her left eye is unusual

Chapter 225 Take Over

Chapter 225 Take Over
Su Xin finished the call with Su Donghai, and then called her parents to report that she was safe.

Then he called Shi Feng and said that he had finished dealing with the matter over there, and he could go to work now.

As soon as she finished speaking, Shi Feng only said two words: "Speed—" and hung up her phone.

Su Xin was about to ask the other party what case he had, what was the matter, when he heard a busy tone from the phone.

Glancing at the phone, listening to the tone of the other party, he seemed a little impatient.

Could it be because I hung up on him last time?

Or encountered something difficult?
Su Xin quickly put on her bag, and when she went downstairs, Xiao Mei handed her a bag of buns, steamed buns and soy milk.

Su Xin hailed a taxi, and when passing by the bank, she deposited the money at home.

It was almost noon when we arrived at the detective agency.

Su Xin climbed to the sixth floor in one breath, and just as she walked to the door, she saw a slightly stooped figure sitting on a chair opposite Shi Feng through the gap in the door.

She recognized it immediately, it was Mr. Zheng.

However, in just a few days, he looked a little older again.

"Mr. Shi, please help us, I really have nothing to do now, that rebellious son..."

As soon as she heard the voice, Su Xin understood that it was Mr. Zheng, the commissioner of the courtyard task.

Shi Feng also looked very embarrassed: "Mr. Zheng, please calm down first. It's really not that I won't help you, but that your house does have some problems, and you can't live in any one. I'm also going around for you these days Inquire, but..."

"Tomorrow is the deadline. If we are required to carry the principal with interest, there is actually more than 100 million yuan. Now I have listed the house I live in, but they only give 50 yuan at most, and they have to wait until the house is transferred. Qing. I'm the only son, I... By the way, haven't you been there several times? You... Or..."

From his tone, it seemed that he wanted them to buy it.

In fact, Mr. Zheng had this kind of meaning in his words last time, but it was not as strong as it is now.

Although it is understandable that he wants to help his son repay the debt, Su Xin does not agree with his blindness at all, but what is the matter, she is too lazy to care about how others deal with her life.

There is also the matter of the house. Mr. Zheng knows that many people have gone there, and he has a special feeling. Even those people who have been honest all their lives will go crazy because they often see scenes that they should not see.

But he is still so persistent in wanting to sell, the indifference beneath his seemingly kind and honest appearance makes people feel the most chilling.

Su Xin pushed the door open, and greeted Shi Feng and Mr. Zheng.

Mr. Zheng quickly stood up and took two steps towards Suxin, and said eagerly: "Master Susu, I know you have the ability, and only you can control that house. You can do it and buy it. Money matters are negotiable. You can pay half of it first, and the rest can be paid in installments..."

Su Xin threw the bag on the chair casually, put one hand on the edge of the table, and said with a solemn expression: "To be honest, we have been rushing about your affairs these days. You also know that before that, we paid the deposit and activities. You were not confiscated of the funds. I also asked a lot of friends on the Tao, and I invited them to see it, but they just left with a glance. People nearby rumored that it was a ghost yamen, and I think the rumors are true..."

"Then, that... But haven't you been there before, aren't you all right?"

Su Xin replied: "You are right, not everyone can live in it. But so what, should I buy it just because I can live in it?"

"Master Su, as long as you do..."

Su Xin raised her hand to "stop" the other party's pitiful pleading, "Okay, tell me, how do you sell your house?"

Mr. Zheng said again how he had to sell his ancestral property as a last resort, "I asked someone to estimate the location and buildings there, and it would cost at least 700 to 600 million. You have helped me so much, and I don't want more. [-] million, will it work?"

Shi Feng, who was drinking water next to him, almost choked on a sip of water. If he remembered correctly, when he came last time, he said it was 600 million, but no one dared to ask for the final price of 400 million.

Now that they are going to charge them 600 million yuan, how dare they be easy to bully because they are kind?
Unexpectedly, the old man had been looking at Ting Ting's honest and honest look, and actually knocked them on the head. Shi Feng was about to give him back, only to hear Su Xin's hearty voice: "Okay, if you say 600 million, it will be 600 million. Complete the deal After the transfer, I will transfer the money to you."

As soon as Mr. Zheng heard that Su Xin was so happy, he agreed, and he opened his mouth, a little regretful, did he say too little just now?

"Well, what about the transaction tax and handling fees... you pay?"

"I'm out."

Seeing that the other party didn't even return the price, Mr. Zheng felt that what he asked for was too little.It's just that the price was shouted out by myself, so it's hard to change it now, what if she doesn't want the house.

Muttering in his mouth: "If I hadn't been driven to a dead end, I really wouldn't sell my ancestral property cheaply, alas..."

Thinking about being diligent and thrifty all his life, his son lost all his possessions in the end.

His current pension is enough for his own living expenses, and he has no savings, so he has to be caught blind if he encounters any troubles.

I just count on this house, in addition to paying off the gambling debts for my son, I also have to consider buying a house, a car, and a wife for my son, all of which cost money...

Su Xin ignored the other party's thoughts, waited for Mr. Zheng to go back to collect the relevant documents, and agreed to meet in the certification hall.

Mr. Zheng is really anxious now, although he has all kinds of doubts and reconciliation in his heart, but when he thinks that if he doesn't give money tomorrow, he will really let go of his son.

After all, this world is chaotic, and my son is still angry with himself now, and he doesn't go back to the house, and others just take him to any corner to have a meal. Without evidence, he can't even sue.

The other party threatened to go to court to sue them and request the court to enforce it.

The house under his name was put up for auction. He knew the doorway inside, and usually the starting price was half or one-third of the original price.

Shi Feng asked Su Xin: "You..." before he started, he didn't know what to ask.

Why no counter-offer?From the very beginning, it was obvious that the old man was holding a small abacus, so he planned to procrastinate for a while, and then take the opportunity to lower the price when he was in a hurry.Not to mention 400 million, but at least it won't increase by 200 million all at once.

Why is there so much money?She has extraordinary means, and besides, she is not qualified to ask this question.

Why did you buy that house? ...

Su Xin looked at Shi Feng and asked with a smile: "Boss, do you want to join us?"

"Yes—" Of course, otherwise, how can he be the boss?
Shi Feng didn't hesitate at all, and immediately responded.

(End of this chapter)

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