her left eye is unusual

Chapter 233 Find friends

Chapter 233 Find friends

Su Xin has always been cautious in doing things. There are three ghosts here, so it would be bad if they slipped away one or two and then went back to retaliate, so precautions must be taken first!

When everything is ready, with a thought, the defensive talisman is activated, and the entire room forms a barrier space.

She couldn't help but think of Ke Lan, if there is a way to arrange barriers at any time, it will be much easier to deal with these ghosts.

The three ghosts sensed the energy fluctuations around them, and they were startled. They suddenly raised their heads to look around, and then pointed the eyes of the two black holes at Su Xin.

There was a low growl in his throat, full of resentment and resentment.

Su Xin was talking to Xiao Qi calmly, when she suddenly stepped forward without any warning, not allowing Xiao Qi to shrink back, she stretched out her hand, a layer of spiritual power was transferred to her hand, and she grabbed the opponent's shoulder.

Clutching the little devil's slender neck tightly, a bone-piercing chill suddenly spread along his arms to his body...

Su Xin couldn't help shivering, but she didn't let go of the little devil's hand, and even increased her spiritual power output.

The kid suddenly opened his black mouth, and burst into tears.

Su Xin violently pulled her off Xiaoqi's body.

Regardless of Sanqi 21, he took out the Lingyan inkstone with the other hand, and took the little ghost in.

The other two little ghosts didn't expect that this person could not only see them, but also touch them directly, and even drag them away.

The hole where the little devil's mouth was holding on Xiaoqi's right arm suddenly widened, almost occupying the entire head, and then suddenly spewed a cloud of white air towards Su Xin.

Su Xin suddenly shivered from the cold.

Su Xin was frightened inwardly, with a strong resentment.

This is the result of the protective cover on her body. It is conceivable that Xiaoqi has no protection and is pestered by three little ghosts like this. It is a miracle that she survived!

Seeing Su Xin's reaction, the little ghost found it very funny, and let out a giggle.

If it wasn't that it was already freezing people to death, I thought it was an innocent child playing with you.

The kid tilted his head back, and wanted to blow towards Su Xin.

Without hesitation, Su Xin grabbed its neck.

The little ghost immediately cried out like a baby, his hands and feet were wrapped around Xiaoqi's arms, and he refused to let go.

Xiaoqi could also hear the baby crying, and her body trembled instinctively.

Su Xin pulled it down again with force, and put it into the Lingyan inkstone regardless.

Just when Su Xin was about to grab the little ghost off Xiaoqi's back, the other party slid away from the ground with a snort.

Su Xin was very surprised. Aren't these little ghosts contracted ghosts?If you don't entangle people to death, you will never let go. Why...

Hey, no, I set up the formation just now, and this place is a relatively closed space for ghosts.

Even if he wanted to escape, he had to break through the defensive barrier. How could he sense the vibration of the barrier breaking.

But just now, I didn't feel anything at all.

And that kid just slipped away right under his nose? !

This was the first time she had encountered such a thing.

She didn't know what kind of trouble the kid who slipped away would bring her, but letting the enemy go in the previous movies and TV shows was almost a devastating blow to herself in the end.

Unexpectedly, Bai Mi Wu Shu also escaped now!
Su Xin adjusted her mood. Now she has completely lost the trace of the other party and has no way to find it. She can only learn more information from Xiao Qi.

However, Xiaoqi's body stopped shaking because there was no little ghost to haunt her, and the hoarfrost on her face and body gradually disappeared.

Xiaoqi's teeth didn't chatter, she looked at Su Xin and said, "You shouldn't have helped me, they won't let you go."

Su Xin said: "Are you worried that you will implicate me? If you tell me the cause of the matter, maybe you can get rid of them completely."

After thinking for a while, he said eloquently: "...I am a sophomore in the Aviation Academy in the suburbs of S City, and the six of us in the dormitory are all very close. Last Friday, the day before last, was Sakura's birthday. It happened to be the next weekend, so I planned to go to her house to celebrate her birthday. By the way, Sakura’s parents are abroad, and she is the only one at home, so most of the time she chooses to stay with us at school.”

Xiaoqi bought birthday presents with several other girls, and took a taxi to Sakura's house.

In an old house, the upper and lower two-story wooden buildings, because the architecture here is very distinctive, so the government provided a part of the funds for simple repairs, and it became an ancient town with the city's label.

The girls had a great time, thinking that tomorrow would be the weekend anyway, so they planned to play games.

The name of the game is: find friends.

It is somewhat similar to the game of throwing a handkerchief, with a slight modification.Because there are exactly six rooms on the second floor, they decided to have a room for each person. The person who lost the handkerchief decided whose room to put the handkerchief in and had to run around the stairs before returning to his room. If you catch it, you lose. If you don't get caught, the next person takes over and the game continues.

They first decide with rock-paper-scissors who will be the first... At first everything went smoothly, but gradually everyone enjoyed it, not necessarily running around and going back to the room, or even hiding somewhere for the other party to find .

Unknowingly playing like this until late at night.

Xiaoqi said, her voice began to tremble, "I remember that time we waited for a long time, and finally went to the door to look, and the corridor was empty, so we went to find Xiaoyu and Xiaoyuan together. We walked to the stairs At that time, we saw Xiaoyu walking up and down the stairs, looking anxious and tired, we quickly called her. She looked around, and finally seemed to see us suddenly. She ran up in two or three steps, We cried while hugging us, saying that the stairs were so long that we couldn’t reach the end.”

Su Xin poured a cup of hot water and handed it to Xiaoqi. Xiaoqi held the cup with both hands and took a quick drink, almost choking.

"For the convenience of playing, we turned on all the lights in the whole house, and almost every corner was as bright as day. We saw Xiaoyu walking up and down the stairs with our own eyes, but she said...we were all scared by her at that time I broke out in a cold sweat. When we came back to our senses, we found that there was one person missing, and that was Xiaoyuan, who happened to be her hide-and-seek. So we went to find her."

As soon as Xiaoqi and the others got down the stairs, they saw Xiaoyuan running towards them with a smile...

Shouting "Who of you come to find me, you will be my friend if you find me"...

Xiaoqi said: "Actually, if you think about it now, you will find that there was something wrong with Xiaoyuan's smile at that time. It was the kind of mouth that cracked and then made a rattling sound, but there was no smile on her face, and there was even a twinkle in her eyes." Frightened and struggling."

(End of this chapter)

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