Chapter 276 Detour
Wang Yang knew that they didn't have any mandatory search documents when they came out this time, so they couldn't enter by force, and had to let the other party cooperate to open the door before they could enter.

Putting the certificate to the cat's eye, there was a moment of silence inside, and then a more stern rejection.

In short, in a word, it is the duty of citizens to cooperate with the police in investigating cases, but they also have the right to rest and not to be disturbed.

What if you don't open the door.

Although Wang Yang is very patient and reasonable.If you don't believe their identities, even ask them to call 110 for confirmation.But the other party still didn't cooperate, and even resisted very much.

The people next to me couldn't stand it any longer. I thought they were chasing down the real culprit day and night. Every time they went outside to find a needle in a haystack to investigate, those people were all sloppy and knew what to do...

It was really annoying, and I was about to go up and kick the door, but was stopped by the guards.

Now in the middle of the night, too much movement is not good.

In fact, there are very few people who completely refuse to cooperate. Most of them open the door as soon as they hear that they are the police and check their credentials.

Su Xin didn't expect things to turn out like this at all. It seemed that he knew too little about the law and the common sense of the police performing tasks, which made them waste their trip.

Obviously knowing that the murderer was inside, when the police knocked on the door, there were low conversations and fear in the air.

There is also the dead energy that has not completely dissipated. Wherever someone has died, the dead energy will remain, and it will take a long time to dissipate.

It all proved she was right.

But because there was no evidence and no documents, even if the other party refused to open the door, there was nothing they could do.

Su Xin was very guilty, and said to Wei Yan: "I'm sorry, I was too impatient..."

Wei Yan quickly said: "I should say this sentence, because we didn't think it through. We have to search for evidence first, and then ask for a search warrant..."

The other three police officers were also very depressed.

Wei Yan said: "Now, you immediately separately investigate the information of the hostess, her parents' home, work unit, and friends you know."

Since he couldn't enter the house, Su Xin attracted the ghosts who were circling around the house.

It can be seen that this female ghost has not completely lost her mind and wants to avenge herself, but for some reason, she can't get close to the people inside.

Although the female ghost was surprised that this person could see her, she said: "I will not die, I want revenge."

There was a gust of wind in the aisle, causing the street lamps to flicker and make a whistling sound.

Su Xin said: "Don't get excited, I think you can't get close to the other party at all, how do you take revenge? You might as well talk about the cause and effect of the matter, maybe I can help you a little bit."

"I... have always known that he is actually ambiguous with women outside, but I can get a divorce, and I don't want to be stabbed in the back."

"I know that my mother married another man because of the divorce. She not only ate, drank, whored and gambled, but also often beat her, not in the ordinary sense, but beaten to death on the ground."

"They said that as long as a man has a child, he will take care of him. I found out that I was pregnant last week, so I told him that he called me a bitch and gave him a cuckold..."

"Originally, he said that his career is on the rise and he doesn't want to have children. He thought it was troublesome. So I, I deliberately punctured that. I think it's his child. It's impossible..."

"Uh, I should have made it clear to him at the time, but I didn't know what happened that day, so I got angry and said, 'you can fuck with other women outside, why can't I...'"

"He pushed me to the ground and beat me like crazy, and strangled my neck with his hands."

"My soul floated out of my body, and I saw him holding my body and crying..."

The female ghost suddenly asked Su Xin, "Actually, he still loves me, right?"

After asking, he said to himself again, "I know he definitely doesn't want to do that either, huh."

Su Xin was speechless, no wonder she saw that the female ghost didn't really hurt the man just now, it turned out that it wasn't that he loved her, but that she still loved him.

"Later, he bought a freezer to put me in, and then divided me into pieces... I knew he must be very afraid of being discovered, so he did that."

"Kebut I really hurt, it hurts, he is too cruel"

The voice of the ghost became sharper, "It's fine for him to keep women outside, but he still gave them all the money. I conceived a child for him, but he killed me and dismembered me! Woohoo, I'm so miserable, I ..."

Su Xin sensed that although the female ghost was full of resentment, she was not as bad as a ghost who wanted to kill people.

So he encouraged: "This kind of man is simply too hateful. In fact, he has always hated you and wanted to kill you, so he calmly hides and dismembers the body. Now the police come to the door and avoid him. He just dare not take responsibility , evading punishment. Alas, you died so unjustly. People don’t even know how you died. Maybe your husband is thinking about getting rid of you right now, so he hugged the third and fourth little ones outside Wu Xiaoyao is happy..."

The female ghost suddenly said: "Oh yes, those sluts seduced my husband, that's why my husband didn't want a child, so he missed it... In fact, we used to have a good relationship, it was all those hateful sluts, I want to kill kill them!"

In an instant, the female ghost's resentment became intense, and she was full of killing intent.

Su Xin was stunned. She originally wanted to encourage the female ghost to entangle her murderer, but she didn't expect this brain circuit to turn to kill those women all of a sudden.

How can this work?

Su Xin didn't know anything about them, and she didn't know who provoked whom first.

At this time, let the female ghost go to "revenge", I am afraid that some wronged souls will be born again.

So he quickly took a bunch of talismans, took her away, put it in the inkstone, and asked Xiao Tao to do "ideological work" for her.

It is still not possible to deal with the female ghost all at once. If Wei Yan and the others have difficulty in collecting evidence or convicting them, they can only let the female ghost go.

In Wei Yan's eyes, Su Xin just stood at the door and delayed for a while.

Then the crowd left in desperation.

Su Xin went back to Shili Lane, Wei Yan and the others might have to stay up all night.

Because the target has been locked, the investigation went smoothly.

Find out the woman quickly: Haixia, 28 years old, company clerk

Company: She asked for leave suddenly a week ago. She sent a resignation letter by email, and then her husband Jin Nan came to handle the formalities.

Relationship: A, Haixia is a very gentle person, a little timid.

B, Haixia is a person who cares too much about her family. She usually has company gatherings and must go back before [-]:[-] pm.

C, I heard that her husband is very handsome, no wonder he loves his family so much.

Haixia's parents.

His biological parents divorced at an early age, and then lived with his mother and stepfather, and the mother gave birth to another son.

(End of this chapter)

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