her left eye is unusual

Chapter 234 Curse

Chapter 234 Curse
"Xiaoyu and Xiaoyuan have the best relationship. She was the first to meet her when she heard what the other said. Xiaoyu ran towards Xiaoyuan while shouting, "Okay, then I'll come to you"..."

Xiaoqi burst into tears, and said: "I think, at that time, Xiaoyu probably felt that she had been delayed on the stairs for too long and made Xiaoyuan wait for a long time, so she felt a little guilty, so she rushed over first."

"But Xiaoyuan didn't intend to hide at all, she just stood there and looked at Xiaoyu. So Xiaoyu hugged Xiaoyuan straight up, and smiled, 'haha, look, I caught her ...' At this moment, Xiaoyuan's body suddenly paused... But we were all so excited at the time that we didn't notice this detail at all. Xiaoyu's body paused for a moment, and then she began to giggle like Xiaoyuan, Then they turned around and the two held hands, looked at each other and said 'We're friends now.'"

"Then the two of them said to us, 'Let's continue playing games, catch me, I'll be my friend.' In fact, we were all a little worried because what happened to Xiaoyu on the stairs just now was a bit brooding. But seeing Xiaoyu and Xiaoyuan and Xiaoyuan seem to be very interested, so I thought about playing for a while."

When Xiaoqi said this, her body shook even more, and the water in the cup almost spilled out.

Su Xin didn't urge her, and only asked when she calmed down a little, "What happened next?"

"Later, we followed the previous agreement, except that now Xiaoyu and Xiaoyuan went to hide, and we went to find them. Soon, there was that kind of giggling in the room and in the corridor, and it was found that all five of them wanted to hide. I hid it and let me find it. I felt a little hairy for no reason, and wanted to say that I would stop playing games, but everyone looked at me. When it was my turn, it was Xiaoyun who handed me the handkerchief. Although she had a smile on her face, She also laughed, but I saw her body struggling unnaturally. On the handkerchief handed to me, the word "run" was written in blood, and I saw her finger was broken..."

"I immediately panicked. When I looked up, I saw Xiaoyu and Xiaoyuan lying on the window looking at me and laughing, giggling... At that time, it sounded inexplicably creepy. When I looked carefully, I saw them Tears were streaming from the corners of my eyes. I held the handkerchief in my hand. Xiaoyun said to me, "I'm going to hide and seek. Come and find me. If you find us, we will be good friends..." Originally, this was our first design. Good rules of the game, but hearing her say it now is very weird. Without any hesitation, I rushed out the door and ran directly downstairs."

"Probably because I was lucky. Just when I ran downstairs for a long time and found that I couldn't get close to the door and was extremely panicked, there were a few knocks on the door suddenly. Suddenly the strange power around me disappeared, and the three of us Two steps to the door, opened the door, saw an old woman, she said, "I see such a big light in this house in broad daylight, what a waste of electricity..." Until Xiaoyu and Xiaoyuan followed me, standing in a place where the sun couldn't find it, just looking at me with a smile. I screamed and ran out of the ancient town, stopped the car and went home."

"After I got home, I felt my body getting colder and colder. At first I thought it was a shock, so I fell asleep after taking medicine. Later, if my parents didn't wake me up, I'm afraid I would have been frozen to death... Wake up Then I heard a voice buzzing in my ear, telling me to find friends, to find friends. I thought of Xiaoyuan, Xiaoyu and Xiaoyun, like, did we provoke something, if I found a friend, is it possible that others will be like me..."

Su Xin nodded: "Yes, if you take the initiative to pull the other party, then it will be regarded as the friend you are looking for."

Su Xin didn't know if the escaped ghost would come back to look for Xiaoqi, so she gave the other side a jade defensive charm with a little spiritual power left, even if there were ghosts, at least it could temporarily resist one or two.

As for the magic talisman painted on human skin, it looks like a high-end product at first glance. If someone cares about it, it may cause him a lot of trouble.

Su Xin doesn't mind helping others when it's convenient, but the premise is not to put herself in it.

I know almost all the information, and I am afraid that I need to know more about her other friends and the old house before I can make a conclusion.

Opening the door, I saw Aunt Yu comforting the anxious Aunt He at the door.

As soon as the door opened, she hurried past Suxin and ran towards Xiaoqi, looked up and down, saw that there was no hoarfrost, and her face was bloody, so excited, she dragged Xiaoqi to thank Suxin.

Su Xin said: "Xiaoqi's root cause has not been found yet, and I'm afraid there are some recurrences."

Of course, she would not say that a ghost ran away, and it was likely to come to her again.Even letting them know the truth does nothing to help reality other than just fear.

Aunt He suddenly became anxious again, "Oh, what should I do..."

Su Xin said: "This time it was introduced by Aunt Yu, so I will try my best to solve the problem. At the same time, I hope you will do as I said. If there is any movement in Xiaoqi, please call me. It's not too early now, You go back first."

"Please, please save Xiaoqi, please, I'm just such a daughter..."

Su Xin pushed and persuaded several people out of the door, closed the door, and finally calmed down.

I can't say I'm tired this day, but I'm a little tired.

Take a good rest first, let's talk about tomorrow's affairs tomorrow.

For some reason, Su Xin, who has always slept well, couldn't fall asleep this night.

I always feel that there is a voice whispering in my ear.

Light and shallow, but the most vicious curse, she only remembers some words like "lonely, dead".

Open your eyes, there is nothing around you.

No ghosts, no ghosts.

But when he closed his eyes, when he was about to fall asleep, the voice came again.

Just toss and turn until dawn.

Su Xin knew that she might have provoked something.

It could only be the escaped ghost.

She recalled carefully, that ghost was no different from the other two... Could it be that something behind it was staring at her?

The two little ghosts in the Lingyan are still there, and they are no different from babies except that they are covered in white and their facial features are black and hollow.

Sitting on the ground and crying, how sad and sad.

Because they were refined ghosts, even Little Tao couldn't extract useful memories and information from them.

Such a ghost is not considered a "spirit" level, and Xiao Tao doesn't like it.

Since no useful information could be obtained from them, Su Xin directly refined them and obtained two drops of pure energy.

(End of this chapter)

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