her left eye is unusual

Chapter 224 Advanced Spirit Inkstone

Chapter 224 Advanced Spirit Inkstone
With the continuous injection of energy into the inkstone, it gradually changed from the original circle to a regular pentagon, with a groove in the middle, and faintly quaint patterns appearing around it.

Su Xin discovered that it didn't seem to be an inkstone, but a base of...something.

Xiao Tao said: "That's right, this is not an independent magic weapon, but the base of the Demon Refining Tower. Now we can only use these spaces to imprison or refine ghosts, but the real Demon Refining Tower The most powerful ancient monsters can be subdued, so, come on, boy!"

In a word, it made Su Xin burst into another burst of passion.

Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that the Lingyan inkstone, which was originally used to grind ink, turned out to be a part of an artifact, and I really made a lot of money.

Feeling Su Xin's joy, Xiao Tao really couldn't understand her optimistic look, and hit her unceremoniously: "Don't be too happy too early, you are so ambitious. Regardless of whether you can find the remaining parts, so many bits On the other hand, I still don't know where it is scattered. It is said that such a powerful artifact will be broken, either because it is attacked by a very powerful external force, or there is something powerful inside that breaks through the Demon Refining Tower. No matter which None of them are what you are qualified to see now."

"In fact, most of the artifacts that exist on these planes are left behind in the ancient war. Because with the current materials and methods, such things cannot be refined at all. Therefore, good luck may be found in a certain place. A magic weapon that is still in good condition is found in the local area. If you are unlucky, it is just a part. Even with the efforts of several generations, it is just a part..."

Su Xin felt that it was reasonable. Indeed, it is impossible for the current scientific and technological civilization to create something like the Soul Hammer, something that can be controlled by people with thoughts, and it is self-contained inside.

She was not attacked by Xiao Tao at all, and she replied logically: "That's why I have to work harder now. As for whether I can get the rest of the parts together, it is not only fate, but also strength. If I am strong enough And enough wealth, it is also possible to post a reward list..."

Xiao Tao was still muttering, she was whimsical, but her heart was full of joy.Give her encouragement secretly!
I even feel that I have returned to the glorious history of the heyday, and I am beckoning to myself in the not-too-distant future.

Su Xin looked at the Lingyan, let it repair automatically, and began to sit cross-legged to adjust her breath.

She needs to sort out the details of this battle carefully, and summarize the gains and losses.

Whether it is mental strength, willpower or the ability to control spiritual power, they have all been improved unprecedentedly. After sitting quietly for two days, they finally completed the last level of channeling and reached the great perfection of the realm of primordial energy.

Su Xin absorbed all the bits of energy specially left by Xiaotao in the Lingyan inkstone, and the spirit platform in the sea of ​​consciousness expanded several times, and the center became the two eyes of a yin-yang fish.

One is the spiritual pool, and the other is the sea of ​​consciousness.

The surroundings of the Lingtai stretch out like a large open space.But do not know what effect.

After tidying up, I can finally sleep peacefully.

In the mist, deep in the sea of ​​consciousness, that faint voice sounded again. Compared with the deep and hoarse last time, this time it was more vicissitudes.

"Star Realm, Star Realm... Remember, Star Realm..."

The voice talked about several star realms in a row, and then stopped abruptly, as if it was suddenly closed by someone.

This time, Su Xin's mental strength and consciousness were much stronger than before, so even though she was asleep, she could clearly distinguish that the voice was not Xiao Tao's, nor anyone she knew.

After this dream, Su Xin woke up.

Carefully recalling the bits and pieces of the voice that sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness, and wrote down the words "Star Realm".

Su Xin has been doubting why she has the ability to see ghosts after waking up after a catastrophe.Although there are many reports, most of the people with special functions only possess them after encountering certain catastrophes.But there must always be a reason, why do you have to suffer catastrophe to have this or that ability?Why do many people suffer from catastrophes but have no supernatural powers?There must be a selection criterion.

Su Xin thought of a possibility—red cards.

The red card that disappeared inexplicably after I woke up, as well as my own spiritual power, was originally just a milky white mist, but it became what it is now after the fusion of that drop of blood-like red substance.

Where did it come from?
Why is it me?
I am on the seat of the car, have other people seen it?
Is it...

Thinking about it, Su Xin fell asleep again.

When I woke up, it was already three poles in the sun, watching the sunlight projected on the mosquito net through the light grass green curtains, it was fresh and warm.

Looks like today is another sunny day.

Su Xin stretched her waist greatly, turned around on the bed before getting up, tidied up briefly, and then called Su Donghai.

First, ask about the family situation, how the parents are in health, how well the house is built, how much money is left, and so on.

Su Donghai said: "Everything is fine at home, the house is being repaired smoothly, and it is finishing up now, and the money is enough. The rest is decoration, furniture and appliances, and I will buy these later..."

Su Xin said: "I took another big case two days ago, so you don't have to worry about the money. All the things that need to be built will be done together, and the decoration of furniture and appliances will be done in one step. I will send 50 yuan later. come over……"


"Brother Donghai, listen to me, we have the money and strength to contribute now, let's get the house done first and then talk about other things, let's talk slowly later, okay?" Su Xin said immediately: "By the way, Donghai Brother, are you at home now? Why don't you go to the edge of the field with your sister-in-law, I have something to tell you. "

Su Donghai paused, looked at Min Ru, and said to his parents, "A Ru and I are going out for a stroll, you guys should watch here first."

Seeing that their son and daughter-in-law have such a good relationship, the two elders are naturally very happy, and they can go wherever they like.

"...Brother Donghai, I have investigated the matter of you being wronged and imprisoned last time." Su Xin said.

The sound of Dong Hai taking a deep breath came from the microphone, although they told their parents on the surface that they had let go and lived a good life in the future.

But that's all because the reality is compelling. They can't ignore the elderly just because they want to get fairness, and let everyone live in fear for them.

Now hearing what Su Xin said, all kinds of emotions were mixed for a while. "you you……"

"Those three bastards saw something they shouldn't see after you left, and then they were silenced. Someone will bribe you up and down, but you need another person to be a dead ghost, so you are pushed out. I have already found out The people who really killed the three gangsters also found out the real mastermind behind the scenes, and they will never come out to do evil again in the future."

"you you……"

Su Xin heard the voice of sobbing in the microphone, the man did not flick his tears easily.

The two have been wronged for so long, and there is no way to appeal everywhere, thinking that this life will become a knot in their hearts, but unexpectedly one day, this knot will be untied.

The law of heaven is clear, it really is the way of heaven has eyes!
Ever since Su Donghai vaguely knew that Su Xin had some kind of ability that ordinary people couldn't understand, he didn't doubt whether Su Xin was comforting him.

Su Donghai and Min Ru hugged each other and wept. At this moment, all the knots were truly untied, and the clouds opened up.

(End of this chapter)

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