her left eye is unusual

Chapter 211 1 and Resolve

Chapter 211

Su Xin's eyes fell on the black wooden box.

The edges of the lid were sealed with black paint, and it was unknown what was inside.

The only thing that is certain is that it is by no means a good thing.

Moreover, the other party still refuses to take the plane. Could it be that there is an energy wave that can affect the plane's instruments?
From the memories of those puppets, Su Xin did not find a way for the handsome young man to control them remotely, so maybe he didn't know that his plan was destroyed until now.

But the longer the time drags on, even if you don't know the truth, you will definitely doubt it.

They will even send human skin puppets over again.

After all, she saw six men in black in the room.

Two days later, Shi Feng finally showed signs of waking up. He said "Ah, go to hell—" his eyes were closed, but they were still rolling.

Su Xin called "Boss, wake up" and hurried over to check.

Unexpectedly, Shi Feng bounced up suddenly, with a ferocious and fierce expression, he swung his fist and attacked Su Xin.

Su Xin was taken aback, she didn't have such quick skills, so she could only dodge on the spot, and without the slightest hesitation, she drew out the Yuchang Sword and stabbed at it.

Shi Feng's fist stopped abruptly within a foot of Su Xin's temple.

The distance between Su Xin's Yuchang Sword and his fist was only a few millimeters.

If his fist was about to drop, he would definitely be pierced by the Yuchang Sword.

A magic tool that can cut tofu like a zombie doctor, but to deal with the body of an ordinary person, I am afraid that it can be cut open more easily than tofu...

Under the tightly closed eyelids, the eyeballs rolled, as if doing the most intense struggle, and then suddenly opened.

"Su, prime..."

With a thought, Su Xin quickly retracted the Yuchang Sword, retreated to a "safe" distance, and then said with a smile: "Oh, the boss is awake."

Only then did Shi Feng notice his fist, and he was terrified in his heart.

He felt that there was an idea trying to control him, and he could only resist desperately.

This inspired the bloodiness of his previous killings.

But when he was in the midst of killing, a strange aura approached. His fighting instinct allowed him to accurately capture the opponent's vital points and attack directly.

Shi Feng looked very embarrassed, his throat moved, and he pondered for a moment.

Thinking of the hint Su Xin gave him before getting into the car, and where he is now, he asked, "Where are those men in black?"

Su Xin didn't know if Shi Feng had seen his Fish Intestine Sword.

Uh, the main reason is that if the other party only "unintentionally" raises the killing intent, but I "intentionally" counterattack, if I let the other party know, will this calm cooperative relationship become tense.

Taking advantage of retreating to a safe distance, Su Xin poured a glass of water and handed it to Shi Feng, and said, "They should be human skin puppets refined by the ancestor of the Luo family, or ghost puppets, and I have already killed them." .”

Shi Feng was startled, and he was very sorry: "I'm really sorry, I dragged you down."

Those few people can easily control him, one can imagine how powerful it is.

I couldn't help at all, and even fainted, which must have caused Susu a lot of hindrance.

Su Xin waved her hands again and again, "That's not true."

She quickly changed the subject and said, "Last time we saw six men in black there, I think, if we didn't accomplish something, he might send puppets here..."

Shi Feng drank the water in the glass in two gulps, and asked in doubt: "Are there six men in black?"

Su Xin nodded, "How many did you see?"

Shi Feng: "I only saw a man in a suit walking in front of us, I was still thinking that the old man clearly said that three people were following us, but he only saw one, and thought the other two were guarding in the dark. He told us to follow him, and I followed him involuntarily, he stopped the car, and I followed him involuntarily... Then I, I just... fainted."

Su Xin let out an "oh" and felt relieved.

At this moment, Shi Feng said in a doubtful voice: "That..."

Su Xin became nervous and quickly asked, "What?"

"I seem……"

"Like what?" Su Xin was anxious, never knowing that the boss is such a mother-in-law.

"I seem to be able to... see, oh wrong, I sensed something different."


"Life fluctuations."

Su Xin thought, could it be that this time Shi Feng was overwhelmed by misfortune and blessing, and got a supernatural power?
Shi Feng continued: "I feel that as long as I concentrate on sensing, I can sense breath, heartbeat and even the sound of pulse rhythm. It's as if everything is under my control."

Su Xin let out another long "oh--".

It's no wonder that the other party was able to accurately locate his direction when he woke up just now, and deal a fatal blow... Well, almost.

Su Xin said sincerely: "Congratulations, Boss, with Boss' skills, it is unknown whether he will become the God of War in the future!"

Shi Feng smiled happily like a child.

"Knock Knock Knock-"

A sudden knock on the door interrupted the two of them.

"I'm room service. The dinner you ordered is ready. May I bring it in for you now?"

Shi Feng hurriedly went to open the door... Su Xin closed her eyes and felt it again.

He rushed up suddenly, blocked Shi Feng with his palm, grabbed a jade talisman and slapped it on the waitress' forehead.

Push the waitress and trolley down the aisle and slam the door.

With two slaps, he still slapped the defensive talisman on the wall and floor, forming a sealed barrier.

She still doesn't understand formations yet, so she can only use this stupid method.

Suddenly, the room fell silent.

They didn't hit the barrier, let alone show their figure.

Su Xin suddenly lost track of the two puppets.

Shi Feng was also made nervous by Su Xin's posture, and he looked like he was about to fight with his sleeves, "Susu, what did you see?"

Su Xin shook her head: "I didn't see it."

By the way, he handed him another jade talisman.


The jade talisman in Shi Feng's hand suddenly became brighter.

A figure was blasted away.

Su Xin is very experienced now, and he swung his sword to stab without hesitation.

Only to a little corner.

The human skin puppet disappeared again.

However, Su Xin sensed a ghostly aura coming from the corner under the window.

So with a thought, he shot out several energy ice arrows with a snap of his fingers.

The human-skinned puppet immediately showed its figure, and saw that the originally "full" body had many folds at this time, and along with the gaps in the legs, it was constantly leaking air... it was leaking ghost air, and it was constantly shrinking.

The human skin puppet said to Su Xin: "Fourth brother, fifth brother and sixth brother were also killed by you, we have never had any enmity with you, why did you do this..."

Su Xin couldn't reply a word, it seemed that what the other party said made sense.

After all, they just want to possess and control them, but they don't want to kill them.

As for her, she snapped her as soon as she made a move.

Su Xin raised her eyebrows, but so what, you are the one who killed!

These two came just in time, and they were solved together!

(End of this chapter)

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