her left eye is unusual

Chapter 267 The Truth

Chapter 267 The Truth
"Oh, true love, you are worthy of saying these two words?"

Lu Junsheng seemed to have heard something funny, and said lightly: "I never thought of finding true love from you."

Michelle looked ashamed and indignant, sweeping away the delicate and pitiful just now, "Lu Junsheng, your life is a tragedy, you are willing to give things to others, but blame others for not giving you back, why don't you go to the store and buy a girlfriend?" never mind?!"

"Because of you, Anan, you will die. Now you are the one who wants to make Anan's soul fly away, and you actually ask me if I can save him? You are the real executioner! We all know very well in our hearts that I am not your opponent at all. You are deliberately trying to kill him Me, you are using him to blackmail me now, do you think you can use this method to disintegrate our relationship? No, you are wrong—"

When she said this, Michelle's eyes were full of determination, and after she finished speaking, she ran forward without looking back.

They were originally camping on a hillside in the countryside. There was a road below the hillside, and their car was parked there. She crawled on the ground just now to pick up the keys.

Mi Xue was full of doubts: why did he suddenly change, why did that thing fail, or did something go wrong?
Lu Junsheng watched her flee in a panic, but did not chase after her, as if everything was as he expected.

Lu Junsheng looked at Anan.

In fact, it was his self-made electric shock device, which had a certain effect on ghosts, but it was far from being able to eliminate them.

He said: "Look, I have let her go as you asked. Now, shouldn't you keep your promise and let me show you something? "

Seeing that the other party really let Mi Xue go, Anan didn't know what kind of medicine the other party sold in the gourd, but since he had already promised, let's see what tricks he plays.

He snorted disdainfully, "What is it?"

Lu Junsheng flipped his wrist, and a red pill the size of a longan appeared in his palm out of nowhere, "Does it feel familiar?"

Anan subconsciously said: "This is not..." He stopped in the middle of the sentence, and looked at Lu Junsheng in surprise, "How did you have this? Where did it come from?"

Seeing the other party's expression, Lu Junsheng pulled a sneering smile at the corner of his mouth. He squeezed lightly with his thumb and forefinger, and the outer shell of the red pill shattered, releasing white powder inside...

No, the powder started to move slowly under the catalysis of the air.It can even be seen that they are desperately digging into Lu Junsheng's palm.


Lu Junsheng said, "She gave you this before, right?"

Anan shook his head instinctively, "No, that's not the case. You are playing magic. Axue is not such a person..."

"Did she tell you that if the feelings for her were real, then eat this?"

"You're lying, you're talking nonsense, it's not like that..."

"Oh, it's already come to this point, do I still need to lie to you? When everyone around you says you are infatuated and stupid, don't you have the slightest bit of vigilance? Why are you so lonely? The clock goes deep? Yes, I don’t deny that there is really a deep love in this world, but any love must have a starting point, that is, why you love, what is worthy of love and can keep love for a long time go down."

Lu Junsheng was persuasive, and continued: "Think about it carefully, what do you love about her? Is it her beauty? Even after makeup and grooming, she is just an ordinary and delicate person, not a country. Yes. Do you love her kindness? If the information I have is correct, your parents died because of her. Because your parents objected to you being with her, suddenly there was a grab, and then fell down the stairs. She is The version you mentioned is that your parents wanted to harm her, but she only avoided it, and they fell down with too much force, didn't they..."

Anan felt that all his consciousness suddenly turned into a ball of paste, as if covered with a thick layer of shell, the strong impact of consciousness made the shell show traces of cracks...

Suddenly, the shell shattered, and the whole ghost appeared extremely dazed.

There is also an indescribable grief that cannot be vented and expressed even with incomparable pain and remorse.

That's right, when he brought her to meet his parents for the first time as a girlfriend, his parents objected firmly.He didn't understand why her parents were so unreasonable when she was obviously a very delicate and gentle girl.

Michelle left angrily, and he went to comfort her, so she took out the red pill and said to him, "If you really love, eat this. Don't bite with your teeth."

At that time, he only thought it was a sugar pill similar to longan, and he never thought that she would harm him, so he put it in his mouth without hesitation.

When the pill enters the mouth, before it is chewed, it will disperse automatically, and then, like a sip of cotton-thick syrup, it smoothly enters the stomach along the esophagus.

After that, he found that he had only her left.Even the death of his parents, he felt that it was an accident entirely because the parents were unreasonable.

Also, he and he were trapped in the mountain stream at the same time. Because of the rain upstream, the water level rose and gradually submerged the entire cave. He supported her and let her step on his shoulders and on top of his head. Grabbing her feet...Let Lu Junsheng rescue her up.

Originally, I thought it was a love that could not only touch myself but also others, but I didn't expect the truth to be so unacceptable.

Anan's soul was distorted, and the ghost voice became strange: "This, what is it?"

Lu Junsheng didn't care about his change at all, and said lightly: "You can't imagine when she wanted to eat this for me. It was at that party. If I remember correctly, you were still Is the relationship between male and female friends right? She said that this is fate candy. She eats one and I eat one at the same time. If there is fate, there will be a tacit understanding. She ate it in front of me. The habit of eating food given by others, I just pretended not to eat it. Then, as you can see, she began to use various excuses, such as the house is so small and there are many people, so I I bought her two houses. For example, she said that it was inconvenient to go out and often couldn’t get a taxi, so I bought her a car... From her temptation at the beginning, she became unscrupulous later.”

"Such a scene, do you feel similar to it?"

Lu Junsheng looked at Mi Xue who had run out of the woods, opened the car door, and was about to get in, and said to Anan: "I did something wrong in the car, if you still feel that you really love her, it's better to save her now." In time."

Anan's soul suddenly looked at Lu Junsheng, then rushed towards the car below the hillside, and arrived suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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