her left eye is unusual

Chapter 266 There is nothing free in this world, including love

Chapter 266 There is nothing free in this world, including love

Michelle looked at the phone's sudden black screen and shut down because the battery was exhausted, feeling extremely desperate.

Looking at the tall and handsome man approaching in front of her, she used to think that she had been surrounded by the glory of her life, but now she was terrified like a dead ghost.

He was holding a chain in his hand, with an iron ball full of nails attached to one end of the iron chain. It was rusty and exuded the breath of death.

Anan was right, he really had plans for him, he really wanted to harm himself.

Because of fear, she instinctively backed away, tripping over a stone, her slim body fell to the ground, and her usually flowing long skirt seemed extremely cumbersome at this moment.She tried to stand up several times, but tripped herself again because her foot stepped on her skirt.

She put her hands on the ground, stepped back a little bit, and looked up at the man in front of her with horror in her eyes.

"No, don't come here, don't come here."

Crying with tears pouring down, shaking his head and pleading.

The man's eyes were full of coldness and contempt.

"What you want, what you want from me, I will give you. There has never been anything free in this world. Now it's time for you to pay me back."

The voice was low and cold.

"No, it's not like that. You said that you really love me, and you said that you will treat me well for the rest of your life... Also, those things are also what you are willing to give to me, and I didn't force you to give them to me." I."

Michelle cried and defended.

"Do you know why I chose to give without hesitation from the very beginning?" The man smiled bitterly, and asked himself, "Because this way I can take it back as a matter of course, without feeling a little guilty."

Michelle was crying, "Didn't you say that true love should be given without complaint or regret? If you really love me, do you still care about these things? It can only show that you have been lying to me all the time, and you are taking advantage of me." It's just me. It's all fake, fake, you hypocrite..."

bang bang bang-

Anan hit the barrier with his own ghost body, and every time he hit it, the soul on his body became weaker.

Michelle looked at the ghost outside the barrier, and cried, "Anan, save me, Anan, come and save me, I don't want to die, I really don't want to die."

Anan bumped harder, at this speed, sooner or later he would be wiped out.

The man also looked at the crazy man, with a trace of unbearable in his eyes.This is the first time he has seen a person whose soul has been completely taken over by the spirit Gu, it is so crazy and terrifying, and he almost became Anan's second.

The field trip that caused Anan's death was actually not set by him. He just happened to see an underground cave. He calculated that the underground river was about to flood, and then subconsciously wanted to test the existence of this woman between him and him. Whether it is true or false.

The result made him very chilling, so he thought about cultivating her into the next heartless soul.

He was only aiming at Michelle, but this man threw himself into it regardless.

It's not that he didn't save him, but that he risked his own death to block this cold and selfish woman to the marrow.

Unexpectedly, even though he became a ghost, he still became the guardian spirit beside this woman.

The man turned his head to look at Anan, and said, "If you continue like this, you will lose your soul, and you won't even have a chance to enter reincarnation..."

"A'nan, come and save me, he's going to kill me. Woohoo, I know I'm wrong, I know I shouldn't disbelieve you, save me quickly."

Anan continued to bump into the barrier like crazy, and the ghost body became weaker and weaker.

A wry smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth: "Look, even though she knows that you will be completely wiped out if you hit it again, she still just wants you to save her, even if it's just a lie to let you leave alone, don't tell me Don't you feel cold?"

Anan yelled: "Junsheng, you are a lunatic, you don't understand love at all, you don't understand. Since you were suspicious of her, since you wanted to care about the gains and losses and didn't want to pay, then you can completely let her go free. "

"I let go, don't you see that she is looking for me all the time? Let me pay her back her credit card, let me buy her parents a house, a car, a bag... these are you I can't earn it in a few lifetimes. If she doesn't love me, why does she ask me so much? Why?"

"You... No one wants you to give it to her, right? You give it to others, are you stupid..." Anan was at a loss for words.

Indeed, he has nothing to give her. Compared with the house and car tickets, the only thing he can do is to buy her breakfast every day, give her an umbrella no matter how far it rains, and even buy her sanitary napkins... This is what he can give her. all of.

He also knew very well what kind of life Mi Xue really wanted in his heart. He knew he couldn't afford it, so he didn't stop her from finding her true love, but just guarded her silently and helped her check it out.

He thinks that such selfless giving is true love.

Junsheng looked at him: "There has never been anything free and free in this world. If you want to get it, you must have something to exchange, and the same is true for love. Do you know why you are like this? Have you been in this state until now? Didn't you realize that you are different from ordinary people? If a man really loves a woman to the bone, he will not be willing to see her with other men's men, or even become a matchmaker. Unless, that is not love at all , but..."

"You're talking nonsense, you cold-blooded person, you're about to let Axue go"

Anan let out a ghostly cry, interrupting Junsheng's words.

His soul trembled violently, and in the depths of his consciousness, there was a voice struggling and shouting, trying to break through the outer layer of confinement.

He was frightened by the thoughts that came to him suddenly, and he was afraid that what the other party said would break everything in front of him.

While the two were arguing, Michelle crawled towards the edge of the barrier.

She actually went out without any hindrance. When she found this out, she was slightly astonished.

But I can't control much, let's talk about this man after leaving here, this man is completely out of her control.

Michelle got out of the barrier, picked up her skirt and ran away.

"Mi Xue, he has paid so much for you, don't you want to save him?" A mocking voice sounded behind her.

She looked back, only to see that Junsheng held something in his hand, which imprisoned Anan.

There seemed to be countless electric currents running through the ghost's body, and every time it flickered, his soul faded a bit.

Anan struggled and tried to shout something to Michelle, but no sound came out.

Michelle glanced at Anan, and said to Junsheng: "Lu Junsheng, you will never understand the relationship between me and him, I curse you that you will never find true love, and you are not worthy of having true love!"

(End of this chapter)

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