her left eye is unusual

Chapter 207 Money is not easy to earn

Chapter 207 Money is not easy to earn

Private detectives are the best because these guys will do anything for your money.

Earlier, he asked those unfilial sons to invite private detectives, but those disobedient sons all had their own calculations and made various excuses.

Even if you ask, it's just those who ask for it.

Once these people enter it, not only will they not be able to do anything, but they will also damage themselves in it.

It doesn't matter if they are dead, the most fearful thing is to quarrel about this matter. Once the people in the "group" notice it, they will probably fill it in for the sake of the "righteousness".

And this person, he saw that she has a spiritual body protection, whether it is innate or acquired, only such a person can enter there safely.

Therefore, just now Luo Jing asked Su Xin who he was.

When he learned that the other party was a private detective, the fire of hope was rekindled in his eyes.

Su Xin and Shi Feng looked at each other, and Su Xin asked: "Let's talk about your illness first. Seeing that you have used all the medical methods, it is not pathological, but other reasons. caused……"

Before Suxin finished speaking, Luo Jing shouted in a trembling voice: "You don't need to worry about this matter. Now I will give you a commissioned task. I will give you ten times the price that Luo Ke paid you. But I have There is one condition, that is, I must complete my entrusted task first, how about it?"

Oh, how is it?
Do you even have to ask?

Su Xin raised her eyebrows, "We have no reason to refuse the client to give us money. The reward your grandson gave us is 100 million after the event is completed."

Shi Feng looked at Su Xin, but he didn't expect this guy to speak without a draft.If the other party really paid ten times as much, wouldn't it be 1000 million...

Luo Jing sneered in his heart, it depends on your life to get it, but not the money to spend it!

Su Xin moved a chair and sat two meters away diagonally opposite the bed.

Luo Jing said: "Well, now I can give you 500 million. As long as you complete my task, I will give you another 1000 million. My commission is very simple. You only need to put one thing in one place That's it."

Hah, the more I listen, the more confusing it becomes. To put something in a designated place, I am afraid that the thing is not simple, the place is not simple, or it is even more difficult to ask people who can take this thing and go to this place.

Otherwise, how could such a big pie fall on their heads?
Both of them heard the clue.

Faced with such a mysterious matter, Shi Feng was looking at Su Xin's meaning.

As for Su Xin, when he entered this villa just now, he felt very strange, with such a strong vitality, but on the other hand, looking at the big family, he couldn't feel a trace of neutrality and peace, but it made people feel very uncomfortable feeling.

Then he sensed the murderous aura of the old man... Presumably he was also chosen by the "Day of Heaven".

According to the results of previous investigations into more than a dozen accidental death cases, "Tian Dao" will never choose a person for no reason.

So there must be some secret behind this old man!
It's just that for such a big family, it's impossible to get to the bottom of them.

Because he has greater strength and backhands to cover up all the secrets.

Simply, Su Xin followed the other party's words.

Having money without making money is a fool.

Su Xin answered kindly: "Tell me what kind of mission it is. As long as we don't ask us to put the stone on the moon, even if we ask us to put it on Mount Everest or the North Pole, we can do it. "

Luo Jing glanced at Su Xin with bright eyes, and a trace of contempt flashed deep in his eyes.He has seen a lot of little people like this who are open to money, and there is nothing that money can't do, it has always been like this.

I pressed a button at hand, and after a while, a young and sexy maid came in.

When he came to the bedside, he didn't care about the rancid smell on Luo Jing's body, leaned over, put his ear to Luo Jing's mouth, and Luo Jing whispered something to her.

The maid turned around, put her body in front of the safe, fiddled with it, opened the door, and took out a black wooden box one foot wide and half a foot high from the bottom floor.

Seeing the maid's hand holding the box very hard, it seems that the things inside are not light.

Luo Jing said: "There is something inside, don't take it out casually now, or you will bring bad luck. When you get to the place, take it out..."

Su Xin took the box and was really dead.Even a whole block of iron is not so heavy.

Su Xin asked: "You haven't said where you want to put this."

"In the innermost part of Shili Lane, Xingfu Road, City of Province S, there is an old house. There is a well in the patio of the front yard. When you go down inside, there is a stone door. Just put the contents of this box in the empty seat... "

Su Xin suppressed the surprise in her heart, as well as the indescribable excitement.

Lowering your head, it took a while for this emotion to ease.

In Luo Jing's opinion, her action was a little bit of taking Joe.

So he said: "As long as you agree to take this case, I can give you 500 million now, and after the matter is completed, I will give you another 500 million, how about it?"

Su Xin frowned deliberately, pinching her teeth, pretending to be embarrassed.In fact, this kind of action made her look like she was not secretly having fun.

"This... well, then you should send the money first."

Luo Jing responded well.

He was not worried that these two people would slip away. If he dared to disobey, even his current appearance would be enough to make countless people die before him!

He was even less worried that the other party would swallow the money, because he didn't care about such a little money at all.He has plenty of money, all he wants is unlimited life, always, always live.

At this moment, even with her own toes, Su Xin could guess who this person was suffering from the disease.

The illegitimate son of Mr. Private School!

I didn't expect to be mixed up like this.

If we say that seeing a person suffer such torture at the beginning, I feel a little unbearable, and even feel very pitiful.

But when she deduced the real identity of the other party, there was only one thought in her mind - retribution, really retribution.

Su Xin guessed the other party's identity, but did not intend to expose the other party at this moment.

Judging from all the information collected, the other party doesn't want to be in contact with that place at all. With the other party's behavior, I am afraid that once she exposes her identity, it will be difficult for her and Shi Feng to get out of here.

Su Xin looked very embarrassed: "Then your illness..."

Luo Jing seemed very excited, "You don't need to worry about this. After the matter is completed, I will give you the reward that Luo Ke promised."

Su Xin showed joy on his face, and looked at Shi Feng: "Boss, can we take this case?"

When Luo Jing heard this, he cursed these two men and women a hundred times in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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