her left eye is unusual

Chapter 250 The Edge——

Chapter 250 The Edge——

Su Xin said to Anan: "My client's meaning has been expressed very clearly, and I ask you not to pester her anymore."

"Even if there is no deep hatred between you, if you continue to entangle against the client's wishes repeatedly, I will kill you directly."

Seeing that Su Xin really had this ability, Mi Xue said, "I don't want to see him again, let him disappear."

Anan showed pain on his face, with a disappointment that was more sad than dead, and murmured: "Okay, I will fulfill you, and I will no longer be a stumbling block to hinder you and him."

As he said that, the ghost gradually faded away, and at the moment when it disappeared completely, a voice floated in the air: "I know that we are now in different ways, but I really want you to be happy. If you are in danger, call me name."

Su Xin knew that this sentence was said to Anan to Michelle, he was not really obsessed, but escaped.

Mi Xue scolded: "Why don't you kill him, he is a ghost, what if he comes to pester me again?"

Su Xin said firmly: "Don't worry, he won't come to pester you again. If he comes again, I won't charge you, and I will help you kill him for free."

After all, Michelle was afraid of Suxin because of the method Suxin revealed just now. Seeing what the other party said, it was hard to refute. She paid half of the money and said that she would go back to see the effect before paying.

After sending Mi Xue away, Shi Feng said to Su Xin: "Since that ghost has no harm to her, why does she want him to die?"

Su Xin shook her head, this question is too profound.

She couldn't help thinking that it was her honor to have someone who guarded her wholeheartedly.

Even if there is an unbearable burden that cannot be repaid, it will never turn into resentment or even killing intent.

She suddenly thought of Xiao Tao.

Xiao Tao is actually a ghost now, she doesn't feel that it is her hindrance, but because of it, no matter where she is, she will subconsciously feel at ease.

Just like that time going deep into the base alone, entering the big formation alone...

She found that as she got along with each other, she didn't even feel that they were aliens at all. On the contrary, they were like teachers and friends in many cases.

Perhaps this is everyone's different perceptions of "Tao" and "Friends".

Su Xin drank two sips of ginseng tea, the water vapor curled up, and she seemed to see the broken corpses discarded like garbage on the garbage mountain again.

One is trampled and discarded like that, while the other is so cherished.

The same woman, but treated differently.

Is it because a person has "high and low" in the first place, or is it because the people he meets have different situations?
Seeing Su Xin's rare expression of loneliness, Shi Feng asked, "How's the situation over there with the guards?"

Su Xin raised her head to look at Shi Feng, and shook her head: "It's a serial murder case, and it's also related to the case three years ago, but I don't have any clues yet, and I haven't seen the slightest clue."

According to the tone of the guards, in the serial murder case three years ago, thirteen cases occurred within one month.This time, three cases have been found... If it is really the same, it means that there are about ten more women who will...

But knowing this, but can only watch or wait for it to happen, that kind of powerlessness makes people crazy.

Shi Feng changed the subject and said: "Oh, by the way, Susu, Mr. Mo has decided to join our detective agency now. He is good at psychology, and he is also good at computer networks." In fact, the latter is what he values ​​most.

In the past two days, he has been faced with dozens of various messages, and he is almost at the point of sifting through the answers.

Mo Li came over to shake hands with Su Xin: "Formal introduction, Mo Li, call me Mo Mo, Ah Li or Xiao Mo. I'm still a family after going around. Please take care of me in the future."

Su Xin replied: "My name is Su Xin, Mr. Mo is being polite, everyone will take care of each other in the future."

With Shi Feng in charge of the detective agency, she doesn't care who joins.

Shi Feng said again: "By the way, we have a lot of people here now, and it's not very convenient to order takeout every day, so I decided to hire a nanny to help with the cooking and tidy up the yard."

Su Xin responded casually, returned to her seat, and continued to browse the webpage about the talisman array that she browsed in the morning.

Mo Li then began to fiddle with the website of Zero Zero Detective Agency, setting parameters, screening QQ information, and so on.

Shi Feng scanned around and said to himself: "Okay, then it's settled like this."

On days without tasks, even the air is as quiet as water.

Two days later, Michelle's final payment arrived, and by the way, "I am fine now, and he treats me very well. We plan to get married next month." "Congratulations.".

Shi Feng and Mo Li were working on the website and QQ, and contacted more and more people, but when it came to money and letting them come to the detective agency, there was nothing to talk about.

Wei Yan also has clues about the dismemberment case. They have sorted out the information of the deceased and asked Su Xin to go and have a look.

When Mo Li saw Su Xin put up his bag and set off, he quickly stood up and wanted to go with him.

Because I went on two missions with Su Xin before, even if he didn't do anything beside him, it also benefited him a lot in the dark, so the main reason for coming to the detective agency this time is to follow Su Xin to solve the case .

Seeing that Mo Li was going, Shi Feng had no reason to stay here alone, so the three of them drove off in a mighty car.

An old building with less than [-] square meters was divided into six compartments, in which six women lived.

Once inside, the turbid and dreary air was filled with a fishy smell, and men and women's underwear, socks, tissues and the like were scattered everywhere.

This is the place Jitou rents out for these girls. Each cubicle is only about ten square meters, with a bed and a simple cloth wardrobe.

Seeing someone come in, they watched numbly.

Two policewomen were taking notes for them.

"How is your relationship with Xiaomi?"


"When was the last time you saw Xiaomi?"

"Last week or last week, I don't remember."

"Did someone special come to her before she disappeared?"

"How special is the person who comes to her? Isn't it all for such a thing?"

"This is my business card. If any of you don't come back all night, please pay attention, and contact us at any time if there is any situation."

The policewoman distributed business cards to these girls respectively.

One side said: "We suspect that this is a targeted serial murder case. I hope you all be more vigilant. Try not to go out during this time. If you encounter suspicious people or things, contact us immediately."

The girls' expressions were numb, and they didn't have the panic that ordinary people should have when they heard the "serial murder case", but more of the despair of life and death.

The policewoman said again: "If you are willing to testify, we can help you file a public prosecution with the authorities and get you out of this place..."

(End of this chapter)

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