her left eye is unusual

Chapter 261 I Feel Your Breath

Chapter 261 I Feel Your Breath

Shi Feng grabbed the woman's arm, picked it up and threw it aside like a chicken, and said coldly: "There is no distinction between good and bad, without him you would have died a long time ago."

I can understand your fear, I can understand your love for protecting the calf, but you also need to find the right person to vent.

When the man pressed the knife just now, he didn't dare to say a word. If it weren't for that kick, both mother and child would be in danger.The murderer killed so many people with such cruel methods. He didn't mean to let the hostages cover his departure, but he wanted to use them to create chaos.

Nothing causes confusion and panic like two dead bodies.

And this Mo Li usually looks tall and cold.His skills are also good, and he has no power to parry a woman.

The woman was really intimidated by Shi Feng's absolute strength. She thought she weighed a hundred and thirty to forty catties, but the other party picked it up with ease just now...

There was only one thought in my mind, "The police beat someone, but the police dare to beat someone?!".The last time she was fined by the traffic police for running a red light, she rushed up to her with her child in her arms and had a violent meal. The public opinion said that the traffic police enforced the law violently, and the child was ignorant, so she was more serious than a child. In the end, she also learned that the traffic policeman had been punished.So gradually she became courageous and summed up her experience. As long as she holds the child and rushes forward, lz will be invincible in the world.

So even though she saw a man in a police uniform just now, instead of showing the slightest fear in her heart, she rushed up and scratched without any scruples, saying that someone kicked her and hurt her child.

Unexpectedly, another "policeman" threw her aside directly.

That cold and cruel look aroused her instinctive fear of life.

The woman subconsciously picked up the crying child and stared blankly at Shi Feng in a daze;

The people around have not recovered from the panic of the fire just now;

Shi Feng and Mo Li had taken Yu Maoan and disappeared in front of the elevator apartment building.

The scene that happened just now was like an illusion between their half-dream and half-awake.

But after a while, fire alarms, police cars, and ambulances drove up one after another.

After asking, no one can tell what happened just now.

After checking again, there was no fire, but the sensor was activated intentionally. After checking the surveillance, there was only a blurred back.

Although it was a false alarm, there are still some aftermath to be dealt with.

The woman felt pain in her waist, and her hands were covered with blood.

Under questioning, the woman's fear hadn't subsided, and she answered incoherently. She almost forgot whether she was kicked first or stabbed first, and those two men in police uniforms were in front of her. Her memory has become blurred.

Obviously, her statement cannot be valid testimony.


Mo Li looked a little embarrassed, "Well, just now, thank you."

Shi Feng said, "I'll pick up Susu." Fortunately, it was done in time. If we waited a little longer, those who reacted took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and waited for the police to arrive... Even if Wei Yan mediates, they It's also hard to get out of the way.

Besides, their detective agency and Wei Yan are just a cooperative relationship. If you always have to trouble others to use your relationship to help yourself because of these trivial matters, you can't be regarded as a qualified partner.

As for the person who was finally caught, not to mention his identity and deep background, they can't move casually.

The point is that they don't have any "substantial" evidence now. I am afraid that not only will they be convicted of intentional wounding, but the culprit will also be released.

That's the real way to let the tiger go back to the mountain with endless troubles.

Mo Li turned to Shi Feng's back and asked, "Then, what should he do?"

Shi Feng stopped, turned around and said, "Of course I will take it back. Don't you still want to hand it over to the police?" Handing it over to the police is equivalent to letting him go, and setting himself up a powerful enemy will also embarrass the guards.

It's true that Mo Li hasn't fully transformed, after all, he's been living in the mode of "following the rules".Of course, if you catch the bad guys, you should hand them over to the police.

He was also a little confused just now, but when he heard Shi Feng say it now, he calmed down and thought about it for a while, and he understood the power of it.

... Su Xin felt that she had walked through the gate of hell again.

For the first time, the seal of consciousness was sleeping and ignorant, and the induction was not real.But this time, although it was only a few seconds, it was as long as a century.

I thought I had prepared enough, but I almost died unexpectedly.

It's true that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. Sincerely don't deceive me.

She was about to struggle to stand up when she heard voices from outside, and a policeman said, "Hey, I heard something inside just now, go and have a look." "Hey, boss, just now you saw the fire inside without?"

"You two, go over there and search."

"Boss, just now inside..."

"I tell you to go."

All of Su Xin's consciousness returned to her body, and when she looked down, she remembered that when the "bullet" touched her defensive cover, it instantly made the invisibility talisman invalid.

She quickly took out an invisibility talisman and slapped it on her body, and her body disappeared into the night.

It seems that I have been in a daze for a long time, Wei Yan should have seen me just now.

It is difficult to explain that an ordinary person appears in this cordoned-off ruins, and it will only increase trouble.

So Wei Yan stood guard outside and dismissed the two police officers who were coming to check.

With such trust in herself, Su Xin felt very firm in her heart.In this way, I have to cooperate more, and try to cause as little trouble as possible to the other party.

They have different paths, but their goals are the same.

Wei Yan's gaze pretended to glance inside unintentionally... It's gone.It should be some kind of stealth thing.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but soon felt a little heavy again.

Of course he saw the fire just now, or a human-shaped fireball.He was searching the vicinity when he felt scorching air waves blowing towards his face.

The fireball lasted for a few seconds, and he saw a figure fell to the ground, it was Su Xin.

He was about to go over to check, when he saw two policemen coming here, so he stood outside and took cover...what if he didn't take cover.

Su Xin felt that all the strength in her body was being run over by the steamroller, and all the strength was taken away.

Fortunately, the talisman was not a decoration and did not hurt any bones.

She almost crawled, and it took a long time before she struggled out of the cordon of the ruins after the explosion of the villa.

Suddenly, a gentle but firm force raised her arms, and then pulled them to her broad and solid back.

Shi Feng?He can see himself?
Shi Feng seemed to be able to sense her thoughts, and said softly: "I sense your breath..."

Inexplicably, Su Xin felt a lot more at ease, and chuckled, "Thank you, Boss."

(End of this chapter)

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