her left eye is unusual

Chapter 235 Spiritual Cultivation

Chapter 235 Spiritual Cultivation
After washing his face with cold water, he regained his energy.

Su Xin went downstairs and took the food back to her room, and asked Xiao Tao while eating.

Xiao Tao said: "That should be a resentful spirit, an existence between a ghost and a spirit, and it has some Taoism, so your defensive shield is essentially a layer of special energy, which can make yourself in the form of a spirit, and you can enter and exit freely. .”

Su Xin was taught, and it can be seen that there are all kinds of ghosts and spirits in this world. I haven't seen them before, so I can't say that they don't exist, just because of the limited cognitive ability and breadth of knowledge.

In Xiao Tao's words, because the other party is a vengeful spirit, no matter what method she uses, it is impossible to catch it.But it was a very wise choice for her to deal with those two brats directly.

Because first the two little ghosts went to find the next target, and then the wraith came to haunt them again.

Su Xin asked again: "Then I always felt like someone was cursing me in my ear last night, what's going on?"

Xiao Tao lazily replied: "You provoked it yourself. Originally, that resentful spirit was haunting that girl. If you insist on spoiling her good deeds, of course she will rely on you."

Su Xin himself decided to intervene and didn't regret it, he just said: "How do you get that thing done?"

"It's very simple, just destroy the real host body."

Su Xin seems to have seen it before. It seems that such a spirit body has no entity and can transform itself in any object.

She voiced her doubts.

Xiao Tao said: "Everything has its way of existence, it just depends on whether it has the ability to discover it. This kind of resentment condensed by people's resentment usually resides in the person's body, and the person concerned has no perception. It just subtly influences the mind of the host, and sometimes even achieves unity with each other."

"You mean the resentful spirit is among Xiaoqi and the others? They don't even know they are possessed by the resentful spirit?"

"That's right, but there is a prerequisite that there must be a kind of mental fluctuation that resonates with it."

Su Xin understood.

The resonance of mental fluctuations means that the host and the wraith have a certain commonality, and at the same time have a weak mind, which makes it easy to break through and not easy to be discovered by the host.

Xiao Tao added: "Generally speaking, every time a resentful spirit kills everyone in an event range, it will end a practice, and the host will die at the end."

This is the way of cultivating wraiths.The more people you kill, the stronger you become.

Su Xin's heart moved, and he quickly asked: "Is all spiritual cultivation based on the situation of harming others?"

Because not long ago she personally helped Zhizhi advance to become a spirit ghost, and then let her go... If... that's not... I have to go and catch her back...

Xiao Tao's voice was still lazy, "The cultivation of all things in the world is not static, just like you humans, some of them directly meditate to absorb the spiritual energy of the world and martial arts; some of them want to plunder other people's luck and even life to achieve their own cultivation. The same goes for other elves and ghosts, some simply absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, and they also have this kind of vitality that absorbs people..."

Su Xin was completely relieved.

Last night, Xiaoqi only gave a general account of what happened, and did not specify the contact information of the other girls. Su Xin was going to call and ask.

Just picked up the phone, Xiaoqi's call came.

Su Xin quickly connected, and Xiaoqi's frightened and suppressed cry came from inside: "Wuuuu, I'm dead, Xiao...Xiaoyuan is dead..."

Su Xin's heart moved, and she quickly asked: "When? Where's Xiaoyu?"

If she remembers correctly, in Xiaoqi's story, Xiaoyuan was the first person who appeared abnormal, and then Xiaoyu...

"The night before, the night before... That mother-in-law asked someone to call the police. It is said that there was nothing unusual except that she looked a little tranced, so she sent them home... When she woke up the next day, she found that she had frozen to death on the bed , woo woo."

The night before yesterday, that was what happened after Xiaoqi returned home.

"Xiaoyu, she is in the hospital now. I called just now, and it was his uncle who answered the call. It seems that she is about to die..."

The time when Su Xin and Xiao Qi were really haunted by ghosts should have been the night before yesterday.

That is to say, the little ghosts hugging Xiaoqi's left and right arms may have come from Xiaoyuan and Xiaoyu.

It shows that Xiaoyuan's death was not directly caused by that ice and snow kid, there should be a more powerful existence.

Su Xin couldn't help but think of the kid who could only slip away from the defensive cover she had set up.

Suxin suddenly thought that Xiaoqi also mentioned a girl, Xiaoyun.

Xiaoyun was able to remind Xiaoqi in blood in that situation, so it was not easy, so she asked again: "By the way, do you know how Xiaoyun is doing now?"

Xiaoqi cried and said: "I called this time just to ask you to save her. I know that this request is too much, but I really have no other way. If she hadn't used that method at that time, I'm afraid... ..."

"Address, contact information?"


Xiaoqi was about to speak, but she heard noisy and scolding voices from the microphone, and then the phone was hung up.

Listening to the movement is a bit like Xiaoqi's parents.

Su Xin hurriedly called, and it was Aunt He who answered.

When it was confirmed that it was Su Xin, she looked very tired and helpless, "That Su Xin, I know that thanks to you for helping us Xiaoqi this time, we are just such a daughter, and we really don't want her to have any more troubles. I Please don't call her again."

Hearing what the other party said, Su Xin felt a little depressed.However, since becoming a private detective, she has come into contact with a lot of people of all kinds, so she still has some concentration, and said, "I just want to ask her for the contact information of a few other classmates, if not..."

Before Su Xin could finish speaking, Aunt He immediately begged in a crying voice: "I beg you, don't look for our Xiaoqi anymore. It's such a big school, you should ask others, you good people do it to the end, don't Again……"

Su Xin's anger also came up, "Since you know that I helped you, it seems inappropriate to treat me with this attitude. To tell you the truth, that thing ran away. If you don't get rid of it as soon as possible, sooner or later I have to come to the door, and I'm afraid it won't be as easy as it is now."

Sister He on the other side stomped her feet anxiously after hearing Suxin's words, saying why Suxin was unreliable in doing things, why didn't she just get rid of those things directly.

Su Xin felt tightness in her chest, and the curse that the strange voice rang in her ear last night involuntarily appeared in her mind.

Not wanting to talk nonsense with the other party, the hostility hidden in his bones was involuntarily revealed, and he said directly: "You'd better tell all the information you know, otherwise don't blame me for not reminding you."

(End of this chapter)

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