her left eye is unusual

Chapter 249 Your Guardian Is Not What I Want

Chapter 249 Your Guardian Is Not What I Want
Michelle was frightened by Suxin's aggressive appearance, she lay down on the table and began to cry, shrugging her frail shoulders.

She shook her head, her soft and shiny hair rippling like black satin, "No, I'm really too scared, do you know what it's like to be stared at all the time every day? I have no privacy and privacy at all. Life, the point is that every time I..."

What she actually wants to say is that what she really cares about is not his "guardian", but that every time she meets him, various situations will occur, destroying the original beautiful romance and even everything she expected.

Su Xin: "What do you want?"

Michelle was still crying: "I, I don't know, please help me, I really can't do anything..."

Mo Li sensed the killing intent in Mi Xue's active thoughts, but he didn't expect that such a delicate and pitiful woman on the outside actually had the killing intent in her heart, to kill the ghost who silently guarded her all the time. .

But she chose not to say it herself, and wanted others to automatically make this decision for her, so that no matter what the result was, she would not be burdened with moral shackles.

But it is obvious that Su Xin will not be fooled and will not make this decision on her behalf.

After regaining his senses, Mo Li was startled to realize that he could sense the energy fluctuations of the ghost just now. Although it wasn't real, but...he finally took the first step.

It seems that my decision to join Zero Zero Detective Agency was correct.

Su Xin's attitude is very tough: "If you don't have a clear request, then I'm sorry, the entrusted task ends here."

Michelle raised her head suddenly, and looked at Su Xin with tears in her eyes, "Kebut, don't you deal with supernatural events here? Now I'm haunted by ghosts, and you still want to die?"

Su Xin: "First of all, it doesn't have any hostility towards you, and it even helps you secretly, so there is no need to save yourself from death. Secondly, we follow the request of the client as the benchmark. You don't even have a clear standard. You What shall we do?"

"Heh, help me?" Michelle smiled wryly, biting her soft lips, almost bleeding from the bite, making her look even more adorable.

As if she had made up her mind, she looked up at Su Xin: "Okay, I don't want to live in such a fearful life every day, you guys, help me get rid of it!"

Su Xin sat up straight, took a light breath, and asked again: "Are you sure?"

Mi Xue nodded and shook her head, looked around in a panic, trying to find the male ghost who had been guarding her all the time, but found nothing, and murmured: "No, no, I really didn't mean it, I, I... Please Please forgive me, she forced me to say it. I just don't want to live in fear every day again."

Su Xin sighed secretly, the woman didn't have any evil spirit on her body, and her mind was relatively simple.

She was even more convinced that what the male ghost said was true, and couldn't help emphasizing again: "You must know that it is actually helping you and protecting you. You can treat him as a guardian. Do you want to reconsider?"

"Enough, don't talk anymore. You keep saying help me protect me, try what it feels like to be stared at by a ghost all day long? I don't want anyone to help me protect me, I just want to live my life in peace ..."

Su Xin asked: "So, in fact, you know its existence and who it is?"

Mi Xue dodged in confusion again: "I, I don't...don't force me, don't..."

Su Xin sat up straight, looked behind Mi Xue, and suddenly said: "Now you have heard that she is afraid of you and resists you from the bottom of her heart. If you continue to stay by her side, we will be entrusted by her to get rid of you." you."

Mi Xue's body was shocked like an electric shock, she suddenly turned sideways and looked back, the air was empty.

With a flick of Su Xin's finger, a trace of energy went into the opponent's head, Michelle's intuition was in a trance, and suddenly there was an extra person in the empty air just now.He was staring down at her eagerly.

"Ah——" Michelle jumped back in shock, and blurted out: "A'nan, it's really you, just now I and I..."

Anan said eagerly: "Xiaoxue, I know you didn't mean it. I just want to tell you that that man is not worth paying for him. He is using you and he will harm you..."

Mi Xue saw that the other party was still as generous as before, and gradually dispelled the fear of ghosts and ghosts in her heart.

Interrupting the other party: "Anan, I know you still feel resentful towards him because he didn't come to save you, but he did it to save me... If you really want to hate, you should hate me."

Anan: "Xiaoxue, you know I don't mean that. I just want you to be really happy and happy for the rest of your life. I don't blame anyone for my death. I only blame myself for not being considerate and hurting you. But the truth is really not As you can see, including the autumn outing and the trap we fell into, everything is a trap. The person he really wants is you, and he wants you to complete a..."

"Enough, don't talk anymore." Michelle shook her head, crying and said: "Anan, if you are really for my own good, then please fulfill me and don't disturb my life anymore. During this period of time, because of this Things, their family has already criticized me quite a bit, I don't want to lose him, I really don't want to..."

In other words, she lost the opportunity to marry into a wealthy family.

Michelle hid behind Su Xin, when she was really confirmed that it was him, and when Su Xin said that he had been protecting her all the time, she was a little moved in her heart.

But this feeling is too pale compared to the beautiful life in front of her, he can't give her what she wants, it has always been.

People and ghosts have different paths, but she still has a great youth.She and him had come to this point with great difficulty, and she really didn't want to miss it again.

She loves him, his handsomeness, his erudition, his humor, and his prominent family background.

He was the one who carried her out of the desperate situation step by step;

It was he who helped her deal with those who bullied her;
It was him who made her no longer have to squeeze the subway every day, and no longer have to endure those sweaty and salty hands... A beautiful and happy life is about to begin, and she has no reason to refuse.

Are these all fake?

Anan wanted to save him, but the ghost rushed over, and Su Xin stretched out his hand to block it, and the aura surged, scorching his soul with a scorching sound.

It faded a lot in an instant.

Anan quickly shrank back, looking at Su Xin in fear.

Su Xin mastered the strength well so as not to disperse the burning soul of the opponent.

When she was doing this action, she paid special attention to Michelle's reaction.

It's a pity that Mi Xue just flinched and didn't step forward to stop it. It seems that she is really determined to get rid of Anan's... protection.

Inexplicably, there was an indescribable sadness in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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