Chapter 246

Shi Feng leaned on the back of the chair and let out a long breath. It seems that it is not easy to advertise online.

Just then, the little penguin jumped again.

Stranger nicknamed 'Rose Manor': "Excuse me, can you really solve supernatural events?"

Shi Feng replied in seconds: "We can solve it even if it's not a supernatural event."

Added another sentence, "As long as it doesn't violate the law and ethics, I can afford the money."

Rose Manor: "I feel that someone is staring at me, that is...whether I am going to the bathroom or sleeping, I always feel that someone is staring at me..."

"In fact, there is no one around?"

"Yes, do you think I'm just..."

Shi Feng: "And then?"

Rose Manor continued his narration: "Actually, I also consulted a psychiatrist before, and they said that I might be too tired and too nervous, so let me take a good rest. So I went back to my hometown again, but I still feel When someone was staring at me, it just got stronger."

Shi Feng paused, intuitively, this must be related to supernatural powers.

It seems that online publicity is indeed much more effective than the old way of waiting for customers to come to your door. It used to be good to have one or two cases a month, but now it only takes two or three days to get a deal online.

Shi Feng restrained his inner excitement, and asked: "You have read our profile, if you decide to entrust, you must pay a deposit of [-]..."

Regardless of whether it is a real supernatural event or not, the most important thing is whether the other party can afford the price.

He clearly marked it in the page introduction, and the starting price is a deposit of [-].

Therefore, this price cuts off most people who want to seek excitement or satisfy their curiosity, unless there is no place for the money.

Rose Manor: "I know, money is not a problem. To be honest, I have already searched for several companies, but they have not been found. So, as long as it can help me solve this problem, I am willing to pay more money."

Shi Feng tapped the keyboard quickly: "Is it convenient to come to the detective agency? Interview."



Shi Feng hit the Enter key, the message was sent, and he shouted excitedly to Su Xin: "Su Su, we have another case. It should be there in another hour or two."

Su Xin walked over, and Shi Feng showed her the previous chat records.

Su Xin hit the nail on the head: "He said the feeling of being stared at. If the ghost was really malicious, he couldn't have lived so long."

Shi Feng said: "Yes, no matter what, let's see and talk."

He casually swiped through the webpage, pointed at it and said to Su Xin, "Tsk tsk, look, there is a supernatural website here, and there are even talismans and some formation disks for sale. The starting price is [-] or even several million."

Su Xin gasped...a defensive talisman is worth millions?
Su Xin's eyes were wide open, she was really a frog in a well.

But for a moment, he gave up the idea of ​​getting partial wealth.

Because my talisman is made of real spirit hair and human skin, if it leaks out, isn't it just asking for trouble for myself?It's a crime to conceive Bi.

Of course, these will be exposed sooner or later, but it is not too late to expose them after they have enough strength.


Wei Yan called to ask for instructions, "...Well, yes, I really can't do anything about it now. I just discovered one, and if it is expected to be good, it should be the same as the last two discoveries."

"It's true that there is no manpower here. By the way, Su Xin can be used, you can do it as you see."

"But this is a criminal investigation case, not those supernatural ones, so I need someone with experience in this field. I suspect that the serial killer did it three years ago. If I can't catch it this time...then"


Wei Yan watched the text of the phone call turn gray, and sighed with his hands on his hips.

They said she was too hostile before, but now they let him go ahead and requisition her.

Although Su Xin is really good at speaking and has a good understanding of the general situation, it is not good to always change like this.

Looking at the cloudy sky, he pondered for a moment, and finally dialed the familiar number.

Let's say that Su Xin was reading the psychic webpage that Shi Feng sent her just now, when the phone rang, and the caller showed "Guard", so she quickly picked it up.

"Guard, what's the matter?"

Guard: "I have encountered a difficult case here, can you come here?"

Su Xin heard that the tone of the guards was still very polite, but it sounded a little sharper than last time, presumably it had something to do with Xiao Yixuan and the others coming here.

In any case, not only a relationship and a favor, but she also needs to do as many tasks as possible.

Su Xin quickly replied: "Yes..."

Wei Yan said the address, Su Xin said hello to Shi Feng, and went there with his bag on his back.

The scene of the crime was at a garbage disposal site on the outskirts of the city.

There is a mountain of garbage, flies flying around, and the stench is choking.

A blue plastic sheet was spread on a slightly flat place next to the garbage mountain, and a pile of decomposed meat was placed on it.

Two forensic doctors are examining and putting together pieces of those human tissues. It can be initially confirmed that it is a young woman whose height can be determined to be 160 to 165 centimeters through the soles of her feet. A handbag was found in one of the bags of minced meat.

The bag contained a mobile phone, an ID card, wallet keys, chewing gum, toilet paper, a few TTs, and more than 1000 cash.

The forensic doctor also found the gold ornaments on the dismembered corpse, which can preliminarily judge that the other party was not trying to rob money. Not only did he not worry about the police finding out the identity of the deceased, but he even deliberately publicized the same.

Just now Wei Yan sent the information on the ID card back to the bureau, and basically confirmed the victim's information.

Sure enough, it was the same as the corpse dismemberment case that was discovered a few days ago. The deceased had a record in their bureau, a hostess in a nightclub.

The rest only needs to be confirmed by DNA comparison, and detailed inspection of the specific cause of death and time.

Wang Yang received Su Xin outside the guard line.

His face was a bit ugly, "...This is the third incident this month, and it is also related to several serial murders three years ago... There is no evidence left by the criminals at the scene, and these victims are... Those who did those things...their relationship is very complicated, so I have no clue until now."

Listening to Wang Yang's ambiguity, Su Xin already guessed that the two words he said were "prostitutes".

It seems that many serial murders like to target women and children, because they are the weakest and the best to control and attack.

Especially prostitutes, because of their special occupations, are the least likely to be discovered, and people generally think that they are synonymous with moral depravity. Not only do they have no sympathy, they can even arouse a lot of sympathy.

But if you don't buy it, you can sell it where it comes from. It's really weird.All the anti-pornography seems to be to capture those women and take pictures, but I don't see the clients.

Su Xin saw that there were criminal investigators rummaging through the rubbish mountain, presumably it was because the human tissues hadn't been collected yet, and they were trying their best to search.

Looking at the situation, some are easy to find.

(End of this chapter)

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