her left eye is unusual

Chapter 221 Violence

Chapter 221 Violence
Endorsing Yin Division?

This made Su Xin immediately think of the legendary black and white impermanence, carrying a sickle and chain to seduce people's souls.

So she instinctively refused, no, as long as she had a choice, she would not become that kind of existence.

In fact, Black and White Impermanence is at a very high level in the Yin Division, which is equivalent to headhunters in the world, many levels higher than an ordinary spokesperson.

To put it bluntly, the spokesperson is just...a job, just like Xu Xin has a job in the police station now.

You can only assist the Yin Division, and you can do whatever the other party arranges for you, but you don't have the power to arrest and execute on your own.

If it is finished, it will be given some bones without meat. If it is not done well, it will be replaced every minute.After all, there are many people who want to win such an honor.

If you do well in the future, if you get promoted, you may be able to become an official ghost messenger on duty in the human world. Then, according to the announcement tasks issued by the Yin Division, and according to the rewards and punishments for the evil, those souls who deserved their crimes will be caught in the Yin Division to accept the sentence and corresponding punishment.

But more spokespersons are spokespersons for a lifetime.

Now, Su Xin heard from Xiao Tao that all the ghosts here come from the underworld, that is to say, the whole ghost yamen is serving Luo Jing?

What absurdity!

Su Xin couldn't help but feel that her heart was blocked, and her feelings were all of the same virtue.

Fortunately, I was sensible and didn't respond casually.

Little Tao ignored Su Xin's disappointment at the moment, and lazily said: "Oh, I didn't say they came from the underworld, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Not from the underworld?" Su Xin reconfirmed, inexplicably, full of hope in his heart.

"Of course, the underworld will not be so generous, giving away so many souls casually." Xiao Tao said nonchalantly.

Su Xin let out a sigh, subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, this is a little acceptable, showing the underworld of reincarnation.

Xiao Tao didn't care about Su Xin's thoughts at the moment, and continued to analyze: "I suspect that it is very likely that Luo Jing found a certain passage and collected the souls trapped in that specific time and space here. Look, constantly There are souls that are exhausted and dissipated, and the same number of souls continue to join..."

Su Xin gave a "hmm" to express her understanding.

In the miscellaneous books I have read before, there seems to be some opinions that mentioned words such as "parallel space" and "space cracks". I think I have seen ghosts, and these things may really exist.

The degree of cognition of this world depends on what kind of strength you have.

Su Xin didn't continue to worry about what kind of space cracks are, how they are formed, why these ghosts are trapped inside and do not dissipate, but changed his mouth and said: "Just now you said that you can destroy this big formation if you break the foundation. Yes. What is the foundation? Is that black stone pillar in the middle?"

Because of those things, when she becomes stronger in the future, or she really encounters them, she will naturally understand them.

The top priority is to break the formation, break the formation!

"That's right, it's that stone. But if you go like this, I'm afraid..." You became like those wandering spirits.

Xiao Tao hadn't finished speaking, only heard a loud "bang--", cutting off the words behind him abruptly.

Su Xin even picked up the soul hammer and infused it with spiritual power, and slammed it down hard on the ground.

Compared with this violent woman, Xiao Tao suddenly realized that he had always been gentle and gentle.

Cracks were cracked on the clean and empty ground, like a spider web, the cracks spread rapidly to the surroundings from the center hit by the soul hammer.

In just a moment, the Yin power attached to the surface spread out, and pieces of gray matter peeled off from it and floated into the air, revealing the runes drawn on the ground.

Su Xin noticed that these souls were drawn by the mysterious force, and they walked according to a certain rhythm and rules every time. Every time they took a step, the yin energy on their bodies would be pulled out by the formation and gathered in the black stone pillar in the center.

Generally speaking, very few people will use this method to break the formation.

Because not only the speed is slow, but also the people who set up the formation will find out as long as they move.

But now Su Xin doesn't care whether he will be discovered or not. So much has been destroyed in front of him, the only thing that deceives him is that he can't come.

Time was running out, so I cleaned up all the formations and ghosts along the way, so that ordinary people could come in.

If it was him, even if he couldn't move, he would hire a group of desperadoes to rush in with their guns in their hands and shoot indiscriminately.

Su Xin picked off two runes with the tip of a knife, and saw two souls wandering off, and then wandered out of the formation in a daze.

Su Xin activated the Lingyan and placed it next to her. When the two souls escaped from the gravitational force of the formation, they were immediately sucked into a wisp of green smoke by the small whirling nest of the Lingyan, and they were absorbed in a whiff.

Seeing that this move was effective, Su Xin persevered and continued to pick out runes.

Picking and digging, she found a pattern, the runes flashed, and there was energy flowing, but this energy did not come from ghost power.

So there must be something supporting the operation of the entire formation.

So I searched in reverse along the direction of energy flow, and finally found some clues on the dome of the entrance.

A protruding stone was five or six meters away from her.

It's a pity that I don't have the ability to fly into the sky and escape from the ground, otherwise I would just stamp my foot on the ground and fly up to destroy the stone.

Su Xin flipped his wrist, and a ball of energy condensed in the palm of his hand. With a thought, it turned into several ice arrows and flung them out. After a few very light piercing sounds.

Frostbolt hits accurately around the stones.

It's not that her accuracy is so good, it's because it's her own spiritual power, which can be controlled through thoughts, and as long as it's within the range of perception of her mental power, the accuracy can be 100%.

Su Xin saw that there were cracks around the stone, so he followed the crack and continued to fire energy ice arrows several times.

Crash, bang——

A stone the size of a basketball fell to the ground, and the stone fragments were scattered all over the ground.

A white translucent crystal block the size of a two-order Rubik's cube rolled out.

Xiao Tao's voice yelled out in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Hurry up and pick it up, top-quality spirit stone, tsk tsk, you're really a shit this time."

Following Xiao Tao's voice, Su Xin quickly put the crystal block into his sleeve.

As for the big formation in front of him, because there was no basic energy supply, the runes below gradually lost their brilliance.

All the souls were scattered, without the constraints of runes and formations, they wandered around aimlessly.

Su Xin saw that these ghosts did not know how long they had been in that so-called independent time and space, and all their mental memories had long since disappeared, leaving only the ghost power that kept them cohesive for some unknown reason.

Because the soul is too weak, with only a little external force, it was easily absorbed by Lingyan.

Anyway, if Su Xin doesn't collect them now, they will dissipate in the air or be collected by another person in a short time.

It is better to be cheap to others than to be cheap to yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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