her left eye is unusual

Chapter 229 is a man or a ghost

Chapter 229 is a man or a ghost
A gust of wind rose from the ground and rushed through the crowd.

Everyone felt dazed for a while, their bodies shivered, and they involuntarily retreated to the side, and then slowly dispersed.

Su Xin finally entered the house smoothly.

The quarreling and tussling crowd finally separated, and when they came back to their senses, they were still staring fiercely at each other, as if they would pounce on them again.

At this moment, Luo Yinyin's weak body suddenly twisted strangely, her expression became ferocious, and her hands were stuck on her mother Qiu Shufen's neck.

Everyone was startled, shouting: "Let go, she is your mother..." They were about to step forward and pull away.

But Luo Yinyin seemed to have a burst of brute force, as if she was ruthless, others couldn't pull her away at all.

She looked terrible, but tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

Zeng He's mother pointed and shouted: "Look, look, she is a crazy woman. I don't know how our Zeng family got into trouble with such a mourner. What a crime."

Zeng He on the sofa glanced this way, his brows were tightly furrowed, and he looked very anxious and painful, and shouted at Luo Yinyin: "Have you had enough trouble? You have been like this all these years, going crazy at every turn, I I have endured you for long enough, you can do whatever you want..."

The power of this ghost is very small, so it can only control part of the weak Luo Yinyin's actions, but it cannot completely control her thoughts.

She couldn't believe it, was this still the man who spoke softly in front of her, cared for her and took medicine carefully?

Could it be that this illness was not caused by him taking diet pills, but a game he deliberately set up?

The female ghost who has been pestering me is not pestering me for no reason, but targeting me, just to make myself look like a natural death by myself?
Why do you have to die by yourself?
Oh, by the way, his mother brought all the divorce agreements just now.

It was to prevent her from dividing the family property, and to let herself go out of the house... She remembered that she had joked with him that if he dared to betray her in the future, she would definitely not just go to another woman like other women. The trouble for a woman is to ruin his reputation and let him leave the house.

Some people in the community said when and where they saw him go to a hotel with another woman, and when and where they were in a certain coffee shop... She thought it was those gossiping women who gossip.

Because the times they mentioned were Zeng He's work or business trip time, and he was not even in the local area, where did they see him?
Thinking about it now, it turned out that his so-called overtime work and business trips were all lying to himself.

That's right, he cheated, and he was afraid that he would expose him and let him leave the house, so he wanted to kill himself? !

Luo Yinyin felt a chill in his heart.

After sharing the same bed for eight years, it turned out that I actually slept with a creature with a human face and a beast's heart, and I felt extremely disgusted and regretful.

Two forces in the body are struggling.

Niece Mo Ruomu, Qiu Shufen also felt this, so others wanted to force Luo Yinyin, she quickly protected her daughter aside, "You are not allowed to come here, Yinyin is not trying to hurt me, not her, you are not allowed to come here... "

Wei Yan saw the trickiness here from the very beginning. If Luo Yinyin was really going to kill someone, Qiu Shufen would have been injured long ago.

The scene was too chaotic at that time, because it was a civil dispute, they didn't even bring batons.

Zeng He's relatives are more vicious than each other, and now there are reports of violent law enforcement everywhere, and a certain policeman is also suspected of XX.

That's why I called Su Xinlai.

Su Xin paused for a moment before entering the door, and scanned the room.

Then he went straight to Luo Yinyin.

Several policemen nearby looked at Su Xin and Wei Yan, and they all stepped aside consciously.

Su Xin suddenly reached out and grabbed Luo Yinyin's body, then lifted it to the side, and raised his fist to hit the air indiscriminately.


A gloomy wind blew again in the room, making everyone shiver.

All of a sudden they were quiet, and they couldn't help but look at Su Xin, watching her punch and kick the air in front of her like crazy.

It was as if there was a real person in front of her.

She couldn't help shrinking her neck, this, this woman is... sick, why did she hit a ball of air?
And her fierce look, tsk tsk, I really can't tell, she looks so quiet, but she is so rough.

That's right, there is indeed a person in front of Su Xin, oh wrong, it's a female ghost.

A thin layer of spiritual power was attached to her hand, otherwise the fist would be empty if it landed on the ghost.

This way they will feel pain when you hit them.

The female ghost wears long hair and a dress. Su Xin is holding the long hair with her left hand... the long hair is the advantage of this, so she can hold it smoothly.The other hand turned into a fist, beating randomly, without needing to distinguish any parts.

The female ghost let out a shrill cry, but Su Xin was relentless and beat her until she really calmed down.

If she didn't want it to go back and bite its owner by itself, she could have crushed her by simply stretching out her hand.

The female ghost held her head and begged for mercy.

Through the exchange of ideas, Su Xin finally knew the origin of the other party.

It turned out to be a junior.

The boss is a middle-aged man with a flair and a successful career, willing to be taken care of, with a monthly pocket money of [-].But gradually, she felt dissatisfied with the status quo, so she wanted to straighten herself up.

The man turned his back and told her to his wife.This wife is not a vegetarian, so she directly brought someone to repair her, and left 10 yuan to make her disappear from her husband.

The woman felt insulted, and took a B-ultrasound sheet to find a man, saying that she was pregnant with a man's child, and if she did not divorce and marry her, he would sue him for ruin... The man took her to the roof of the building and pushed her down .

Just when her soul was about to dissipate, she sensed a woman full of resentment passing by, so she attached herself to that woman.

When that woman saw her, instead of being afraid, she wanted to make a deal with her, to do one thing for her, and to feed her with blood.

That woman was none other than Luo Yinyin's best friend Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua's marriage is unlucky, her husband eats, drinks, prostitutes, gambles and beats others, but Luo Yinyin, on the other hand, is a loving husband and wife, she lives a chic and nourishing life, and she feels jealous.A year ago, Xiao Hua's husband had a work-related injury and received a one-time compensation. Not long after, his husband died of illness.Every time she saw Luo Yinyin bring Zeng He in front of her, she felt that the other party was deliberately showing affection.Every time Luo Yinyin comforted her, she interpreted it as intentionally pouring salt on her wounds.

After Xiao Hua met the female ghost, Xiao Hua originally only wanted to destroy Luo Yinyin's marriage.Unexpectedly, she only seduced her slightly, but Zeng He was really hooked.

Xiao Hua then planned to let the female ghost get rid of Luo Yinyin without anyone noticing, and she could replace him without anyone noticing.

(End of this chapter)

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