her left eye is unusual

Chapter 228 Akira 1 Circle

Chapter 228

Someone behind him shouted loudly: "Hey, who is that? Didn't you say that no one is allowed in? What is she doing as a little girl?"

"It turns out there are still specializations."

"That's right, is it that man's lover again?"

Then there was a chuckle of laughter.

Wang Yang glared at those people.

I heard that something happened early in the morning, and these people have been watching it for a long time, and some people even moved stools.

The policemen couldn't even chase him away, and they tried to run on him with pretentious words.

Seeing Su Xin as if he hadn't heard this, he didn't say much, and said to Su Xin: "On the third floor..."

When going upstairs, Wang Yang briefly explained what happened.

Qiu Shufen and Luo Haifeng hadn't seen their daughter Luo Yinyin for two months, so they wanted to come over to have a look, but their son-in-law stopped her several times.Pressed this morning without notice.It was found that the good-looking daughter seemed to be a different person, her eyes were out of frame, and when she saw Qiu Shufen, she hugged her and cried, saying things like "there is a ghost in the house, I want to kill her".

Son-in-law Zeng He said that she was mentally ill and would be sent to a mental hospital.

Luo Yinyin said that she was not mentally ill, but that there was really a ghost in the house who wanted to kill her.

Of course Qiu Shufen was protecting her daughter, but when it came to ghosts, she still didn't believe it, so she planned to take her daughter to the hospital for examination.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Luo Yinyin suddenly rushed towards Qiu Shufen and grabbed her by the neck.But the eyes and expression are very painful and struggling.

Next to him, Zeng He said, "Yinyin is crazy now", and he was about to call and send her to a mental hospital.

After a while, Zeng He's parents also rushed over, and they were entangled with each other.

It's a mess, we can't separate it no matter what.

Wang Yang said: "Even a blind person can see that Luo Yinyin is too abnormal, but Zeng He and his parents insisted that nothing happened because she wanted to lose weight. They didn't want to send her to the hospital. We went back and forth More than a dozen policemen were arrested, but they couldn’t do anything about it. You have to give him a hard one, so you yelled outside. Those people started taking pictures with their mobile phones. Because Luo Yinyin went crazy a few times and almost Killed people, and finally called the boss, and the boss saw that something was wrong, so he called you..."

Su Xin asked: "Then what happened to those people below saying that Xiao San'er is a lover?"

Wang Yang let out a long voice, and thought to himself, just now she thought she didn't hear those gossips, but she did.

"In the past, someone saw Zeng He going out with other women and told Luo Yinyin, but she felt that her husband would never do anything to betray her, and said that those people were meddling in their own business. So those people saw that something happened now , take pleasure in other's misfortune."

At this moment, Su Xin suddenly stopped, hummed, looked up at the top of the stairs, and frowned slightly.

Originally, Wang Yang took one more step than Su Xin, but when he saw Su Xin's movement, he hurriedly took a step back, subconsciously shrunk behind her.

He followed her on several missions and knew her skills.

"Susu, you, what did you see?" I couldn't help but stuttered.

Su Xin looked at the fear in his expression, smiled to ease the atmosphere, and said, "For those who are not popular, don't worry, I'm here."

Wang Yang nodded hurriedly.

No. [-] on the third floor.

The aisles and rooms are full of people.

In addition to the policemen in police uniforms, there were more than a dozen ordinary people.

It seems that they are all parents and relatives from the south.

The police wanted to persuade them to leave. These people were very aggressive, and some people were taking pictures beside them, saying that they would sue them for violent law enforcement or something.

They were yelling at the door, and Su Xin couldn't even get in. Wang Yang and a few policemen just wanted them to give way, "Make room for the psychiatrist to go in..."

These people turned their heads to look at Su Xin, with a cold look on their eyebrows, "Psychiatrist? A psychiatrist at such a young age?"

As soon as someone opened his mouth, the rest of them poked and pointed at Su Xin in a hurry, asking, "Which school did you graduate from?" "Take out your ID and have a look, there are many scammers. "

Wang Yang said to them: "Enough is enough for you, I will sue you for obstructing law enforcement, and let me get out of the way..."

"Yo, obstructing law enforcement? I'm going to accuse you of perverting the law for personal gain. What good did that bitch do to you, and you want to help her like this? This is a family matter, and you have to intervene..."

"What kind of housework is about to kill people, is it just your housework in your eyes?"

"What happened? Did we kill someone? We didn't do anything but framed us. Everyone, tell me, is he wronging a good person..."

... What a pungent family.

Su Xin's sensitivity is sharp now, and through the noise, the voices in the room are also transmitted to her ears.

Soon, she recognized the extremely weak voice: "...Mom, take me out of here quickly, I don't want to stay here any longer."

An angry voice next to him yelled: "Want to leave? Where are you going? Tell me clearly. Did my son beat you or scold you? You spent my son's money to buy weight loss pills. It’s like this, do you still want to rely on us now?”

In the induction of spiritual power, a group of very weak ghosts shuttled through the crowd with the most yang energy, and wanted to attach to Luo Yinyin again, but people around were constantly pushing and shoving, making it unstable .

Only then did Luo Yinyin regain her senses, and then strongly demanded that her mother take her away.

A young female voice said: "Thankfully my brother treats her so well. He doesn't work or do housework, but he has to be a DINK like others, and he doesn't have children. I really don't know why my brother married you..."

"Yes, if you want to leave today, you should sign the divorce agreement before leaving." The first woman who spoke actually took out a piece of paper and stuffed it in front of Luo Yinyin.

Through the crowd, Luo Yinyin saw the familiar figure she was nostalgic for. At the moment, she was only sitting on the sofa, smoking a cigarette with her head bowed.If it was before, she would feel that his expression at the moment must be sad and helpless, but now, she only sees indifference.

Luo Yinyin said weakly: "Okay, I will sign..."

Qiu Shufen took a look at the divorce agreement, and it said "I am willing to leave the house without leaving the house", so she asked her daughter to sign it?
She flatly refused, "Why do you let my daughter leave the house without leaving the house? We paid for the house, furniture and appliances..."

"The money you paid? Show me the evidence. The real estate certificate is in my son's name, and the monthly loan is also my son's salary card..."

... Su Xin ignored the same gazes and various questions from around, and just stood quietly for a while.

After finding out what happened, he said to Xiao Tao: "Come out and walk around..."

(End of this chapter)

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