her left eye is unusual

Chapter 215 Persistence——

Chapter 215 Persistence——

It stands to reason that Luo Jing was originally a ghost, and he shouldn't have these cumbersome sons and daughters.

But he has been a person for a long time, and it is the family business he has built up bit by bit, and the family that has grown up bit by bit, and he has devoted too much effort to it, so he can't help but feel a little heartache and disappointment.

When Luo Jing felt that he might fall into the hands of two unknown men this time, he only hesitated for a moment before deciding to push his descendants to be cannon fodder.

Give them a soul gu, telling them to take the "thing" back.

After all, the situation is urgent, and it is impossible to call two security guards to do it.

... No matter what the noise outside is like, Su Xin also understands that as long as she opens the door, all this will calm down.

But she resolutely did not open the door.

open the door?With so many people pouring in, it's nothing to do with her.

I don't know why, but this ghost baby burned extremely slowly, and even made a very miserable baby cry.

Of course, what falls on the ears of ordinary people is the kind of whining wind, full of boundless resentment, very penetrating.

An ordinary fetus is also the size of a small basketball, but this ghost baby is only one-third the size at most, and I don't know how to make it look like this.

Presumably, it should have accumulated the energy and luck of the opponent's nine-turn reincarnation.

Su Xin saw that the burning could not be finished in a while, so she pushed all the tables and cabinets in the living room to the door, and blocked the door firmly.

Then the curtains and sheets were removed to help the combustion.

Jingle Bell--

When the monotonous ringtone rang, Su Xin took out the phone and saw that it was Shi Feng calling.

Immediately connected, Shi Feng's anxious voice came: "I saw that the people from the Luo family are here, what's going on? Does it matter..."

Su Xin replied: "I'm fine here, just take care of yourself."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone and turned off the phone by the way.

Now is the critical time for calcining ghost infants, and the chain must not be lost, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Su Xin understood that Shi Feng cared about herself, but if he cared about him instead, it would cause chaos.

Now as long as those people don't rush in, she will be fine.

No matter how noisy they are outside the door, I don't bother to care.

But if Shi Feng went up to join forces at this time, things would definitely be bad.

Fortunately, Shi Feng is not such a stubborn person. After he called Su Xin and found that the other party was turned off, he also interrupted and rushed to drive the Luo family away, and became the door god himself.

There is not only one old woman here, but a large group of young and middle-aged men and women. They simply retreated to the room and waited and watched.

...From early morning to dawn, the commotion outside continued for three or four hours, and finally the police were alerted.

I opened the door lock with a lockpicking tool, but the inside was blocked layer by layer.

In the end, the door could only be dismantled completely, and then cleaned up little by little, finally clearing a path through the doorway.

Everyone in the Luo family rushed forward.

Seeing this, the police, even though the Luo family has an extraordinary influence here, but they are so aggressive, it looks like they are going to gather a crowd to make trouble, how can they let them rush in and cause trouble?

If they killed someone, and it was done under the noses of the police, their jobs would be lost.

Although the police guarded the door to prevent those people from breaking in.

But they were bewitched by Luo Jing, they ignored it, and rushed in like crazy.

So the police could only pull out their guns and fire a warning shot.

It was useless to fire a gun.

As the breath of the ghost baby inside was cut off, Luo Jing's glimmer of life on the other side also completely disappeared.

Reflected on these people, it became even crazier.

Began to frantically beat the police officers on duty.After a lot of fighting, several policemen were injured and had to shoot.

Finally, use force to restrain these crazy people.

Toss outside for a long time.

Seeing that the lump in front of her finally turned into a piece of charcoal ash, Su Xin finally let out a sigh of relief.

Damn, who would have thought that something as small as two fists would burn for as long as seven or eight hours.

She almost tore down the whole house and burned it down.

Su Xin turned on the faucet of the bathtub and washed all the ashes away.

When the police broke through the door, they saw a vat of ashes, which was splashed by the water, and the black water was swirling and flowing.

He rushed up and blocked the drain at the bottom of the bathtub.

Nervous and a little excited, could it be that they are about to find out another invisible big fish.

Destroy drugs here?
So please come to appraise, investigate...

After busying for a long time, no suspicious items were found in the ashes, and no blood or other traces were found in the room.

Besides, even though Su Xin has been pushing against the door, she can say that she has nothing to do with those people, but she has already killed someone, who would believe it?If you stay, you will have nothing to do with it anyway.

Once caught in the bureau, things will be difficult in the future.

Taking advantage of the police rushing into the bathroom stall, Suoxin slapped an invisibility amulet on himself without hesitation, and then left quietly.

The first thing Su Xin did when he left was to immediately run to the lobby on the ground floor to erase his previously registered ID card information.

Because of the invisibility symbol, it is much easier to do this.


Shi Feng was so depressed that he didn't want to.

He was told by Su Xin without hesitation before that he was her burden.

Move yourself to another room.

Then when he saw the Luo family blocking the door of Su Xin's room like crazy, he faintly felt that something was wrong.

Thinking that Su Xin must have done something inside, she felt anxious and helpless.

Called the other party, and was hung up after saying a word.

When those people were banging on the door frantically, he was also very eager to know what happened inside, but after thinking about it, if something really happened, she could definitely call him.

No news right now, and that's the best news.

So according to Suxin's words, he quietly hid in his room, occasionally opening the door to check the situation outside.

This kind of noise lasted from two or three o'clock in the morning until past seven o'clock in the morning.

Seeing the police breaking in, Su Xin didn't come out for a long time, and I couldn't help feeling anxious again.

He suddenly received a call from Su Xin, suppressing the urge to spew out countless questions, but listened to Su Xin.

Su Xin said: "Clean up and leave, it's best not to leave any clues. You go back to the detective agency first, and I'll come back after I deal with some things, and talk back."

All of Shi Feng's words turned into an "oh" in the end.

Because he only had time to say one word, the other party hung up the phone.

Shi Feng only hesitated for a moment, and immediately packed his things, even wiped the doorknobs and cabinets with a paper towel, and then left the scene taking advantage of the chaos.

After leaving the hotel, I called Su Xin again, reminding the other party that the phone had been turned off.

Looking at the sky, took a deep breath, and then took a taxi directly to the airport.

 ps: Pepper saw that everyone left a message, and really wanted to add more, but the whole community suddenly had a power outage, from the afternoon until around 10:30 in the evening.I'm really sorry, let the peppers accumulate again, and make more updates, thank you for all the readers who support the subscription, love you! !
(End of this chapter)

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