her left eye is unusual

Chapter 212 1 do not do 2 endlessly

Chapter 212

These two human skin puppets are obviously more difficult to deal with.

The puppet stabbed by Su Xin sadly complained about Su Xin's atrocities.

Su Xin didn't talk to her, she always felt that something was wrong.

Just now she clearly felt that there were two puppets hidden on the waitress, and when she forced them out with a talisman, there were also two figures.

But now there is only one active.

Su Xin didn't think such a small wound could solve this difficult puppet.

As long as its main soul is still on the human skin, it won't really die.

Moreover, there must have been people who could break through their human skin before. It would be too fragile to die from such a "minor injury".

and so……

Su Xin closed her eyes, feeling that every pore of her body had a touch, and fed back the breath of the outside world into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Suddenly, Su Xin turned around with a swipe, and raised the other Yuchang sword held backwards.

Pfft, next time——

With a slight cracking sound, the white and delicate skin seemed to be pulled open by a zipper, from between the legs to the top of the head.

A human skin puppet showed its figure, and at the same time, the human skin opened completely to the two sides, and countless ghosts poured out from inside with whining sounds.

Su Xin was on the "cusp of the storm", but he couldn't avoid it, so he could only slap a few jade charms on his body to barely resist such a powerful impact of Yin Qi.

The human skin puppet was still making a leaping movement, presumably it was intended to let another one show weakness to attract her attention, and then it attacked from behind.

Now it can only be frozen in place.

As the ghost in the human skin dissipated, the human skin sank at a faster speed, and finally, a dark as ink main soul floated out from inside.

On the other side, the puppet who was showing weakness just now to attract Su Xin's attention immediately disappeared and began to attack the defensive cover frantically.

The two of them just joined forces and failed to deal with this woman. At this time, the fear and desire to survive in their hearts overcame all orders and instructions.

It just wanted to run away, far away from this terrifying place, away from this terrifying woman.

Although it hides its figure, even Su Xin's left eye can't see it, but the defensive enchantment that Su Xin has set up by himself is connected with her spiritual power.

The puppet behind her that was completely dissected by her is no longer to be feared.At most, there is only one main soul left, no matter how powerful it is, it is just a ghost that has not yet become a spirit, and it cannot cause much harm to her.

But the other human skin puppet, which didn't hurt much, was different. Su Xin felt that every attack of the other party had a huge impact on the barrier, and it would break after a few times.

This is what she needs to focus on right now.

It was about four meters from the door of the room to the window. By the time she ran over at the speed, the other party would have slipped away.

So Su Xin's mind condensed several energy arrows, controlled the strength and distance, and dissipated when it just touched the barrier.

Otherwise, before the puppet broke through his barrier, he would have been broken by himself.

People really can stimulate their potential in a critical moment, and Su Xin finally realized why Xiao Tao always emphasized the need to "practical combat".

While firing energy arrows, Su Xin rushed towards the human skin puppet that was attacking the barrier according to the induction in the spiritual power.

Chi - puff -

Pulling the Fish Intestine Sword horizontally, the human skin puppet completely showed its figure. At the same time, the whole body was broken into two pieces, and a huge hole was made in the middle of the chest. Countless ghosts poured out like ink.

Su Xin was already prepared, so she wouldn't be too embarrassed.

The human skin has been completely destroyed, at least with their own ability, it cannot be repaired unless they go back to their masters to help them repair it.

The two main ghosts knelt on the ground and cried out for mercy:
"We died so badly..."

"We were all murdered"

"We are all forced"

"We can't help ourselves..."

"Please let us go, we promise that we will never..."

At this time, Su Xin believed what Xing Mu said, "ghosts are the most fickle, insidious and cunning".While they were begging for mercy, the other side was preparing to merge into one and counterattack her.

So Su Xin very wisely killed their huge dream in the cradle, smashed it several times with the soul hammer, and their main soul showed signs of dissipating.

Shi Feng watched this heart-pounding battle... oh wrong, except for a few times when several figures appeared, Su Xin simply raised his sword and dropped it.

The rest are more like watching Su Xin's "one-man show" alone, stabbing with a knife and hitting with a hammer fiercely in the air.

This kind of madness and gore... It seems that there is no blood, but it doesn't matter anymore, this kind of cruelty completely subverted the image of her that has always been quiet in his mind.

Although she was not particularly "gentle" in the previous missions, but this time, he thought, this is her real appearance.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng couldn't help swallowing.

After recovering, he realized that he had crushed the jade in his hand.

Su Xin cleaned up the venue, human skin, black cloak, and jade charms scattered on the ground, etc., what should be collected and what should be destroyed.

knock knock --

"I'm room service, and I'm here to deliver the dinner you ordered. I'm sorry for the delay because of our mistake just now. Can I deliver it now?"

Just now Su Xin felt that something was wrong, so he decisively forced the human skin puppet out of the waiter's body, and then pushed it to the aisle.

Although the waiter was only possessed for a while, but because there were two characters, and they were more powerful than before, the waiter couldn't take it anymore, and fainted directly in the aisle.

Just now, because a human skin puppet possessed him, the energy in the space fluctuated abnormally, so even the monitoring in the corridor turned into a snowflake, and nothing was captured.

They helped the waiter back to rest for a while, only to say that he was exhausted from work.

Then they prepared dinner for Suxin and brought it again.

Shi Feng came back to his senses and hurried over to open the door.

He looked haggard and embarrassed at the moment.

The waiter passed him and saw the mess in the room again, and was about to speak.

Shi Feng quickly said: "I'm really sorry, that...we...hehe, all the losses are recorded in my account, and I am very sorry for the trouble caused to you..."

These words sounded familiar, but it was just said by a different person.

Although I am very puzzled, I don't know how far the couple will "fight" to make the room look like the end of the world.

Well, for the sake of their good attitude and being so forthright, I forgive them.

The two moved to another room, dealt with related matters, and had dinner.

Ready to get down to business.

Su Xin killed five carefully refined human skin puppets one after another, this matter must not be good.

The plan for now is to solve the whole situation without doing anything!
(End of this chapter)

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