her left eye is unusual

Chapter 245 New Business Model

Chapter 245 New Business Model
Xiao Yixuan hesitated before saying: "To be honest, we need talents like you very much now, I hope you can think about it again."

Su Xin replied: "Thank you for your attention, but I really have no plans to leave the detective agency now. If there is a place where I can serve, Su will be honored. As for the price, it is easy to say."

She really wanted to join the group, but after a period of ups and downs, she really felt that now is the most suitable state for her.

Compared with the group, although they don't have such a big backer and a legitimate identity, the value lies in freedom and steadfastness.

Moreover, cooperating with Shi Feng is also very comfortable, she can rest assured to leave all other matters to him, and of course, he is also very relieved to let her handle the case completely.

Hui Xinjie is depressed, is this woman out of money, why can't she keep the word "money" in her three sentences?

Can't help but said: "Okay, it's 1000 an hour according to your own driving, we'll cover your time this year, how about [-] million?"

Su Xin didn't even look at her, because the two were not on the same channel at all, so she simply ignored her.

His expression was flat, but there was still a trace of a polite smile on his face.

Xiao Yixuan said: "One case, 1000 million, what?"

Su Xin said: "Arrogance. Let's see what the case is. No matter how much money you have, you must have the ability to do it."

"It's very simple, just like last time, you just need to get rid of the obsession."

Su Xin laughed and said, "So that's the case. If that's the case, then I'm really sorry. I won't accept this case."

"Why? You don't really need money, and do you have the means?"

Su Xin replied honestly: "To be honest, such a result was not my original intention at the beginning. If I knew that it would hurt me so much, I would never do it that way. So even if you give me more money , nor do it."

What Xiao Tao said last time was very clear. To do that is to put his own neck under the knife.

Simply kill.

Not to mention whether she will be backlashed by the opponent during the casting process, even if she manages to make it, it is when she is the weakest, and an ordinary person with a knife next to her can kill her.

Her trust with these people is far from reaching the level where she can give her back to them.So refuse without hesitation.

Xiao Yixuan and the others looked at each other, and they could see the shock and disbelief in each other's eyes.

I couldn't help blurting out, "This is the first time you've done this? That means you didn't know the consequences, so you just...did that?"

Su Xin: "You know what the consequences are, but you still lure me to do it with a high price? It seems that it sounds a bit inappropriate."

Thinking about it now, Su Xin knew how crazy it was at that time, perhaps, she had something to rely on subconsciously.

Because she formed an alliance with Xiao Tao, that is her greatest confidence.

"Don't you want money? We won't intentionally harm you, so there's nothing wrong with that." Hui Xinjie said.

Su Xin continued to ignore.

Xiao Yixuan did not have Yu Chijing's arrogance, nor did Ke Lan's innocence, and now he finally figured out why such a mark was recorded in Su Xin's file.

Presumably it was because of the diametrically opposite ideas between her and Hui Xinjie.

Hui Xinjie is the spiritual root of Tianyan. The luckiest thing is that she was born in a family of cultivators, so she has never had any material troubles, and she is always cared for and flattered by her surroundings.

Furthermore, a large part of her cultivation comes from merit, that is, people's gratitude.Therefore, whether it is from her nature or the subtle influence of the day after tomorrow, she has no concept of material things, and the most important thing is to win the favor and gratitude of the other party.This concept has been deeply rooted in the bone marrow.

As for Su Xin, according to the previous data and the follow-up of these few cases, he is an acquired ability from the struggle of ordinary people.

After seeing too many things in the world and the pressure of survival, there is naturally more hostility in his actions.

And the cultivation route she took... If he guessed correctly, she should prove the way by killing, so the two of them had such a conflict.

Regarding Luo Jing's matter, the investigation over there has also made new progress, so there is no need to ask Su Xin here.

This time, he was only ordered to ask for her opinion, to see if she would still like to join the team, because they have several cases with similar paranoid personality.But they all have made outstanding contributions in their own fields, so if they can get rid of the paranoia in their subconscious, it will be the wealth of all mankind!
Judging from the dialogue just released, Su Xin was very resistant.Xiao Yixuan already knew the result, but he still needed to report the situation to his superiors.

The other end of the phone: "...Let her go. Since she has no major problems with her temperament and has a good relationship with the grassroots, let them requisition them casually." The subtext is that resources are used rationally.

"A resentful spirit has appeared in Yunbei, you should go there."

"Is Xiao Ke also together?"

"Well, she has a good talent, let her practice more, and you pay more attention."

Xiao Yixuan understood in his heart that there are fewer and fewer good seedlings in the group, especially this kind of Tianlinggen who takes the route of the magic circle.

... Su Xin thought that something would happen if she rejected them this time, but after waiting for a few days, nothing happened.

After these few days of cultivation, her spiritual consciousness has finally fully recovered, and she is also stronger than before.

The spiritual power sea also has more capacity.

It seems that she has benefited a lot, but Su Xin will never use her spiritual consciousness to repair the paranoid obsession of the other party without full confidence or it is worth her doing so.

Shi Feng has been fighting in front of the computer for the past few days, and the qq that specially applied for the website finally jumped up.

A lot of information poured in:
"Can you really solve supernatural events?"

"Have you ever seen a ghost?"

"What does a ghost look like? Does it look like it was shown on TV?"

Shi Feng patiently read through these messages one by one, trying to find out if there is any possibility of new entrusted tasks.

But after chatting for a long time, I found that these people were purely curious, and even wanted to watch them catch ghosts.

It is simply set to block messages from strangers, and only after review can they be added as friends.

Change the remarks to: Please introduce the incident directly and reply according to the situation. If there is no reply within 24 hours, it will be considered as inadmissible.

In this way, QQ immediately quieted down a lot.

"Excuse me, when I'm sleeping, I always feel that someone is walking around in the room. Did I see a ghost? Can you help me solve it?"

Shi Feng replied: "Yes, you can introduce the situation in detail. Or come to our detective agency"

"Tsk, I still have to go to your detective agency. It's too far away. I don't have time. Come here."

Shi Feng saw that this person was cheating, and typed lazily on the keyboard with his fingers: "It's fine, first pay a deposit of [-] yuan and the activity fund, and we can come to help you check it. Do not return."


The other party's QQ immediately fell silent and turned gray.

This is already the fourth or fifth person to set them off.

(End of this chapter)

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