her left eye is unusual

Chapter 206 Even Stranger Commissioned Tasks

Chapter 206 Even Stranger Commissioned Tasks
These are all poor and poor, really wanting money and crazy.

This time, if he hadn't begged them, he would have pretended to be a grandson here, and he wouldn't even bother to look at him on the main road.

The reward after the event?
Heh, since the work has been done, why use them?
After Shi Feng received the text message, he logged into the platform to check again, and it was indeed recorded.

Tsk, I haven't received such a big deal for a long time, and I feel better immediately.

Although I said to set the time myself just now, but I am idle now anyway, Chao Suxin said: "Start work."

Rocco then saw the maid who brought him tea and water just now... Oh no, Master Su, he was about to set off with the bag on the chair.

Uh, this seems to be a little different from what he imagined.

He couldn't help but add: "Well, my grandfather is in X province, don't you... prepare for it?"

Su Xin didn't intend to take this opportunity at all.

Shi Feng put on his backpack and walked towards the door. When he got to the door, he saw him still standing in the detective agency and said, "Sorry, I'm going to close the door."

Rocco looked at these two people as if they had discussed and prepared a long time ago.

I thought in my heart, did I bring a few brothers and sisters here in advance, so this is a trick?

Anyway, there was enough activity funds, and the three of them directly booked the nearest flight.

Three hours later, a limousine took the three to a villa at the airport.

The villa covers an area of ​​hundreds of acres, with the main building in the middle and several small villas around it.

On one side facing the sea, wooden piles are used to prop up a large viewing platform, on which gazebos and gazebos are built, enclosing the entire area into the scope of the back garden.

Really generous.

As soon as he walked in, Su Xin felt a lingering lingering vitality.

Vaguely, the surrounding vitality is completely gathered here.

Settling the family here, it stands to reason that people will prosper and the family business will prosper.

But looking at the client, Rocco, he looks gentle on the outside, but gloomy on the inside.

There is no sign of "mean" nouveau riche everywhere on his body, and it is completely impossible to see that he has the demeanor of a master accumulated over several generations.

Could it be that I made a mistake?

Because of her advanced strength and several life-saving magic weapons, Su Xin is not timid even if she walks in such a generous formation.

After experiencing several cases, Shi Feng seems to have gradually faded away from the superficial exaggeration, and the hostility in his bones is also extraordinarily domineering, making people look a little more aggressive than Xing Mu's aloofness.

Rocco led the two of them directly to the largest villa in the middle.

It's really not the right time for the two of Su Xin to come.

It turned out that Rocco went to S province to invite "skilled people", and the family got together and began to discuss how to divide the family.

Seeing Rocco bring someone here, he seemed very disdainful.

There was a faint murmuring voice, "These people are really overwhelmed now, thinking about money like crazy, thinking it's so easy to make money"

"Whatever, let him take it with him."

"Hmph, the illegitimate child thinks that others don't know, because he wants the old man to make a will and give him a share. I think the old man can't even move now, not to mention writing. By the way, what about the authoritative psychiatrist? The time has come. The identification of incapacity should be taken down as soon as possible."

"Those doctors don't know what's wrong, they just refuse to come, either they don't have time, or they are going on vacation."

"Heh, don't you even want to make money?"


Su Xin took a rough look, and there were 30 people, men and women, big and small, sitting in a room. It really was a big family.

Su Xin didn't intend to say hello to these people either.

Rocco took them to his grandfather's room.

The layout inside is quite luxurious, even more than what I saw in Qingshui Manor last time.

Although the room had been sprayed with strong perfume and incense, it still couldn't hide the smell of corruption.

Rocco led the two to the door and covered his mouth and nose, refusing to go in again.

Lying on the wide bed was an almost rotting inhuman figure.

There was not a single intact piece of skin on his body, it was all black and purple with pus, and he couldn't tell the original appearance.

But even so, the person is not dead yet!
Hearing the movement of Su Xin and the other two, he tried his best to turn his head to look over.

The head rubbed against the pillow, tearing off a large piece of carrion, exposing the white skull, and vaguely saw strips of white and tender bugs crawling in and out of it.

Even if Shi Feng crawled out from the pile of dead people, he couldn't help frowning.

Su Xin sensed that there were two kinds of forces clashing on this body.

One is the chilling air that represents death, and the other is the vitality that Su Xin sensed as soon as he entered the villa.

That's why it can't die for a while, and then slowly rots.

Before Su Xin could ask, the old man spoke first, his voice hoarse, like the sound of a bag with a hole in it.

"who are you?"

Su Xin said: "My name is Su Xin. We are from the Zero Detective Agency. At the entrustment of your grandson Rocco, we came to see your condition and see if there is any possibility of healing."

When the old man heard that they were from the detective agency, his expression immediately became agitated, "Detective agency... that's good, that's good, I ask you one thing, and when it's done, I'll give you all the money... "

The more wealth and status you have, the more you don't want to die. Even if you become like this, you don't want to die.

Half a year ago, Luo Jing, who was over eighty years old, was having fun in the gentle village. Suddenly a cold wind blew by, and he felt extremely itchy all over his body. When he stretched out his hand to scratch, a herpes appeared.

He thought it was the women who were not clean, and in his anger, he ordered them to be disposed of and thrown into the fortune-telling array of ghosts.

Then immediately go to your own private hospital for a full body examination.

All the data are completely normal, not infected with viruses or bacteria.

Luo Jing began to feel that something was wrong, so he quickly moved back to his villa, and the festering pustules eased a little.

He wondered if the seal that had fallen was broken by someone.

So I immediately sent someone to investigate, and sure enough, I heard that someone was going to sell the house.

In order to fear that the resentment inside would affect him, he chose to stay away from the S province.

If it's really Feng Shui turning around, I won't notice the game I originally made.

Unexpectedly, it was still broken, so when the contents inside were released, they found themselves.

Damn it, you die when you die, but you are still staying in the world to do evil.

It's a pity that this is not an ordinary ghost. He invited several well-known Feng Shui onmyojis in X province, and finally scared those people away.

There is no way, for the current plan, the only way to do it is to seal the inside again.

Those Feng Shui masters understand this truth, that is, they have to sacrifice themselves to seal the monster inside.

No matter how high the price he offered, no one dared to come.

Even under the guise of "helping the world and saving people", "saving common people" and "accumulating evil virtues", no one came.

So we can only find ordinary people who can enter without being affected to do this.

(End of this chapter)

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