Chapter 285

The miners transported the vat to the designated place and discussed it in a circle. When Su Xin told them to leave, they left in a panic.

Then, Su Xin turned around and said to Mo Li: "You also avoid it for a while, go back first, and I'll come back when things are settled here."

Mo Li waved his hand, "I'm fine, what to do now, let me do it."

Su Xin said with a serious face: "I'm serious."

Compared with this corpse, if you don't know that it is human flesh, the broken corpse you saw earlier can be regarded as pork and beef.

But this one is different. Inside is a very well-preserved corpse. It can be seen that it was tortured before birth.

He did not die with peace in his eyes, full of monstrous resentment.The light ones have nightmares again and again, and the severe ones even affect people's consciousness.

If the will is weak, the soul may be damaged!

Mo Li stood still and said, "If you enter this industry, you will encounter them often in the future. I think I should start to get in touch with them gradually. Besides, I feel very relieved to have you here."

The other party had already reached this point, Su Xin didn't insist anymore.

She smashed the vat with an iron ball, and the corpse inside collapsed on the ground as slippery as if it were boneless, all pale.

Mo was separated by a long distance, and he also felt panicked.

Without changing his face, Su Xin poured gasoline on it, lit a match and threw it over with a flick of his finger. The flames shot up and swallowed the whole body in an instant.

Thick smoke was billowing, mixed with the sound of whimpering, and the entire valley was filled with gloomy winds.

After burning for a long time, Su Xin kept guarding at the side, until it was completely turned into a pile of ashes.

Then, together with the fragments of the large tank, they were buried on the spot.

After finishing these, it is already the second day.

Su Xin looked at Mo Li, with a hint of sternness on his usual refined and haughty expression.

Yes, after reading too much of these things, sooner or later, I will become as "spicy" as myself, elegant and so on, all of which are based on the foundation of ease.

When Su Xin returned to Zou Tao's residence, the first thing he did was to visit Shi Feng. After a night's rest, the situation was much better.

Although he still looked very tired, Su Xin could see from the eyes of the other party that his cultivation had improved a lot in the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

It was also fortunate that the lightning was directed at the ghost in the tent, and the corrugated boards used to build the tent were made of steel, so the electricity was directly directed into the ground and did not reach him.

Of course, Su Xin could also imagine the shock and horror when the bunches of lightning fell around him, if he didn't have some perseverance and persistence, it would be absolutely impossible to hold on for so long!
A miner came to tell Zou Tao that Xiao Jin and Xiao Zhou were both awake, but Xiao Zhou's voice was hoarse, and he might have broken down.

Zou Tao is in a good mood, and feels the three of them repeatedly.

The people who were invited before were just setting up props and going through the motions, treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

These three people are doing real things!
The miner hadn't left after talking about Xiao Jin and Xiao Zhou. He looked at Su Xin and Zou Tao.

Zou Tao frowned, "What else?"


"If there's anything you can't say, say it quickly."

"That, old Cai, he..."

"What's wrong with him, you should tell me quickly, I'm really anxious." Zou Taoxin was brought up immediately, don't make any troubles again.

"He is now... why don't you go and have a look."

Zou Tao looked at Su Xin.

When Su Xin saw what the miner said just now, he had guessed something.

The thing she was most worried about still happened. She tried to avoid it as much as possible, but it still happened, and she felt indescribably depressed.

Anyway, go see it first.

On the way there, under Zou Tao's repeated questioning, the miner finally told the whole story.

When a dozen of them were pushing the cart together yesterday, some people said that there must be something valuable in it, and that the big tank is an ancient thing, maybe it is an antique or something.

Some people said that it must be that the three people said that there was something powerful in it was purely an excuse, and the purpose was to prevent them from seeing it, but to get it aside and swallow it for themselves.

Some people also objected, saying that the dark clouds covered the sun yesterday, lightning, thunder and heavy rain poured down, and all kinds of weird things happened in the room, all of which showed that the things inside were not simple.The master said that if you don't let me see it, don't worry about it...

Such remarks were besieged by the rest of the crowd: Isn't it just a glance, what can I do?
So, taking advantage of Su Xin falling behind, they secretly lifted the plastic paper and took a look...

The miner said: "Three people saw it. Their faces turned pale in an instant, and then they walked back without looking back. We were frightened by their appearance, so we followed them back to the dormitory without looking."

"They didn't eat at night and slept with their heads covered. We didn't think too much about it, thinking it was too tired. But when we woke up today, Xiao Jin and Xiao Zhou both woke up and said they were hungry and wanted to eat. We brought him porridge Go, and then saw that the three were still sleeping, and when they went over to look, they were cold and trembling slightly, as if they were swinging."

"We panicked all of a sudden, thinking that it might have something to do with what happened last night, so we quickly helped them up, pinched them, pried open their mouths, and fed them glucose water. The other two gradually got better, and finally woke up. I vomited in a mess, drank some water, and was in a trance, but I was fine. But... Lao Cai didn't wake up at all, and kept talking nonsense, so..."

While talking, Su Xin and the others followed outside the dormitory.

Seeing a group of workers gathered around the door, their expressions were tense and bewildered. When they saw Su Xin, they moved out of the way.

Su Xin went in and took a look, and it was indeed the same as what the miner described just now. Old Cai looked stupid and kept mumbling in his mouth.

From what the other party muttered, she vaguely heard some clues: the death of his ex-wife in dystocia seemed to be related to his delay in sending him to the hospital in time.

Therefore, the other two woke up all right, but he couldn't wake up. In the final analysis, he had a knot in his heart. In short, he had a ghost in his heart.

Zou Tao now has the intention of killing people. It was because of the high profits of this mine that it was settled at the beginning. The successive accidents have already contributed a lot.

Now the problem is finally solved, but this kind of thing happened for no reason.

However, the matter must be resolved, so I can only look at Su Xin for help.

Su Xin said: "In layman's terms, it means that his fortune should be doomed. Unless someone is willing to renew his life to him, there is no other way."

Zou Tao was very embarrassed: "Master Su, you must have something to do, please save him. You see, so many things have happened in my mine, I, I..."

Su Xin frowned: "Don't you want me to give him my life span?"

The topic was broken, and Zou Tao stammered, "I, I didn't mean that. You see, I invited you here to solve the problem. Besides, don't you people all talk about transformation and merit?"

(End of this chapter)

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