her left eye is unusual

Chapter 230 My Name Is Ke Lan

Chapter 230 My Name Is Ke Lan
When everyone came back to their senses, they realized that at some point, Luo Yinyin had stopped going mad and was being comforted by Qiu Shufen's arms.

"Mom, there is really a ghost, she wants to kill me, it was really not me just now..."

"I know, I know, my silly daughter, it made you suffer, why didn't you call me earlier?"

"Hey, I didn't know it would happen. Later, when I wanted to make a call, she stopped me."

"Mom is here, don't be afraid"

Su Xin dismissed the female ghost, clapped her hands, walked over, and said to Wei Yan, "It's done."

Luo Yinyin stared at Su Xin with wide eyes, "Is she...really gone?"

Su Xin nodded and hummed, "Let it take its course, there will be results soon."

For some reason, she suddenly thought of a very popular saying at the moment, "Xiuen loves to die quickly", it's true, there are so many unfortunate people, it's strange not to be jealous when seeing other people's happiness.

If you happen to meet those two people who want to put it into action, you will suffer.So, it's better to keep a low profile.

"I just want to get out of here, I, I, I don't want to see him again..." Luo Yinyin cried, holding her mother's waist tightly with both hands, and burrowed her head into her arms.

Luo Yinyin was very grateful to this woman for helping her drive away the female ghost, but...she was instinctively full of fear of Su Xin.

Because the ghost allowed Luo Yinyin to see her, others only saw Su Xin punching and kicking a ball of air like a madman, but she actually saw the scene of Su Xin grabbing the female ghost and beating her hard.

So cruel and violent.

Qiu Shufen quickly comforted her, "Okay, okay, let's go home with Mom. The daughter I raised in the palm of my hand has been spoiled like this. Even if you don't like her anymore, just let her go. Why do you have to Make it like this..."

Zeng He frowned, looking weak, "I've said it many times, she is the one who wants to take those diet pills, and I can't help it. I have to work every day, and I really don't have that much experience. I have to take care of her, she is so old, she doesn't know how to work, she goes shopping with those messy friends every day, how do I know that she will become like this..."

"She is helping people sell products, so of course she has to go around to socialize. She didn't use your money for shopping. Didn't you leave your salary card to your mother?" Qiu Shufen replied unceremoniously. .

This sentence immediately attracted Zeng He's mother to point at her and shouted: "What do I care about my son's salary card? He is my son, shouldn't I care? We are old now, and he should support us. Is there anything wrong with our money? But look at the good daughter you taught, who is married but doesn't look like a wife or daughter-in-law at all..."

"Old? You're only in your 50s. People's national laws stipulate that you don't retire until you're 60. You're very old, so you just lie down and wait for your children to raise you..."

"What's the matter if I just wait for my son to raise it? It's only natural to raise a son to prevent old age. I have a son to raise. Do you have a son? You're a loser, so of course you won't be raised."

... Su Xin only felt pain in his brain, and yelled at Xiao Tao: "Come out, let's swing around again."

Xiao Tao circled around a few people, and as soon as he returned to the Lingyan, he heard a shout from outside the door.

"Monster, where are you going--" A woman in pantyhose and short skirt rushed in from the door.

Holding a mahogany sword in his hand, he looked around, and there was only a strong yin energy in the air, but there was no trace of the main body.

Zeng He's mother suddenly felt cold all over, and saw a woman jumping in front of her, holding a wooden sword in her hand, she quickly raised her hand to resist and retreat, "You, what are you going to do?"

The woman said: "Your seal is black, and you have yin energy on your body. It seems that there will be a bloody disaster soon. You must have done something outrageous and unreasonable? Tell the truth, maybe I can help you solve it..."

Yu Chijing raised his forehead, he always felt that those old things were very pedantic, this little girl has only been with them for a few days, and she has learned all of them.

Zeng He's mother immediately became angry, and scolded her: "How dare you curse me, you little bastard? You have wronged a good man at such a young age, I curse you to die."

Su Xin stared wide-eyed at this delicate and exquisite woman, and Yu Chijing who was like a wooden stake behind her, and immediately concluded that they were members of the group.

I didn't expect them to help people solve problems like this.

From the very beginning, she said that there was a bloody disaster, and she did something outrageous. If you don't curse her for eighteen generations, you will be merciful.

The woman replied seriously: "Judging from your face, you are bitter and mean, and your mind is weak. Your curse will not work on me at all, it will only retribution on yourself."

Zeng He's mother was shaking with anger, she jumped up and pointed at her and scolded...

Yu Chijing directly blocked the woman with her body.

Mama Zeng felt like there was an iceberg in front of her.

The woman said: "Forget it, since she refuses to say it, then ignore her, and she will suffer the consequences. Look at the others first."

The woman noticed Luo Yinyin next to her, and with an "oops", she hurried forward, grabbed Luo Yinyin's hand, and stretched out her hand to feel her pulse.

"Tsk, that's weird. It looks like you are haunted by a vengeful soul, but there is no trace of it. And judging by your face, it doesn't look like you raised a kid. You should be framed by a villain, um..."

Frowning in thought, he tilted his head... His eyes just swept across Su Xin's direction.

As if she had just noticed Su Xin, she stood up abruptly, pointing her finger at Su Xin, "You, you... you also have spiritual power, you..."

Su Xin saw that although the little girl spoke a little straighter just now, her heart was quite straightforward, so she stretched out her right hand and leaned forward slightly: "My name is Su Xin, and I am an amateur psychiatrist. I was invited by the guards to help two."

The woman quickly held Su Xin's hand, and when she heard the other party introduce herself like this, she suddenly burst out laughing, "Haha, a psychiatrist? Well, this excuse is pretty good."

She suddenly turned her head to look at Yu Chijing, and said, "Hey, why don't we also say that we are psychiatrists in the future, and say that they have mental problems..."

Su Xin saw that Yu Chijing frowned, he really didn't understand why the people above asked him to bring this tender head, um, it was Jie'er who felt pure and fresh, as well as understanding.

Su Xin let out a dry cough to ease the embarrassment, and said, "Uh, well, it seems that you say that others have psychological problems and that they have done something outrageous, and the effect is the same."

Seeing that no one responded to her, the woman turned her head and looked at Su Xin, "What's the difference? One is a psychological problem and the other is a wicked thing. It's not a concept at all. Forget it, let's not talk about that. Oh right , I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Ke Lan, you can call me Xiao Ke or Lan Lan."

(End of this chapter)

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