her left eye is unusual

Chapter 277 Guardian

Chapter 277 Guardian (End)

Because the relationship between husband and wife is not good, the mother puts all the focus on her son, let Haixia take care of her younger brother, and drop out of school to work to earn money for her younger brother's tuition and living expenses.

Even after Haixia got married, her mother asked her to take care of her younger brother, because only when the younger brother is successful in the future can he become their pillar...

And his stepfather often called her to ask for money, otherwise he would beat her mother...


Except for her colleagues in the company, she has almost no good friends who play in private.

People in the community say that Haixia is very lucky, because she herself is very happy. She often says that she is married to a handsome and caring husband, and her in-laws support buying a house, etc.

Ask Haixia's in-laws:

He still approves of Haixia, but her mother's family is too troublesome, making troubles every now and then, asking her son for money openly and silently.

"Even her natal family asked my son to sell the house for money in order to provide for her younger brother to study in a private school. Alas, where can you find such parents? Almost all the money my son earned over the years went to the one in her natal family. There is no bottom. This is why they don't want children until now, how dare they want to."

"To be honest, we really can't afford such a daughter-in-law. My son has filed for divorce a long time ago, but she refuses to die. She just wants to chase my son and squeeze my son dry... Alas, my son misses the past very much. , and I can't be cruel."

On the other hand, after searching for evidence, Haixia's hair was obtained, which matched the DNA of the deceased.

Finally, a search and arrest warrant was applied for, and Jin Nan was arrested.

However, Jin Nan refused to plead guilty, and he refused to speak whether it was through fraud or inducement.

Su Xin also found more information from the female ghost's broken memory. Because of her previous anger, she almost turned into a ghost, so her original consciousness was almost wiped out.

In Xiaotao's words:
Although there are many ghosts who have been murdered in this world, most of them did not seek revenge from the murderer. On the one hand, they may not have such great resentment and obsession, so they automatically entered the cycle of reincarnation.

On the one hand, because of some kind of causal relationship, as well as their own weak ghost spirit, the murderer wore amulets and other reasons, so they could not directly kill the murderer.

Furthermore, not every soul can maintain the consciousness of life after becoming a ghost.Most of them can only retain the resentment and pain at the time of death, and then turn into evil ghosts, completely extinguished, and carry out indiscriminate revenge.And the real murderer often remains at large.

Therefore, even if Haixia's ghost had just turned into an evil ghost, her original consciousness had almost disappeared, leaving only the hatred for the women who "seduced" her husband, and the pain of dying.

Xiao Tao sorted out all the memories of the woman's death and passed them on to Su Xin.

It is mainly to collect evidence at the crime scene, such as the murder weapon, whether there is blood or not.

Su Xin truthfully told the guards the information she got from the female ghost.

The guards took the search warrant and finally brought people into the house to search justifiably. Unfortunately, the things Su Xin mentioned had long since disappeared.

Unexpectedly, Jin Nan's anti-reconnaissance ability is so strong.Presumably, he was able to calmly buy a freezer after killing someone, and then dismember the corpse, discard the corpse, cook...all the corresponding tools were disposed of within a week or so.

Absolutely can't find it now.

And Jin Nan refused to cooperate again, bringing the case to an impasse again.

The people in the police station were also very upset this time. They knew the murderer was there, but they couldn't arrest him according to the law!

Go tm proof.

Su Xin used these two days to investigate Jin Nan's interpersonal relationship with Shi Feng and Mo Li.

In fact, the "little three" that Haixia mentioned does not exist, but because the family relationship has been disturbed by the outside world for a long time, which made him feel extremely stressed and irritable.But I can't vent and release it, so I try to avoid the family as much as possible.

Haixia suspected that he had someone outside, but he didn't deny it, but just wanted to weaken the relationship and divorce.

Jin Nan looks handsome, but his personality is very introverted, even a bit withdrawn.

It is true what Haixia said that they used to have a good relationship, but such a person also has a fatal weakness, that is, it is easy to go to extremes.

Because of Haixia's natal family, he didn't want to have children, so he took measures every time.

When Haixia said that she was pregnant, he first refused and was furious, but when he heard the other party say that she was pregnant with someone else's seed, all the pressure broke out at that moment.

Everything happened for a reason, but what really made people terrified and shuddered was the calmness and cruelty he showed when facing his former lover who was just a corpse after the incident happened!


Just when Wei Yan and the others arrested Jin Nan due to lack of direct and strong evidence, after being locked up for a whole day and released, on the third day, Jin Nan voluntarily surrendered.

Admitted and told the whole story of committing the crime.

Jin Nan's sudden change brought a turn for the deadlocked case.

Wei Yan vaguely knew that Jin Nan's transformation had something to do with Su Xin, but there was no need to pursue how she did it.

Then from his confession, found more evidence.

Jin's mother thought the matter was over because the police had no evidence, but she didn't expect her son to turn himself in suddenly.

She rushed to the police station and said that she had arrested the wrong person. Her son had been shy and sensible since he was a child, and he was reluctant to step on an ant to death.Haixia's death was just an accident, her son definitely didn't do it on purpose, he was already very guilty and very sad.

The case was finally solved, and the whole area was in an uproar, because in people's eyes, Haixia and his wife were simply called model couples.did not expect……

It seems that the social atmosphere has swept away the previous downturn and become sunny.

People say that the police are really strong now, and such a difficult case can be solved in a few days.

I feel more at ease on the road.

As for Jin Nan's parents finding a lawyer for him, looking for a relationship, and how to defend him, these are all things to do later.

Haixia finally let her murderer get the punishment she deserved, but it also completely exhausted her last trace of rationality, turning her into a real evil ghost full of resentment and murderous intent.

Su Xin unceremoniously refined it.

The matter finally came to an end, but the mood was a little heavy.

Protection, love and responsibility, how to weigh the weight among them basically determines a person's life.

Haixia's real sorrow may be that she takes too much responsibility for her family, her mother and her younger brother, which makes her family's balance tilt.

Even if the whole world abandons me, I have to be my own patron saint.

When the detective agency has no new cases, Su Xin helps Wei Yan handle some old cases.

She found that in such an atmosphere, she was unconsciously infected with something called "mission", and her whole body became thicker.

This is her greatest achievement.

 ps: In the last story at the end, the real feeling comes from seeing a news about a young woman who died suddenly due to overwork. There is a sentence in it, that is, she said that she should take care of her family, and her mother also said that even if she marries in the future I have to take care of my younger brother when I grow up... probably that's what it means.The plot of the story is purely fictitious, and there is no intention to offend any story prototype. There is only one original intention: you must be better to yourself, and all responsibilities are based on your own spare ability.

  To borrow a sentence from the article: Even if the whole world abandons me, I have to be my own patron saint.

(End of this chapter)

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