Chapter 262
Yu Maoan was not only broken in his limbs, his mouth was stuffed with a towel, he was also tied tightly with a thin rope, and he was thrown in the back seat, under the supervision of Mo Li.

The rope was tightly pulled into the flesh, and every time he struggled, it got embedded a bit.

Under the law and the evidence, the evidence and the law became his protection.Because no one can find his evidence, which means that no one can do anything to him.

But it was obvious that these people did not plan to send him to the police station, which meant that he had painstakingly created evidence of his alibi and erased all traces of himself, all of which were useless.

He felt real panic.

He would never have imagined that when he exhausted all his brain cells to torture and abuse those women, one day he would be treated like an animal.

In order to arouse the pain and resentment of those victimized women, he used every method he could think of.

Use A4 paper to cut them bit by bit. It turns out that the paper can be used for writing and printing.

Pull left and right with a tight fishing line to slice the meat off;

They tied people to sawmills and sawed them into pieces from bottom to top. They were still struggling until the last moment.

Seeing their painful and desperate wailing, watching them wriggling and struggling on the ground like worms, he felt extremely excited and full of pleasure.

Take away the trace of blood in their hearts and the souls with strong resentment.

But now, those memories involuntarily surfaced in his mind. When he became the person who was tied to the machine tool, when he became the person who was cut with paper and fishing line, he found that he was not excited at all. Not getting up anymore, those pleasures have also turned into unparalleled fear.

He is too aware of the fate of people for knives and me for fish.

He thought he was a member of the group before, but now it seems that he is not.

He wanted to talk, to ask for money, as much as he wanted.Information, he knows the inside story among the major organizations in the entire pattern.He can even provide them with reliable information on magic weapons.

But these people blocked his mouth, so that he had no chance to speak at all, let alone the chance to fool the other party.


All the strength of Su Xin's body was consumed by the energy shock just now, and she was as soft as noodles. Shi Feng carried her directly to the passenger seat, and helped her fasten her seat belt by the way.

She tried her best to pull out a smile to show that she was okay and reassure the other party.

Falling into Shi Feng's eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he understood in his heart, and said, "Leave the rest to me."

After speaking, he sat in the driver's seat and drove directly to Ten Mile Lane.

Su Xin felt very solid and unambiguous, and immediately closed her eyes and began to concentrate and adjust her breath.

Run the spiritual power to restore the depleted power of the body as much as possible.

When I returned to Ten Mile Lane, I finally regained some strength.

Mo Li got her out of the car, and Shi Feng came to see Su Xin, apparently planning to carry her down again.

Seeing his nervousness, Su Xin tried to smile, "I was just a little out of strength just now, I'm fine now, let's go see Yu Mao'an first."

Then he opened the door and got off the car, and Yu Maoan walked over.

Yu Maoan watched Su Xin approaching a little bit, and only now did he really see clearly the person who made him stumble.It turned out to be a woman!
He whimpered, his body writhing on the ground like a maggot.

His head was moving bit by bit, and he blinked his eyes vigorously, as if he wanted the other party to tear off the towel from his mouth.

He felt that as long as the other party asked him to speak, he would have enough confidence to make a deal with them, so that he would have a chance, a chance to come back...

At this time, Su Xin had a chance to see the man who almost killed her.

He is thin and tall, with a slightly pale complexion, wearing a pair of brown glasses, a white shirt and trousers.

If it weren't for the towel stuffed in his mouth, the gunshot wound on his arm, and his body tied into rice dumplings, he would definitely look like a modest gentleman.

Put it in the crowd, you can treat everyone around him as bad guys, and you won't suspect him of that kind.

Even Su Xin now, if it wasn't for her previous narrow escape and the confrontation between Shifeng Moli and him, she probably wouldn't believe that such a person was the murderer who brutally killed dozens of women.

She could see Yu Maoan's intentions, and both Shi Feng and Mo Li could see it.

They really want to get more information from this person, such as intentions, how many people have been harmed, and so on.

But Mo Li still couldn't see through the other party's thoughts at this moment, which meant that he was a very difficult person.

How can you believe what the other party says when you can't even see the other party's thoughts clearly with your own abilities?
Shi Feng looked at Su Xin, as if asking for advice.

Su Xin looked at Yu Mao'an coldly, and suddenly pulled out the Yuchang Sword from his sleeve.In fact, it was taken out of the sleeve.

He stepped forward and pierced directly from the base of the thigh, then circled around the leg, cutting off both legs abruptly.Then there are the two arms.

Su Xin glanced at the Yuchang Sword in her hand. This was the first time she used cut meat.

If Yu Mao'an originally had a little hope, then at this moment it is despair and deep fear.

The severed tendons in the hands and feet can be reconnected, but if the hands and feet are completely removed, even if they are reconnected, he will be disabled for life.

My God, my great life and bright future collapsed in an instant.

He really felt that when the parts were lost from the body bit by bit, it was like being abandoned by the whole world bit by bit.

The pain is second, he is now desperate besides despair.And the monstrous hatred for this woman!
Who will tell him that this woman crawled out of Avici Hell?
Why not interrogate him?

Why not give him evidence and then "convince people with reason"?
Do these people still have the law in their eyes?Is there any moral?

…Su Xin now only has the piles of rotten meat seen in the garbage dump and sewer; and the whole set of organs soaked in formalin in the glass bottle.

In her mind, even chopping this guy up ten or eight times would not be able to repay the sorrow and pain of so many lives.

Just take off his hands and feet, it's too cheap for him.

Alas, who knows that the conditions are limited now, and things will change later, so it can only be cheaper for him.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xin raised the fish sausage sword and stabbed it towards Yu Maoan's neck, holding the handle of the knife with both hands and pulling it down... Second time, the blade scraped across the skin and made the sound of the zipper being pulled open.

Hiss, she is going to disembowel him.

Shi Feng really wanted to tell him to come...but he swallowed the words.

Last time, even if he just glanced at the things he got up from the sewer, he still had the idea of ​​tearing the murderer into pieces.

As for this case, Su Xin knew much more than all of them, even Wei Yan.


Su Xin felt that the knife was cut and was blocked by something.

(End of this chapter)

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