Chapter 214
Xiao Tao snorted lightly: "The way of heaven? P's way of heaven is just to find a high-sounding excuse for his accumulation."

Su Xin didn't know what the source of the murderous spirit was, she was completely out of control, and could only look up to the extent, and it seemed that from the previous investigations, it seemed to be "unhappy with the retribution of the wheel of heaven", so she He casually named him "Tian Dao".

"However, having said that, this is the way of the world. Whether it's a riot or a war, don't you have to give yourself a pretense of saving the common people, but actually regard the common people as a stepping stone to achieve their own great talents. In contrast, their approach is much better than some who don’t even lie about it.”

Su Xin was a little embarrassed by Xiao Tao's words. Compared with those people, she must be in the same boat.

In fact, they are essentially... the jungle of the jungle!
Su Xin doesn't think it's a derogatory term. After tearing apart all the appearances, there is such a truth inside.

Especially when she embarks on this path, only when she fully realizes this truth and does not hope to survive under the kindness and pity of others, can she go further!

Seeing Su Xin, Xiao Tao just smiled and was not at all affected by what he just said.

Secretly, he really is a born executioner.

It would be terrible if this executioner could be independent and principled.

Su Xin is not as complicated as Xiao Tao thinks, in her opinion, if the other party kills her, it is a clear violation of her rights and interests, of course she will fight back, and there is no pressure or hesitation.

If you harm others maliciously, it is only natural for others to take revenge.Those who beg for mercy and pretend to be pitiful, wait until all the grievances are settled, and then slowly talk about whether they are pitiful or not.

After fully understanding the ins and outs of this ghost baby, Su Xin asked: "By the way, just now you said they... who are they?"

Xiao Tao muttered, "Anyway, you have to face it soon, so let me tell you."

"They are the ghost yamen set up in the underworld, commonly known as the Yin Division."

Yin Division?So the old woman is not wrong to say that the courtyard is a ghost yamen?
So, ghost yamen represents the orthodoxy of rewarding good and punishing evil?
But why is Xiao Tao's tone not as sacred as imagined?
It seems that this matter needs further consideration.

It's better to get rid of the hot potato in front of me. Su Xin pointed to the ghost baby in front of him and asked, "How can I completely kill this thing?"

Xiao Tao paused, two small black eyes like sesame seeds grew on the radish, staring at Su Xin for a long time.

Su Xin asked again, "Should I stab him to death with a knife or burn him to death?"

The two small leaves of the little glutton flicked, and the radish shook on the Lingyan, "I said Susu, can't you be more tactful and subtle, and make me, an old glutton, feel a little ashamed in front of you."

Su Xin said: "Do you think my question is too straightforward? Then, you see such a cute baby, but you really can't do it. What should we do with it?"

Xiao Tao was completely defeated, and said two words coldly: "Burn."

Gulu got into the Lingyan, not wanting to spend any more time with this woman who was more terrifying than a demon.

Su Xin went to the wine cabinet, brought over several bottles of high-alcohol spirits, then found some flammable things and put them in the bathtub, put an iron shelf on it, and put the ghost baby on it.

Turn on the ventilation fan, pour the wine, light the fire...

bang bang bang-

bang bang bang-

There were quick knocks on the door, one after another, and gradually turned into a frenzied knock on the door.

A group of men and women blocked the door, forcing the waiter to open the door, very emotional.

Waiters, experience, and security are also huddled together.These people are not good at first glance, they are here to make trouble.

Moreover, the hotel also stipulates that the door of the guests cannot be opened casually, otherwise people will not feel safe staying with you.In the future, whether the reputation of the hotel is still needed, or whether to do business.

Besides, these people are so vicious, what if something happens when they open it.

The leader was a man in a suit in his thirties, and it was Luo Ke who was going to invite Su Xin and Shi Feng. At this moment, his face was full of veins, and he slammed the door hard while shouting at the top of his voice: "Master Su Su , Boss Shi, open the door, you guys hurry up and open the door, no matter what conditions you ask, we will listen to you, open the door, everything will be easy to talk—"

There was no movement at the door.

Others also started banging on the door frantically.

Even the security guards couldn't persuade him.

More and more people came, blocking the entire aisle.

They asked the waiter to open the door, how could the waiter open it when they said it was open.

So the two sides had a fierce dispute.

This door is also very strong, and it was smashed by these people in such a crazy way, leaving only a few shallow dents on it.

Su Xin's perception is now much sharper than before, and she vaguely heard the noise and knocking on the door.

She recognized Luo Ke's voice, and immediately concluded that old man Luo must have sent his devil and grandson to stop her.

Therefore, the door must not be opened at this moment. There are more than a dozen people just listening to the voice, and everything here will fall short!

When Su Xin went to Luo's villa, she was a little strange.

In such a vibrant place, no matter how the family members look like street ruffians and shrews.

Now I finally found the answer, because in their bones is the kind of absolute indifference and cruel ghost, although after several generations of inheritance, this kind of breath has been very weak, but it has not disappeared.

And because of the yin qi attached to the bones, women who almost married into this family left children for them, and either died of dystocia, or they would not live long after giving birth.

Now that Su Xin burned this ghost baby, he burned the hope of the Luo family's ancestors in the last round of the nine-reincarnation cycle, and also burned the future of the entire Luo family.

Even at this time, Luo Jing was not willing to send out Xiao Yi who was protecting her.

Because even he himself doesn't trust his descendants. He knows himself too well, so he understands his descendants better.

During the period when he fell ill in bed, he was still very respectful to him on the surface, but secretly sent assassins to assassinate him many times. If he hadn't had the human skin puppet he made, he would have been killed by his own The offspring are dead.

What he wanted to tell them was that if he died, the entire Luo family would be over, and they alone would not be able to bear even the great wealth.Because they don't have the blessing to bear it at all.

But those rebellious sons didn't listen to this at all. They just wanted to kill him, an old bastard. Without anyone restraining them, they could divide the family property and enjoy themselves.

Something with shallow eyelids.But he was helpless, this was innate.

(End of this chapter)

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