her left eye is unusual

Chapter 251 Evil Under Whitewash

Chapter 251 Evil Under Whitewash
Before the policewoman could finish her sentence, one of the women with smoky makeup took a deep breath of the inferior cigarette, exhaled a smoke ring from her blood red lips, and let out a light snort.

help them?
Where were they when they were forced to be tortured?

It's not that they didn't struggle and didn't call the police, but they didn't accept it at all.

It was even worse when they were caught back, and two of them were even tortured to death... Even if they died, so what, in the end it didn't matter.

They have to accept their fate, so what if they don't accept their fate.

As for those anti-pornography people who are more disgusting than prostitutes, they pretend to be guests, and when you take off your clothes, they will say that you are a jc, and then take pictures and catch them to humiliate you.Find two chicken-headed minions to act as scapegoats, but the real people behind the scenes have never moved.

They were locked up for a few days and released with a fine, in name of allowing them to "be good" and regain their freedom, but in the end they had to go down this road.Then catch and punish and release again...

Because their information has been exposed, no serious company is willing to take them.In addition, I have to survive, and my family needs all kinds of money, so I can only continue until the day when I can't do it and I am eliminated.

Therefore, death is really not as terrible and unacceptable to them as they imagined, and it is even a relief.

... The policewoman did not ask for any valuable information.

Seeing that these women didn't cooperate with their investigation at all, I felt pity, and at the same time felt sad and indisputable anger.

The girls don't care about the way the policewoman looks at them. Compared with those who have derailed and extramarital affairs, their business is at least aboveboard.

Su Xin didn't see anything from these places, and there was no soul breath left.

And Wei Yan took Su Xin and the others to all the places where the dead they had collected... still found nothing.

Wei Yan recognized Mo Li and said, "By the way, we brought some relevant personnel back to the police station for questioning. Please help to see if they are lying."

The crowd followed back to the police station.

The reception below was in a turmoil, and the parking lot outside was also full of people, all of whom were in a hurry.

It turned out that Wei Yan and the others used this case to arrest all the people from the clubhouse, Jitou, and the black boss.

Those people outside are here to support their boss, and if you dare to do something to the boss, you will have the energy to take the situation.

Su Xin thought that it seemed that the police had just cracked down on gangsters some time ago and swept away a large number of big fish, so why are there so many of them now?

Wei Yan smiled wryly: "There are talented people coming out from generation to generation. After sweeping a batch, new ones will emerge. If there is interest, there will be a market."

Yes, where there is interest, there is a market.

The most depressing thing is that these are only civil cases, and they are not involved in homicide cases, so they cannot be moved.

Knowing that they have done a lot of forced prostitutes and organized prostitutes, but because there is no evidence, those prostitutes are unwilling to come forward to testify, and there is nothing they can do about them.

So this time they were only arrested to assist in the investigation and questioned, and they could only be detained for a maximum of 24 hours.

Even so, these people gathered a large group to guard the police station.

You can't force them to leave, because they also have the right to stand here.

Wei Yan led Su Xin and the others into the bureau, and a path was made in the middle of the crowd, and someone even whistled at him: "Guards, when are you coming for a cup of tea?"

"I heard that your sister has returned from studying abroad, when will you introduce us to each other..."

"Guard, you can't just grab someone to convict just because you can't catch the real criminal. This will violate the fairness and justice of the law."

The words are frivolous and provocative.

Wei Yan gritted his teeth and did not respond.

Su Xin felt that Wei Yan's mental fluctuations were abnormally chaotic at the moment, and his body was tense, and he was on the verge of eruption.

md, Xiaotao, give it to me!
Just leave a breath and let them climb back, if something goes wrong, I will bear it!

Little Tao's voice was faint: "Let's go tonight..."


There were five people sitting on the bench in the reception room, three men and two women... I didn't expect women to make chicken heads.Su Xin especially hates such people!
Su Xin saw that these people had bloody evil spirits on them.

It seems that they all have life debts on them.

One of them, a man with a fat face in a fur coat, crossed his legs and said to Wei Yan: "Hey, I said guards, what do you mean by calling us here? If you want evidence, show it. Don't play this game for me. How will I be paid for the day of delay?"

The other two women with heavy makeup said, "I'm just a little supervisor, and she's a waiter. I just take care of work. As for the rest, they're all grown-ups. Do you want me to take care of everything?"

Wei Yan said: "Don't worry, take your time one by one, and explain it carefully, otherwise people will check every day."

"Yo, I'm really afraid of you, so just ask."

... Su Xin whispered to Wei Yan: "These people are all murdered, you ask them one by one, I'll watch from the side."

Wei Yan agreed, and asked someone to arrange it immediately, while explaining to Su Xin: "They did have a murder case in their hands, but unfortunately there is no evidence, and someone offered to cover for them, and they can hire a barrister, so there is no way. "

Wang Yang began to ask these people one by one, such as his relationship with the deceased, when and where he saw the deceased for the last time, and other routine questions.

They all answered in the same way, "I have already said, I really don't know there is such a person, I have so many employees, how can I remember each of them? Does your law stipulate that I must remember each of my employees? I'm very busy..."

Su Xin sat in a place where the camera could not monitor, and carefully sensed the other party's consciousness fluctuations.

Although their answers were impeccable, the subconscious will instinctively make that memory active.

This information was fully revealed under Su Xin's spiritual sense.

Su Xin read it again.

That's right, they were not the murderers who killed the deceased, but the murderers who indirectly or directly killed the other deceased.

It is also because they were all the ones who forced the dead into the "water"!
They locked those women with good looks and body into a room, and then forced them to smoke, hit their hair against the wall, slapped them, kicked their bodies, and made them rape them.

Then they took pictures and threatened to make the deceased fall into it step by step, and finally couldn't break free.

I didn't expect that there were such things in this bright world. Even the news about Pengci was broadcast several times a day, but I never saw such news exposed.

Whose hand covered the sky? !

With a movement of Su Xin's mind, his consciousness turned into a knife, cutting straight through the opponent's consciousness.

The man suddenly held his head and yelled "Ah", and recovered after a while.

The sea of ​​consciousness was forcibly cut into two halves.

- This is the real split personality.

(End of this chapter)

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