her left eye is unusual

Chapter 231 The cold air strikes people

Chapter 231 The cold air strikes people
"I just joined... the group, the boss said that I would come here to experience and experience, and come here first to have a look. As soon as I came here, I heard that they were out of the police, so I rushed over. Just now you drove that evil spirit away Bar?"

When Su Xin heard the other party say it so bluntly, she was stunned for a moment, and quickly looked around.

She didn't want to be labeled as a superstitious feudal superstition.

But seeing the people around them doing their own thing, it's as if they didn't see them.

Ke Lan saw that Su Xin was worried, and explained: "Don't worry, only the two of us can hear the enchantment I set up."

Su Xin swallowed subconsciously, the enchantment...

The other party is only seventeen or eighteen years old. She didn't even see how the other party made a move just now, and she unknowingly cast an enchantment!
Thinking about the many enchantments I encountered before, it took a lot of effort to break them apart.

And if I want to make an enchantment effect, I need to spend a lot of defensive charms to get it out...

People are really hitting a wall compared to people.

Su Xin murmured: "Boundary..." Subconsciously, she reached out and tentatively touched the side.

Sure enough, half a step away from the side, there was a transparent energy shield covering the two of them.When she used a little bit of spiritual power, her fingers passed through lightly.

Seeing Su Xin, Ke Lan had a great sense of seeing Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, and said exaggeratedly: "My God, you can't even set up a barrier, can you?"

Su Xin chuckled: "I haven't studied systematically, so I don't know much about these."

"Hey, let me teach you, that's it, this... look, that's enough..." Ke Lan said generously.

Su Xin was overjoyed, but she watched it for a long time, and followed suit, and found that her energy was almost drawing cracks in the air, but no barrier appeared.

Xiao Tao's voice resounded faintly in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Don't bother, he has the spiritual root of the sky eye, and you can't do it after ten years of study. This is called talent, do you understand?"

Su Xin weakly replied "understand" in the sea of ​​consciousness

Ke Lan taught her a few times, but seeing that Su Xin couldn't figure it out, he glanced at her with rotten eyes, "Oh, you are so stupid, even more stupid than them."

She seemed to have come back to her real purpose of coming here this time.

He waved his hand to remove the barrier, and said to Luo Yinyin: "You are really haunted by ghosts this time, and your vitality was almost sucked up, and you have no way to recover. Fortunately, you met me, otherwise you would be like this at most. You can only live for a year and a half."

As she spoke, she began to pinch the formula with her hands, and a cloud of white air emerged from between her closed index fingers.

As soon as "Ji" was spit out from the mouth, white light flew out and entered Luo Yinyin's forehead.

Ke Lan folded his palms and retreated on the opponent, only to see that Luo Yinyin really regained some energy.

"Little sister, you are simply a fairy, let me go with you to cultivate a fairy..."

Luo Yinyin's words stunned everyone.

However, Su Xin quickly figured it out. From their conversations, she knew that Luo Yinyin was a DINK, advocating freedom and an unfettered life. Now that she saw Ke Lan's supernatural powers, she wanted to follow along to experience a different scenery. , is also reasonable.

Ke Lan didn't expect that the first sentence the other party said was not gratitude or doubt and resistance, but that he wanted to go with her to cultivate immortality?Are there immortals in this world?She still doesn't know where to go to cultivate immortality.

Just as he didn't know how to answer, he heard a mocking voice: "Huh, look, look, I'm sick again. You all get out of here, and play tricks here one by one. Also, since you really don't want to live with me Go down, I respect your choice..."

It was Zeng He who spoke.

Ke Lan looked at Zeng He, walked around him, pointed at him and said, "Hey, you also have Yin Qi on your body. Could it be that you made things to hurt people?" After she finished speaking, she vetoed herself, "It seems It's not like, I see you have a handsome face, but your eyes are vain, and you are narrow-minded and selfish..."

"Where is the lunatic, the police, I sue someone for illegally breaking into the house, do you care?"

Curran was about to tell.

Su Xin stepped forward to grab her, and walked out and said, "Hey, by the way, how about the enchantment just now, how about you show me how to make that..."

Su Xin is very aware that she is so talented that it is difficult to learn, but it seems that this is the best excuse between her and the other party now.

As for the matter here, no matter what you do now, you will be under the watchful eyes of everyone, and it is not good to cause trouble for yourself for no reason.She sent the female ghost back, and the rest would let them suffer for themselves without much intervention.The most important thing is to stand up for Luo Yinyin and not leave any excuses for others.

Ke Lan's attention was immediately shifted to Su Xin, and he followed Su Xin out of the house subconsciously.

He frowned and said, "Oh, I've demonstrated it to you three times, and you still can't learn it. You should go and practice hard on your own. Oh, by the way, I see that man's face seems to be bloody soon..."

But Su Xin didn't let go, "We don't care about that, people don't believe you, let's forget it. Besides, the police are here."

Ke Lan nodded thoughtfully, "Well, what you said makes sense. Anyway, he provoked it himself, so let him do it."

Su Xin giggled and echoed again and again: "Yeah, that's it."

When they got downstairs, those melons were still looking up with interest, as if they could see a flower.

Seeing everyone coming down in a hurry, they were discussing eagerly, "Look, look, it's out, it's out..."

Su Xin said goodbye to Wei Yan and Wang Yang and was about to leave. Ke Lan pulled her and said strangely: "I think you also have spiritual power, why don't you join our group, and we can do tasks together in the future. "

Wei Yan frowned, and was about to say something, when Su Xin replied, "I'm fine now, very free, and I don't want to join anything. Thank you for your kindness. But if you need anything, just ask."

Ke Lan snorted, didn't continue this topic, and left a phone call with each other.

Suxin returned to the rental house after five o'clock in the afternoon.

When Aunt Yu saw her, she quickly called her friend and brought her here.

Su Xin went upstairs first, finally changed her clothes, and took a hot bath by the way. After cleaning up, the person Aunt Yu said also came.

From a distance, Su Xin felt a hint of Yin Qi.

But the person who supported her didn't feel it at all.

Su Xin asked them to help people into their room.

Although it was already winter and it was very cold, it was rare for the person in front of him to wrap a quilt directly around his body.

Through the quilt, Su Xin could feel the other party shivering from the cold.

Passing by in front of her, a gust of cold air hits her face.

(End of this chapter)

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