her left eye is unusual

Chapter 268 Purpose

Chapter 268 Purpose
Anan's soul was floating in front of the car, looking at Michelle in the driver's seat: "Tell me, is everything he said true, are you..."

When Mi Xue saw the other party treating her with such an attitude, she knew that he had broken through the seal of the spirit Gu, and said, "I said that's not true, do you still believe me?"


"Look, even you don't believe me anymore, what else can I say? Everyone has the right to pursue their own way of life. I just try to live a better life. I have forced you or him to do anything No? No. He is obviously narrow-minded, why should he put all this in the name of women's greed for money. "

"What's with that pill? Is it..."

Mi Xue had already started the car, with a cold expression on her face, she didn't think he would harm her.Even without the influence of the spirit Gu, she knew that he was not a cruel person by nature.

"Anan, I thought that even if the promise you promised was not forever, it would at least protect my short life. I am really disappointed by your current state. Well, now that I think about it, you don't have that obsession either. So, go reincarnate, I don't need your promise and protection, you go."

After speaking, the car started, passed directly through Anan's body, and drove forward.

Lu Junsheng did not know when he had descended on the road at the foot of the mountain, and said to Anan, "Did you stop her?"

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"Do you want to be trapped by such a cold and selfish person forever? Even if you die, your soul will not be freed. Have you ever thought that the parents who really care about you and love you, maybe they are in Huangquan Road at the moment Are you worried about you and feel sorry for you? Even if they want to save you, but because your mind and soul have been sealed by Gu, they don't even have the chance to cast a dream?"

Anan's heart trembled, yes, he had never dreamed of his parents...

Anan felt an indescribable sense of panic and loss, and yelled at Lu Junsheng: "Compared to now, I would rather be sealed forever and never wake up. Don't bring out my parents to talk about it..."

After speaking, the ghost flew out quickly.

Anan blocked the car window and shouted anxiously at Michelle: "Axue, stop the car quickly, stop the car quickly, he has tampered with it, and he wanted to harm you from the very beginning."

How could Mi Xue believe Anan's words at this time, she was upset by the noise, and couldn't help yelling at him: "Go away, if it wasn't for you, things wouldn't have turned out like this—"



This place was originally a mountain road, and she was driving very fast. Because of this distraction, the car directly hit the rock next to her.

Half of the car body was directly cut off by the stone, and half of the body connected to the car body was forcibly shattered, and the dead could not die again.

Michelle's soul floated out of her body, looking at the completely inhuman body, she yelled in horror, "No—how could this be, ah—"

Anan didn't expect things to turn out like this at all, his soul stared blankly at the remnant body in the driver's seat.

Michelle's soul was almost nervous, and she wanted to join the limbs together, but her hand slid across the object like a phantom.

Even with Anan's current ghost power, he couldn't pick up the item.

For Michelle, although her dream of stepping into a wealthy family has been shattered this time, she still has two "magic pills" left, and finding another rich man can make her life easy.

It took Michelle a while to accept this reality, and she rushed to Anan with great resentment, "Why, why did you kill me?"

Her soul is very weak, much weaker than ordinary people.

It passed through Anan's body like a wisp of green smoke.

"This, how is this possible?" Michelle looked at her body, her hands, and then at Anan: "Why am I so much weaker than you? Could it be..."

She thought of the "panacea", which turned out to have side effects.

She didn't tell herself?That damned woman!

In fact, the other party told her: It is best for a person to use this "magic pill" for only one person in a lifetime.

It's a pity that Michelle thought that what the other party wanted to say was "a couple for a lifetime".

Besides, how does she know if the "panacea" is useful? Is she just fooling herself?
Men in this world are all fickle, unreliable, liking the new and disliking the old, can a "sugar pill" make the other party loyal to him for the rest of his life?

So he randomly grabbed a suitor around him to do the experiment.That's right, this person is Anan.In Mi Xue's eyes, although this person has no money and no skills, he is tall and handsome, and he is also a good eye-catcher. As a spare tire, it is not bad to enjoy his meticulous care, so I gave him to eat.

Unexpectedly, as the woman said, he was just admiring her at first, and then became completely, absolutely loyal and single-minded.

But so what about loyalty and devotion, what she wants is a prominent status and a glorious life with huge wealth, and he can't give her these.Of course she wanted to find a new partner, so Lu Junsheng came into her sight.

She attracted him with her unique pure and gentle temperament, and then let him take the "spiritual pill". All her demands on him were not only because she really had a great need for material things, but also because she wanted to test the "spiritual pill". Dan" worked.

Lu Junsheng completely complies with her will... But at this time, Anan, who has become a ghost, can see things that ordinary people cannot see, and realizes that Lu Junsheng is not easy, so he wants to tell Michelle to leave this man.

Mi Xue was already convinced that her "panacea" had taken effect, so how could she believe Anan's words.Seeing that Michelle didn't believe him, Anan interfered with the affairs between her and him, just creating accidents at every "critical" moment, which annoyed Michelle very much.

Mi Xue felt that since this side was completely reliable, she did not hesitate to get rid of this stumbling block.

She found a lot of ghost catchers, and she said politely that the other party had no intention of hurting her, and he didn't have any resentment, if they were directly removed, they would leave karma.

Some of them have no real skills at all, and they are completely fake. Finally, they saw a new supernatural agency on the Internet and looked for it.

She knew that woman had some real skills. She could get rid of Anan directly, but she brought out that set of "karma" theory.But fortunately, Anan was finally driven away, and he did not do anything to hinder the relationship between her and him.

She never expected that all of this was a trap arranged by him!
Anan regained his strength at this moment and understood that in fact, no manipulation was done on the car at all.Because if there were any clues left and something happened, he would definitely be found in the inspection.

Therefore, Lu Junsheng used him to get rid of Michelle.

The two went to Lu Junsheng to settle accounts together.

Lu Junsheng didn't care about their arrival, nor was he afraid at all, and even angered them with words.

Mi Xue felt extremely aggrieved at first, and her soul turned into a ghost. Then Lu Junsheng took out a piece of jade and took a photo of Mi Xue. A beam of white light was cast from it to cover Mi Xue, and then she was taken inside.

"Anan, save me, save me. Go, find them, let them save me..."

Michelle turned into a small bright spot and fell on the jade.

This is his real purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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