Chapter 227

The ghost boy made the surroundings very restless, because the current situation was turbulent and everyone was in panic, so they didn't notice his abnormality.

But his appetite is too big, it can no longer meet his needs, and there is nothing around him that can cause him trouble. It just so happened that the enemy entered the village, and he became a traitor without hesitation.

He tortured Mr. and his wife from the private school and threw them into the well. Unexpectedly, at this moment, he suddenly sensed the yin energy below.

Unexpectedly, these two people died with such great resentment, and they actually communicated the passage between the world and the underworld.

I want to come here to become a ghost office.

He suddenly thought of one thing, when the ghost yamen takes root in a place, it needs soul condensing beads!

So I went down to take a look, and I saw a Yin stone popping up, and a soul-condensing bead in the groove in the middle of the Yin stone was rolling up and down with the gurgling Yin River water.

The Soul Condensation Orb is very beneficial to ghost cultivators. It can not only cover up their natural ghost aura, but also spread their offspring, just like real strangers.

The most important thing is that he does not need to reincarnate as a nine-turn ghost baby. After all, every time he is reborn as a ghost baby, he is the weakest. Even if he has some supernatural powers, he is still very easy to die , then it means that all previous efforts are in vain.

But with Soul Condensation Orb, it's different. You only need to do a rebirth ceremony every ten years. Nine times like this is equivalent to nine turns, and you will have the immortal body of immortality!
He already had one ghost baby reincarnation now, so it only takes eight.

He took away the Soul Condensation Orb without hesitation, but Yin Division followed closely behind him.

He kept on doing nothing, and put the resentful corpses of the husband and wife on the front of the formation.

Use the grievances of the two to block the passage between the world and the underworld, and at the same time, the underworld who stays on the ground cuts off the connection with the underworld, and cannot return to the underworld at any time.

In this way, the Yin Division cannot leave the house too far without the Soul Concentrating Orb, and the resentment of the private school couple cannot be vented.

They are all trapped here, and it is impossible to chase him.

In order to maintain the resentment between the couple, he deliberately kept them as they were when they died, and separated them with iron plates.

He named himself Luo Jing. During the war, he took the opportunity to amass wealth. Afterwards, he took the Soul Gathering Orb, erased everything, transformed himself into a returning tycoon, and then went to X Province far away from S Province to establish his own. Business empires and families...

Six months ago, Mr. Zheng wanted to ask someone to renovate the place, but he did not expect workers to have accidents one after another.

The aura of the underworld was attached to those people, and it happened that someone was working on the construction site of Luo's real estate, and came into contact with Luo Jing layer by layer...

It is really careless.

...His life was projected on the stone wall like a fast-forward movie. Although it was silent, it made one's scalp tingle.

A person can be so selfish, so cold and ruthless.

The private school Mr. and his wife glanced at the child who kept begging for mercy, looked away lightly, nodded to Su Xin, and then held each other's hands, their souls gradually faded, and then slowly disappeared.

For a person who is originally an evil spirit, saying anything is a waste.

The two corpses on the stone platform gradually changed, and the wounds on their bodies gradually disappeared, and they turned into their youthful appearance.

The man is handsome and the woman is delicate, just like a painting, the two of them begin to fade slowly, fade away, and finally disappear into the air completely.

The boy looked at everything in front of him and shouted in despair: "No, no, you can't go. I want to go with you, don't, don't leave me..."

Su Xin didn't even bother to look at him, this really evil soul, give it to Xiao Tao, it likes this the most.

The little glutton took a sip and shook the leaves with great enjoyment.

A ray of wind blew into the groove and disappeared in an instant.

It should be the underworld who was trapped here. After the passage seal was removed, he was finally able to return to the underworld.

Su Xin withdrew from the stone room, tied the rope around her waist, and pulled.

After a while, a huge pulling force came from her waist, pulling her up slowly but firmly.

Su Xin had some illusions, could it be that she became lighter?
As soon as he came up, Su Xin was blown by the cold wind, shivering all over his body, his feet seemed to be frozen by ice.

"Thank you boss, how much time is it now?"

"Three in the morning."

Su Xin said oh, it seems that I can't go back to the rental house now, and it would be troublesome to go to the hourly room, so I'd better stay in the car for a while.

Shi Feng opened the car door, turned on the air conditioner, let Su Xin go in and took off his wet clothes, and handed Su Xin his windbreaker to wrap his legs.

At dawn, Shi Feng went to the nearest mall to buy a set of ladies' clothes for Su Xin to change into.

But still very embarrassed, Su Xin planned to go back to the rented house to rest, Shi Feng sent Su Xin to the entrance of the lane.

Su Xin got out of the car and said to Shi Feng before leaving: "The house is fine now, I'll go back and tidy it up first, then go to the detective agency to guard it, I'll leave it to you here."

Shi Feng nodded and began to contact the decoration team.

Just when I got back to the rental house and was about to change clothes, the phone rang suddenly.

Su Xin saw that it was Wei Yan calling.

Since the last time, he hasn't contacted her again.

She knew that there must be some gaps in their cooperation because of the group's affairs.In any case, Wei Yan is a truly upright person, and he has helped himself a lot.

Su Xin thought, I don't know what it is?Calling himself now, presumably there must be something inconvenient for him to find the group.

Connect quickly.

"Su, it's inconvenient right now, why don't you come to Wuliting on North Street?"

Sure enough, the other party's tone became more polite.

Su Xin responded immediately: "It's convenient, I'll be right there."

Su Xin originally planned to change out of the new clothes and wash them before wearing them. New clothes always have a smell on the body, and they don't fit so well.After receiving the call, he didn't change his clothes, just closed the door and hurried over.

Running downstairs, Aunt Yu suddenly called to her, "Susu, are you coming back tonight?"

Su Xin thought for a while: "I'm not sure yet, what's the matter with Auntie?"

"It's like this, Sister He from the street next door, she said that something is wrong with her son these days, she even went to see a psychiatrist, and she wants to ask you to take a look."

Su Xin said: "Well, if I want to come back, I will call you in advance and ask her to bring people here."

Aunt Yu quickly agreed, turned her head, and saw Su Xin running away in a hurry.

Su Xin went to Wuliting, contacted the guards, and went downstairs to a residential building.

The cordon has been pulled up below, and the surrounding people are discussing eagerly for the melons on the inner three floors and the outer three floors.

Seeing Su Xin, Wang Yang quickly called her over.

A policeman helped Su Xin raise the cordon, Su Xin stepped over and nodded towards the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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