her left eye is unusual

Chapter 284 Exhaustion

Chapter 284 Exhaustion
All the noise and hustle and bustle disappeared instantly, and the world became quiet and peaceful.

The sky was azure blue, and there was nothing left but clean and refreshing after being washed by the rain.

The sun hangs lazily on the horizon, like a round of golden-red discus, shining brilliantly, coating the undulating hills near and far with a layer of golden yellow.

Looking at the time, it was only past six o'clock in the afternoon, and it was only two or three hours since the tent was set up, but they felt that a few days had passed.

The situation outside the house has also changed completely.

The ravine below the courtyard dam in front of the gate has been filled with water. Judging from the traces, it has overflowed to the edge of the courtyard dam.

It is fading fast at this point.

"Hey, there's someone over there..."

Beside the tent in Yuanba, there was a person wrapped in mud. When he got closer, he saw that it was Shi Feng.

Shi Feng was exhausted.

They looked at the drains around the tents, and they thought it was because of the heavy rainfall that they washed all the surrounding things away, and they had to keep digging out the debris to ensure normal drainage.

Shi Feng was lifted up, and he pointed into the tent. He didn't move his eyes until he was carried into the house.

Only then did people remember what happened in the tent, and quickly opened it.

It was found that the inside had become a muddy puddle.

A clay figurine was inside, barely holding on to a jar.

Because the pit was dug deep, and because of the rain, it was muddy and slippery inside, and there was a tent blocking it. Su Xin tried many times but failed to climb up. In the end, he could only support the big tank to save his energy and wait. People in the room came out to help.

In the cold winter of March and September, the water was freezing to the bone, and Su Xin was drenched to the bone with mud still sticking to her body.

Only by strengthening the self-running spiritual power and promoting the circulation of the blood vessels will it not freeze to death here.

Everyone was discussing whether to use a rope or a ladder, and who should go down and pull her up.

After all, it was very cold, and the pit was full of mud, so we had to get our clothes and pants wet.Then the cold will be fine.

At this time, I saw a person jumping in along the edge without saying a word.

Holding Suxin's armpit from behind, he lifted the mud pit directly.

Su Xin was so cold that she had no strength, and was dragged up by the people above. Zou Tao's wife hurriedly wrapped her in a blanket and helped her into the room.

Su Xin involuntarily turned her head to look in the direction of the mud pit, only to see that Mo Li's dry clothes were instantly drenched in muddy water.

He put one hand on the side, and after a little relay, he jumped up.

There was a burst of applause from around, and the originally dead atmosphere became active.

"Don't move anything there—" Seeing the big guys still surrounding the mud pit, Su Xin pointed to the big tank in the middle and talked curiously.

Su Xin glanced across the surrounding scenes, and thought inwardly that she was lucky.

I still underestimated the amount of rainfall. If it wasn't for Shi Feng's desperate protection just now, or if she slowed down for a few minutes, I'm afraid it would be a different scene now.

Zou Tao hurriedly drove the people away, "Everyone is gone, go back to the dormitory for dinner."

Both Su Xin and Shi Feng have been soaking in the water for a long time, especially Shi Feng, although he has a strong physique, but just now he tried his best to clean the drain, so that the rainwater did not flow into the pit so quickly.

Coupled with being hit by the pouring rain, it was like iron beans hitting the body one by one, even the iron body couldn't bear it.

The proprietress was very caring, boiled a big pot of ginger soup, and gave everyone a bowl to drink.

The three of them borrowed the bathroom to wash their bodies with hot water, and then changed into dry clothes brought by the proprietress.

After a while, Su Xin came to Zou Tao, "I've already collected the things, but the things in the yard must be disposed of as soon as possible, otherwise there will be a serious illness if they are touched by ordinary people. It's not too late, you can find someone to come Get ready. Drain the water first, get the tank up, get some gasoline, and burn it up."

"Do you have to get it out?"

"You live here. If you don't care about facing such a thing all day long, you can just burn it on the spot." Su Xin said lightly.

"Oh, no, listen to Master Su." Zou Tao promised again and again, he was almost convinced by Su Xin at the moment.

After the big guys ate, they pulled up the line lighting again and started to drain water.

It took a long time to dry the water in the pit, then set up a chain hoist, put a rope on the big tank, and hang it up.

Finally got the big vat on the ground, curiously surrounded the vat, talking a lot.It was as if the previous scene was just their illusion.

Someone took water to wash away the soil on the tank, revealing the shiny black tank body, densely engraved with complicated runes.

Su Xin subconsciously glanced at it twice, and when she wanted to see the painting clearly, she felt dizzy for a while, and a feeling of nausea surged in her heart.

Only then did Xiao Tao explain to her: "This is a kind of superficial ecstasy formation, specially used to deal with people with spiritual power, if one is not good enough, one will fall for it."

Su Xin learned this lesson, and he should not be so big in the future.

Su Xin rested for a while, and ate some high-calorie food to replenish her strength.

He planned to have someone transport the things to a remote place.

At this moment, someone went to move the stones on the stone slab at the mouth of the tank, Su Xin hurriedly stopped, "Don't move, you can't move the things on it..."

The man was startled by Su Xin's burst of shouting, and withdrew his hand angrily, and argued to himself: "I, I just want to remove this stone, it's too...too heavy."

The whole tank weighs one or two hundred catties, and the stone on top is at most two or three catties. This is obviously an excuse.

Su Xin looked very serious, swept around the crowd, and said coldly: "You all heard clearly, no one can move the stone above, you just need to move it to the designated place."

After thinking about it, I was still a little worried, so I took a piece of black plastic paper and covered it, and then tied the mouth of the tank tightly with a rope.

Because the things inside are too scary, I am afraid that ordinary people will have nightmares when they see it.

Curiosity killed the cat, because I was afraid that some people could not control their hands and eyes, and would harm others and themselves.

When Su Xin was doing these things, someone said sarcastic remarks: "Hey, it's so well hidden, isn't there some kind of gold and silver treasure inside?"

"Yo, it's very possible."

"Is there a share for those who see it?"

Someone laughed and booed.

Su Xin turned a deaf ear.

Zou Tao looked at Su Xin, and yelled at the booing people: "What are you shouting about, hurry up, move the things to the hillside over there."

A dozen or so people used a scooter-like dragging tank to go up the hillside.

Su Xin followed behind, because she was physically exhausted and recovered a little at this time, but she was barely able to move.

She is really worried about letting these people do this, probably because she has watched too many similar scenes on TV before. If it is done by others, there will often be accidents of one kind or another in the end, making a simple thing so complicated. It's complicated.

Shi Feng was completely out of strength, and every cell in his body was screaming - tired.At the moment it is impossible to move.

So Mo Li stood by and protected Su Xin.He originally planned to walk over with Su Xin on his back, but Su Xin didn't agree, he just walked a little slowly, but it wasn't impossible to walk at all.

The key is that there is no need to hurry or run for life now, and there is no need to bother others at all.

 Thank you very much for your support and love. Chili saw that my dear ones left a message, and I was grateful and full of strength. I don’t know where to reply in the backstage.Pepper is currently working hard to save manuscripts, because the hand speed is really poor, and I can only save some every day, so I will add more when preparing for the holidays, to add to everyone's happy holidays, love you! !I wish you all good health and all the best! !
(End of this chapter)

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