her left eye is unusual

Chapter 247 Deadlock

Chapter 247 Deadlock
Wei Yan didn't expect Su Xin to come so fast, so he hurried over and asked directly, "Can you see anything from those?"

Su Xin took another serious look at the dismembered corpse on the blue plastic paper, and even scanned it around with her spiritual sense, and said, "There is nothing on it..."

With that said, even she herself was a little puzzled.

Can't help but ask Xiao Tao to reconfirm: "Xiao Tao, how about you?"

Little Tao cherishes words like gold: "No."

Depending on the degree of corruption of the dismembered corpse, it should not exceed three days at most.However, although the human soul will leave the body due to the disappearance of the life magnetic field after death, there will still be breath left.

This kind of breath will last for seven days, and there is also the saying of the first seven.In other words, if all conditions permit, the soul can return to the body within seven days.Breath means a mark.

With Xiao Tao's ability, if the other party's soul is still there, he can sense it from the items he has used within a few years.

But this corpse doesn't even have this breath, it's so strange.

Wei Yan's eyes were bloodshot, looking very tired and haggard.I have been tossing about this case all this time, but I have no clue.

Seeing that Su Xin couldn't see "what" now, he couldn't hide his disappointment. He gave a general introduction to the case.

In fact, there were more than a dozen corpse dismemberment cases three years ago. After investigation, it was found that the person who died was a street girl on the fringes of society.

The most important thing is that apart from the bloodstains of the deceased, there was no trace of the murderer left at the scene.

It can only be checked from the people around her. The victim's social relationship is very complicated. In addition to the client, there are chicken heads, street gangsters and other characters mixed up. It is not easy to find out these relationships.

Relatives are very weak. Even if there are fathers, brothers and sisters who have been using the money sent to them by the victim, when they learn the nature of the victim's real work, or after it is exposed, they feel ashamed and do not cooperate at all.

So the investigation went nowhere for several months, and the case was deadlocked.

After No.13's mutilated body was discovered three years ago, the murderer seemed to disappear suddenly, and no similar case happened again.

On the one hand, he hated the murderer's brutality, but on the other hand, if there is no more evidence to emerge, it is impossible to continue the investigation, and it can only become an unsolved case.

Now a similar case is discovered, so the case is reopened and the case is investigated together.

At this time, a female forensic doctor pointed to a cloud of black ash in the minced meat and said, "This should be the ashes of something burned. Let's see if we can extract useful information from it."

Technology is now available to discern the raw material from the ashes.

Another forensic doctor replied: "It seems to be some kind of paper..."

Su Xin happened to be standing next to her, she raised her eyes to see it, and her heart moved.

He took a plastic glove from Wang Yang's hand, twisted it up a little and brought it closer to his eyes for a closer look.

In fact, it was scanned with spiritual consciousness... and there was a trace of extremely weak mana fluctuations on it.

So... this is a burnt rune paper!
No wonder she didn't sense the soul breath of the deceased from the dismembered corpse just now, presumably the soul was directly scattered by the other party.

To destroy the corpses and destroy the traces, but also to beat the souls of others, what kind of deep hatred is needed to do such a cruel thing!

Judging from the fact that the opponent had to burn the talisman paper to activate its function, the murderer should be an ordinary person who doesn't know magic.

Su Xin's mind suddenly came to mind that he had seen so many talisman papers for sale on the Internet just now, as long as he had money, anyone could buy them.

As for who will use it and what it will be used for, no one knows.

Su Xin told Wei Yan her conjecture.

After listening to Su Xin's words, Wei Yan said: "...Okay, I will apply for the investigation list."

On the other side, Wang Yang was asked to investigate the deceased's relationship network based on his ID card, as well as the last place where he disappeared, people he had met, and so on.

These all take time to find out.

Su Xin couldn't help, so she wandered around the scene and then returned to Shili Lane, feeling a little depressed.

It seems that her own strength is still too lacking, without Yinwu to provide information, she can't do anything.


Mo Li didn't know how long he had been sitting in this white room.

The people in front of them changed one after another.

The labels on them are either multiple personality types or psychopaths.

But these people who were labeled as "heterogeneous", in his perception, there was nothing special about their consciousness fluctuations.

If there is anything to say, it is more like an instinctive stress response of life to danger.

Deliberately suppress or distort one's own consciousness, imagine a new personality, and then push all the responsibilities that one does not want to face and bear to his imagined personality.

Mo Li's mental power has indeed become stronger than before, so under his deliberate detection, all the mental fluctuations of the other party cannot escape his perception.

But what he perceives is one thing, but whether the other party is willing to admit and face it is another.

If the other party insists on self-hypnotizing himself, showing the appearance of a psychopath or multiple personality, he can't help it.

What he sensed cannot be passed on to outsiders.

When he signed all the identification reports: no multiple personality, no mental illness.

Then not only received attacks from those "mental patients", but even many psychiatrists questioned and doubted his ability.

Even the people above cast doubt on his judgment.

Mo Li felt so tired, he didn't know what was the use of investigating these perverts every day.

Rubbing between his eyebrows, is this what the team he tried so hard to join looked like?
He understands that they have to go through strict screening of every new member, which means that he is still in the period of use.

On the one hand, it is to test whether he has supernatural powers and the strength of his supernatural powers, and on the other hand, it is also a test of his character, that is, the way he handles things.

He can control his emotions very well, but... this is really not the life he expected to open the door to the world of supernatural beings, full of fantasy.

He glanced at the dull-looking middle-aged man in front of him, with his introduction and psychiatric report in his hand.

Six months ago, he brutally killed his wife and his parents-in-law and his family, and then made sausages, while he went to work normally.

After being arrested, he was very dazed and insisted that he did nothing.

Apart from checking out some remaining human tissue in the freezer, there is no direct evidence that he did it.

So we can only conduct a psychological test to see if he is lying.

All tests have only one result: multiple personality types.

It should be his other personality who killed someone, but his main personality didn't know about it.

Because the law is fair and just, a "person" who has not made a mistake cannot be judged.

The purpose now is for Mo Li to find out the other personality hidden in this man's body.

(End of this chapter)

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