will forgive me, forgive me... that, about my grandfather, I still don't know what to say." Please……"

Su Xin avoided the hand extended by the other party, and said: "Mr. Luo, you are polite. My boss has the final say on all business in the detective agency. I will file whichever case the boss asks me to file."

Rocco turned to Shi Feng again.

After some farce, it finally got to the point.

Rocco's meaning is very simple. In his words, it is to let the two rescue his grandfather. It does not need to fully recover, as long as he can speak and write.

Because everyone now understands that the ancestors of the Luo family are no longer able to survive, the seemingly peaceful and united family began to quarrel and divide up the family property.

But the ancestors of the Luo family did a great job, and did not leave any legal documents before.

If it is inherited according to conformity, Rocco is the youngest, and the projects he is now assigned are also the most tasteless, so he wants to let his grandfather make a will now.

Shi Feng asked: "So, what do you want us to do?"

Rocco said: "It's best to have him sign the will in front of the lawyer. After the matter is done, the price can be negotiated."

Shi Feng's whole body was lying on the sofa, and his tone became lazy: "So, you mean, don't care about your grandfather's life and death, just let him sign the will? Or even let him become a puppet All right?"

Rocco smiled awkwardly, but did not refute.

It's not that this method has never been used before, but the Taoist priests who were looking for, as soon as they entered the room, they would sieve chaff with their legs, and then they kowtowed and hugged their heads and ran away.

He really had no choice but to find this corner thousands of miles away.

Heh, this is really a strange entrusted task.

If the guess is correct, this is probably another battle for the inheritance of a wealthy family.

Rocco helped the mirror frame, and smiled awkwardly: "Heh, if you can save my grandfather, that would be the best. I just want to use this method to calm the current situation, and there is nothing wrong with it."

Shi Feng said in his heart, you guys are robbing inheritances so badly, whether you are right or wrong is none of my business, as long as there is a case to accept and money to accept.

"Presumably you also went to other detective agencies to inquire about the situation. According to the rules, you must first pay a deposit and activity fees before starting the investigation. Regardless of whether the matter is completed or not, the deposit and activity fees will not be refunded."

Rocco hesitated for a moment, "But you used to..."

"I have the final say on the rules here. If you have any opinions, you can do whatever you want." It seems that the other party has done their homework before coming. That's right. There was no precedent for Zero Zero Detective Agency to pay the deposit and activity funds first, but he was Boss, the rules are naturally set by him.

If you have the ability to bite him.

Luo Ke nodded again and again, "Hehe, this is, yes. With the two of you starting out, it will definitely be successful..."

Shi Feng raised his hand to stop the other party's words, "Stop it, we can't guarantee the absolute success of the matter. Of course, we will try our best to complete it. If we don't finish it, you can't force us. If you hold 'must give I made it like this, I advise you to find someone else."

"Hey, don't don't. Is it okay to listen to you and listen to you? Tell me how much it costs, and I will give it, but..."

"No, but this is an agreement. You can read it and sign it if you agree. Otherwise, let's not delay each other's time."

Shi Feng took out a contract, wrote a few strokes on it, and filled in the deposit and activity funds.Then push it in front of Rocco.

When Rocco saw it, his flattering face immediately darkened, exuding contempt and arrogance from the bottom of his bones, he held his head high and said, "Hmph, I thought I was so noble, but I still want money. One hundred thousand, I'll give it, you guys come with me now."

Shi Feng sat on the boss chair unmoved at all, and said lightly: "It seems that Mr. Luo hasn't read the content of the contract clearly. The time and method of action are determined by ourselves. What you need to do is to cooperate and cooperate with us. The action fits our schedule, if not, the contract is deemed to be terminated."

Rocco stared at Shi Feng, "You..."

After a while, I choked out a few words: "You're ruthless."

"One hundred thousand, I'll give it to you."

Rocco took out his mobile phone and transferred the money immediately.

As for what was written at the end of the agreement, to pay ten times the deposit after the event was completed, he just ignored it.

(End of this chapter)

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