her left eye is unusual

Chapter 222 Yo, One Step Late

Chapter 222 Oh, one step too late
The whirlwind above the Lingyan inkstone continued to expand, spinning and gradually spreading to the entire cave, and all the ghosts were brought into the whirlwind nest, like leaves being swept away by the autumn wind, and were swept away.

The soul disappeared, and there was a sudden crackling sound in the empty cave.

I saw the black stone pillar in the center suddenly shattered, and with a crash, the black stone shattered to the ground.

Presumably it was because the balance of internal and external energy was broken, the ghost power outside disappeared, and the transformed bioenergy accumulated in the stone pillar directly exploded the entire stone pillar.

I saw clusters of white energy mist floating out from inside.

Immediately, the whole space was filled with the breath of life.

Su Xin took a deep breath, feeling that every pore was clamoring, refreshed.

The outer stone was broken, and a nearly transparent groove appeared in the center, and the energy inside turned into a liquid!
Tsk tsk, isn't this the pure energy she obtained after refining the ghost power with the Lingyan?
You have to refine several ghosts to get a drop, but now, there is at least a small water cup in this groove.

But the energy kept dissipating with the white smoke, and the spiritual liquid in the groove was decreasing at a visible speed... Su Xin's flesh hurts... oh, it's too wasteful.

Without hesitation, he rushed forward and drew a formula for "receiving" on the Lingyan, all of which was collected in the yin space where Xiaotao was.

In the past, Xiao Tao asked Su Xin to buy some jade bottles to hold the spiritual liquid, but she found that the preservation ability of ordinary jade bottles is still very limited.

The meaning of what Xiao Tao said was probably because the cooperative relationship between the two had not reached such a deep level at that time, and he was afraid that the other party would think that if it was placed in the space where it was, it would steal something.

In fact, it doesn't like these ordinary energy liquids at all. Now, it has become Su Xin's full-time warehouse keeper.

It uses its own mana to divide several areas in the yin space, and put away the things received by the other party in different categories.

Although it doesn't like these ordinary things, it didn't expect the other party to gain so much at once, so it is sincerely happy for her.

Well, maybe it's time to fix this broken gadget.

clap clap-

Intensive gunshots suddenly sounded, and the howling bullets shot on the wall and the ground, making pits one after another.

Su Xin patted the invisibility amulet on herself, carefully observing the movement outside.

After waiting for a while, the people outside didn't seem to stop at all, they were still shooting aimlessly.

It seems that they want to seal off the entrance of the entire cave... and then... Could it be that they are waiting for someone?

Su Xin slapped all the last few defensive symbols on his body, and then rushed out against the hail of bullets.

Energy ice arrows condensed from both hands, and swished out.

After hearing a few painful grunts, the gunshots suddenly faded away.

... Without the support of Shengyuan, Luo Jing's body began to rot rapidly.

Roaring like a beast, staring straight at the ceiling, desperate, unwilling, angry...

Why is it like this, everything should be mine, all of this is created by himself, why can't God tolerate him, he only got it by his own ability, why should he treat him like this? !

Two young men and women in long robes and long skirts rushed straight to the back of the villa. With a wave of their hands, several teams of mercenaries retreated.

The two quickly entered the cave, and saw that the inside was in a mess, and there was no sign of the instigator.

"We came a step late and were run away by the other party." The handsome man in the blue-gray robe said with a frown.

The woman in the white dress frowned: "Brother Yixuan, do you think the Suxin that Luo Jing mentioned is that Suxin?"

The woman in the long skirt is none other than Hui Xinjie who had a short-term relationship with Su Xin before, but indirectly influenced Su Xin to join the group.

Xiao Yixuan looked at Hui Xinjie, "Su Xin? Is that the person that the team leader personally crossed out last time? I heard that you have had contact with her before, so you should know her style better."

It was just a very common reasoning, and Hui Xinjie's face flashed a little unnaturally. She didn't like people to use such questioning eyes and tone to her, and said: "It is true that we have contacted, and I have reported to the team leader what happened before and after. Yes, and brother Yuchi is also present, he can testify."

Xiao Yixuan wanted to say something else, but he took a look at Hui Xinjie and shut up decisively.

To be honest, he didn't like to spend more energy on how to deal with the relationship with his companions. He just wanted to improve his own strength, but he didn't expect that entering it would be the same as other places, with intricate relationships and tiredness.

All of this was revealed by Luo Jing himself and revealed to the special case team.

In the past, he avoided those people. After all, with his strength, he didn't dare to confront them openly. Behind the opponent was orthodoxy and great luck.

But this time, when he sensed that the other party had broken his vital formation...so he didn't hesitate any more.

While letting the mercenaries guard the back mountain, they only need to shoot in one direction with full energy.It only takes an hour at most.

For these mercenaries, the mountain in front of them is a mountain, shooting towards a place at the foot of the mountain, there is nothing there, nothing.

Because there is a natural phantom array, ordinary people can't see through it unless they walk in.

But no matter, get the money, anyway, if the employer says to shoot here, then do it.

So he set up several machine guns and fired wildly until two people appeared out of thin air. For some reason, the other party only waved his hand. They were so arrogant and rebellious, so they left very obediently.

This time, Hui Xinjie was originally performing a mission nearby. In order to buy time, the team sent her over.

But she said that her main focus is on healing, so it's okay to encounter ordinary supernatural events, but if there are powerful ghosts or something, I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with them.

So the team asked Xiao Yixuan who was the closest to this place to come to assist.In fact, she knew very well that the team member closest to her was Xiao Yixuan.

The two checked in the cave, Xiao Yixuan's expression was serious, if this person was really the Su Xin they said, it would be terrible.

He has read her information, she is a very ordinary acquired ability opener, and has only experienced some small supernatural events, it is absolutely impossible for her to have such a sharp and sharp method.

Whether it was the formation or the ghost, the sweep was so clean that not even a trace of residue was left.

The two came out of the cave, leaving behind several corpses of mercenaries in bulletproof suits and camouflage on their faces.

A hole the size of a finger was left on their heads, as if they had been shot through with a sharp weapon.

The wound was neat, and all the flesh and brain tissue in the pierced area seemed to disappear out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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